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  1. MrD

    weed..whats the big deal??

    "alcohol" and "than", now go write them out 10 times ... Why does this fascinate you exactly? Smoking tobaco is linked with various forms of cancer and it is widely accepted that some people seem to turn violent while under the influence of alcohol. How is hash any different?
  2. MrD

    Bending Spoons

    If it was really possible to bend things with your mind then someone would have worked it out by now, and go around robbing safes or something. Or making womens clothes fall off.
  3. MrD

    Ugly Cars

    The third one is a hummer, its not supposed to look good!
  4. MrD

    CD Rippage problem.. helpage?

    Lolage, wtf is this new dealage with puttingage "age" on the endage of everything??! Nah, if you want a good job done then you need a prog called "Exact Audio Copy". Its free and it makes sure it lets you know if something goes wrong in the process (jitter errors and such that usually result...
  5. MrD

    Ugly Cars

    Wtf is wrong with you man? That car is sexay!
  6. MrD

    weed..whats the big deal??

    sounds like a plan :)
  7. MrD

    weed..whats the big deal??

    I would suggest they tried it first to see what it was like. This is the reason I tried it (after doing a bit of research first to find out how dangerous it was). It is then very easy to see why someone might become more dependent if they get depressed, because like you say it might be the...
  8. MrD

    weed..whats the big deal??

    Is it not more likely that the phsycological problems were there all along, and it was those problems that caused the "long-term heavy canabis use" rather than the other way round?
  9. MrD

    weed..whats the big deal??

    Of course it will. And to save some time ... Your next post: "Proof?" My next post: "Exactly."
  10. MrD

    Keyborading for complet idiots.

    You must have PENIS on the brain!! ha! lol get it? ok, i admit, it was bad. :)
  11. MrD

    The Matrix Revolutions In Five Minutes!

    Yes I am fully aware of the storyline behind it. My question was posed from a purely entertainment point of view, what would be cooler: Neo takes on millions of Smiths? or Neo takes on one Smith? Personally I like the millions.
  12. MrD

    weed..whats the big deal??

    I am getting very worried now :eek:
  13. MrD

    The True Napster 2.0

    Um radio stations don't play albums for a start. Put it this way: If I could download an album for £7.99 or song for 79p and freely distribute it to CDs (for backup) and my iPod and my laptop for work etc. then I would buy it. But I can't. The music industry needs to get with the times...
  14. MrD

    What card are you?

    Maybe you're a keen gardener with a nice selection of gardening utensils?
  15. MrD

    Games people play ?

    Well Max Payne 2 was completely forgotten about when I got hold of a demo called TrackMania (someone mentioned it on this message board). Damn that game is so addictive!
  16. MrD

    weed..whats the big deal??

    LOL! I didn't see that one coming! You are joking? Right?
  17. MrD

    Rented Snatch on DVD

    LOL! That bit had me in stiches!!! :) I also really liked the "I'm going to powder my nose" line! EDIT: Para were you being emulate-icle of the pie guy, cos if so I take back my comment, I missed the humour. Yes I know its not a word. :)
  18. MrD

    weed..whats the big deal??

    Agreed, but you need to help them out a bit surely ? I suppose it is hard to know when to let go... I have all that to come I guess :) Certainly wouldn't be letting my 10y/o out at 10pm tho :/
  19. MrD

    weed..whats the big deal??

    Well there is something we can agree on, bugger the right of choice!! :) You would be making posts like pat_thetic! j/k :)
  20. MrD

    Rented Snatch on DVD

    Wow! You are such a fantastic guy, if only everyone knew that it was four years old and how stupid they were for not watching it yet and how absolutely fantastically astonishing you are for knowing that it is in fact 4 years old and belittling them all because of it. Your my hero. Anyway ...