I won't name names, but if you;re gonna talk, provide a link.
"Weve already talked about this a few times in other threads, and we mainly concluded that the AI was actually turned off for part of that movie.
Valve wouldn't let the AI be that bad when they release the game."...
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: One more thread about "toned down" enemy AI...
No, it has not been mentioned in any article. At least not in any American print magazine or any website. I have scans from 3 different American publications of the unvailing of HL2 articles. Also, you jump...
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: One more thread about "toned down" enemy AI...
I'm not saying the AI sucks. I'm saying people who make shit up suck. Just because something is logical to you, does not automatically make it fact. The combine AI was horrible in most of the videos. It might've been...
PvtRyan, if something is logical, it doesn't mean it is true or fact. It is quite logical for me to assume that one you would have provided a link to an offical statement by now, however that is not fact.
Re: Re: One more thread about "toned down" enemy AI...
No that's not common sense. That's blind faith. I don't like explaining things to you right now.
Anyway, the closest thing I found was this:
Which still doesn't confirm that the AI was "toned down" like so many of you firmly believe.
Koopa, David's comment simply means that the enemies were placed at positions where they are susceptible to these traps. There is no need to assume that the AI was toned down, or that it dynamicllay changes due to the altered damage variables.
For example take this quote from one PvtRyan:
"Ever wondered why they react strangely? Because they dont expect the player to move like he does, the damage multiplier has decreased and they do very little damage against Gordon. The video's are more of a show-off of the game capabilities than to...
You guys keep saying that Valve said the AI was toned down during the presentation. Can someone please give me a link where this was mentioned officially by Valve employees? A lot of BS gets mixed with up facts in these forums and I'd like to see where this was mentioned. Do not reply if you...
4x AA has an impact on frame rates. If I were you I'd completely turn off AA and just play at high resolutions. Refresh rate has no effect on frame rates, the higher the refresh rate the easier on the eyes. You should set your refresh rate to 85 Hz.
No they are not dynamic. Observe this the next time you play SC: When you are about to enter the police station, where there are jail cells on both sides. Before you enter through the dorr there is a lamp out side that lights up the surrounding, and the jail cell corridor is very dark. But when...
I somehow think that that is impossible. For that to work, physics will have to be server side. And the server will pretty much start lagging and eventually crap out, unless, of course, the MP code is super optimized. With Valve you never know.
I hope the AI doesn't automatically know where you are if you throw an object towards an NPC in hopes of distracting him. Now that would be disappointing wouldn't it?
My whole point was that it seemed too slow to be used as a defensive weapon. Did you see how many times he got shot when he was trying to pick up the radiator? The enemy wasted a whole clip by the time he picked it up. Also, when I refer to the manipulator, I'm talkin about the weapon used in...