I put together the one in my sig last year for around 1500, perhaps a hare more, same stuff now would be cheaper, I can play hl2 and doom 3, far cry just fine.
I like the ironsights, but they are a (slow and therefore very dangerous) option in DoD. I know they are trying to avoid cs style sniping and super-aim, but come-on. by the time the iron sights are up your target can sprint 20 yards. I could see maybe raising them to take a bit of time to...
I just wish there was a cheat to directly acquire the blue gravity gun. I never do the only way to get it now because it makes all the enemies vaporize from getting killed with all the other weapons as well, which thoroughly annoys me. I wanna be able to shoot them too! and have their bodies stay.
1. I just think it takes too long to scope, and it somes just doesn't come up when you hit the button
2. Agreeed -- i've gotten popped from across the level by an smg and downed instantly.
3. I'm not so sure about it
4. Close-range, Agreed -- garand is next to useless up close. you...
don't remember which chapter it is, but i really enjoy the entire time from when you first gain control of a squad of rebels until the beginning of our benefactors, where barny says that hilarious line. Also, the sequence with anihilating guards with the super grav gun is a riot.
I think i know where you are. After you defeat all those man-hacks, you need to get up on that ledge, then go to the gated room with all the pipes. you have to work your way down the pipes, near the water line, you should see a valve, turn it and the water level will start to rise. go back...
Since the sniper rifles reload each round one by one, why not have the reload be stoppable in the middle of the reload? I've already been in the situation where i was reloading and a juicy target presented itself and by the time i could scope the opportunity was gone.
Also, Since they reload...
I've done it completely 4 times. once on each difficulty, once with lots of cheats and phyics alterations. and i've played bits and chapters here and there. Now i'm doing it completely for a 5th time on normal again at highway 17 after downing the gunship at the RPG van road block.
One thing I...
I think the HD pack is generally great. However, the absolutely aweful POS beretta model they replaced the half-descent glock pistol with is just vomit enducing to a beretta lover like myself. ick. why did they take such care and accuracy with the m4 and replacement shotty but put that sucker in...
I think there have been threads before this about fave weapons.
however, many people would say the manipulator, and I'd agree. Putting that aside, of the "conventional" weapons, I'd say
1. .357 magnum colt python
2. spas12 pump shotgun
I have binds that alter the properties of the weapons.
I've made the gravity gun pick up LARGER items from FARTHER way and throw them much harder.
I've set the shotgun to fire 100 pellets that do 100 damage each. (boy do zombies fly) i've upped damage levels and ammo stockpile levels. you...
I sincerely hope that this non-interest in HL2 is because you've played through it already and don't want to again. It always bothered me how many people I encountered that bought the original Half-Life JUST to download and play counter-strike. I'm like "wtf you've got an amazing game you paid...