Sorry, but to qualify for further help, you will need to finish this IQ test and tell us what your score was.
Thank you.
My understanding is that it works out better with the math, it's been the TV and filming standard since ages, and I've also heard that it could cut production costs somehow, though I haven't seen any sources on that. And maybe one could argue that it (1.78:1) is closer to the human vision...
There's some very simple steps to put in the dynamic lighting you see in L4D. But since you brought this up;
you obviously want to discuss it in detail before we help you. Give us your full and detailed arguments for why you think these games aren't worthy, and we will help you after the...
It is going to happen. The technology just needs to get better and cheaper. The problem with hybrids is the batteries. Batteries wear out. You'll need to have them replaced every 3 years or so. That is going to set you back thousands of dollars, which inerts the money you saved per mile...
I was going to pre-order Windows 7 Pro for my PC and laptop back when the 50% off promotion was running. Except that it didn't apply for meatbags outside of the UK, Germany and France. So no. No pre-order for me.
I don't know everything about the differences, but I believe the major concern previously with 64bit operating systems was poor driver support. I'm running the windows 7 release candidate 64bit right now and I have zero issues, slowdowns or driver incompatibilities. So unless I'm missing...
You read that right. My best friend's day of birth was 20 years ago today!
Hands together for the awesome person that he is, dekstar! Happy birthday, sweetheart. May we be friends for much longer. <3
First, goddamn ****piss cockshit.
Right. Three months later.. I figured out what the problem was. Story cut short, these cards simply fail to run stably at their stock speeds. It's silly and fail of me not to have tested this earlier, but running an 'artifact scan' in ATItool recently (after...