I think it will be very interesting to see how the clan community reacts to CS:S. Will it accept the changes to the maps, which obviously will ad a great deal more realism and complexity to strategies, or will it reject the newer maps, and use updated versions of the orig bsps.
actually, valve is much more interested in pleasing the competitive CS community then they are people in pubs. It's DoD that they want to please the pubbers with, so DOD players get the shaft half the time.
Excuse me while I DONT buy DoomIII for my xbox and instead play the Xbox version of Halo with my friends over LAN while idiots have fun getting killed by flying banshees online.
Me again. Whenever im using vent, I go into game, and when I speak all other people hear is REALLY LOUD static. Sometimes it does this when im still in windows too, and it irritates the crap out of people. When i exit vent, and then rejoin, everything is fine, but then in a few minutes it bugs...
i dislike valve mostly because they fudged day of defeat. lets not get into that because I could freakin type an essay on it. however youve gotta respect the skills its taken to create HL2