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  1. J

    Your Best Quality?

    I have the best username ever
  2. J

    funneh pictures thread 22-April-2006

    Haha, I just got that. :p
  3. J

    funneh pictures thread 22-April-2006

    It could be ROLF if your floor thought the picture was funny.
  4. J

    Post your favourite HL2.netters.

    I like everyone who posted in this thread!
  5. J

    Is this a good computer for the money?

    Thanks guys...I probably won't be getting a new computer for a couple months so I have a while
  6. J

    Is this a good computer for the money?

    Yeah, I was thinking maybe I'd just like buy a new motherboard, video card, more RAM, and a new processor for this computer, but since my third hard drive is nearly filled up and I'm not sure I can fit more into there, I was thinking I'd just set up a whole new computer, and it can be for gaming...
  7. J

    Post your system specs and a screenshot!

    Oh, I think thats because tree distance is turned all the way down in your video options, try turning it up a bit
  8. J

    Is this a good computer for the money?

    Yeah...It seems kinda overpriced cause I think the one I have right now was only about 1000$
  9. J

    Is this a good computer for the money?

    I have no idea how to build up my own computer since my dad's not here right now to help me out, so I'm looking for just a desktop package, how is this one? Looks pretty good to me...
  10. J

    Post your system specs and a screenshot!

    For the water download this: put it in oblivion/data/Textures/water folder, you wont have a textures or water folder but you'll have to make them. Then go in to the .ini and change bUseWaterShaders=1 to bUseWaterShaders=0. It should work. For...
  11. J

    Next-Gen Indy Jones game looking more and more NEXT-GEN!

    That will be awesome! I hope they don't mess it up.
  12. J

    Now this is just sick!

    Seems like it wouldn't work right after being reattached, like there would be a huge scar...can you imagine? Girl: What is that? Him: Oh, yeah, I cut it off once like a year ago and threw it at some cops... I dunno that would be a weird situation.
  13. J

    Zombies are here!

    Fast headcrab ftw!
  14. J

    New Pc

    Sounds kickass to me
  15. J

    JACK THOMPSON thread

    I should change my name to Jack_Thompsonboy :D
  16. J

    Post your favourite HL2.netters.

    I laughed when I saw your avatar! :burp:
  17. J

    Post your favourite HL2.netters.

    Cool what rank am I? Headcrab?
  18. J

    If anyone is wondering if their computer will play Oblivion check this out

    Yeah, thanks, the grass wasn't what I was thinking of but come to think of it, the grass is messed up too.
  19. J

    If anyone is wondering if their computer will play Oblivion check this out

    Dang. :( that works better on your computer than on mine! I just have to figure out how to get these green blobs stuff off the ground.
  20. J

    You are the chosen one.

    I added that to my favorites. :D