the AVP games scared the piss out of me like no other, when playing the marine and having those fast little bastards zooming at you from all angles, in halls where it was pitch black and sirens were going.
I'm currently playing through fear, and imo HL2 is far better.
HL2: MUCH greater interactivity with the environment. with the grav gun and jus t being able to pick up anything and toss and break it is good. plus there's more than just enemies to interact with in hl2, verses nothing but troops...
Great, I clicked on the "retrieve lost account" and now its saying the account I've been using since day 1 of steam's existence doesn't exist! W.T.F. I hope this is just some temporary screw up on their end. because this is BS. Who do I have to email to clear this up?
I'm having the same problem and didn't change anything. now its asking me for my pw and i put it in and its telling me "steam is having trouble connecting to the steam servers" and I know i'm putting in the correct password.
totally agree man. So many times i wished it could be darkened or something cuz i'd be like "shit am I actually aimin on him? especially trying to down targets at range with the .357 mag.
yes it is going to be integrated into CSS and future valve/source games. and may be a slight possibility that it will be put into the entire hl2. but this is far from certain or anything planned yet.
I thoroughly enjoyed it. it was short but very sweet. the combat was fairly intense, especially in the church with the combine troop raid. It reminded me a lot of the cliff-side level from the original half-life. Only problem I encountered was after the first quick-load, my game had the "jesus...
I thoroughly enjoyed lost coast. just finished it. It was short and sweet. The graphics ruled. Only problem i had was that after I quick loaded the first time I endcountered the "jesus bug" where the combine corpses would be standing up with their arms out.
I think i read somewhere that it would be, but i'm not sure. What I mean is, for future releases or whatever, will they go back and throw them into HL2 etc.. or only include them in future things like HDR & Lost coast/aftermath?
Like lets say the facial animation vocabulary recognition tech...