weed..whats the big deal??

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Alcohol and Cannabis are very different drugs - one being legal should have no bearing on the other (not trying to get into a 'which is worse discussion' btw ........ no point in reiterating the same stuff again)
Originally posted by Warbie
Leglisation, in the eyes of the ingnorant/young, can be seen as permission ... as though the government condones its use. I know this isn't true, but weed being illegal was one of the few reasons that put me off as a child - many of my old school mates didn't try cannabis at a young age because the fear of getting in trouble. If it was legal I think they would have all jumped in with both feet (they had no trouble getting shit faced on alcohol)

It put me off as well, but I eventually grew my own brain. Most people do, so yes it may stop young children trying it because they fear they may get in trouble, but then they really ought to be worried more of their parents than the law anyway, and I doubt many parents would condone their child using it (how many parents let their kids get blootered on alcohol?). Besides it would not be legal for children in the first place so how can that be seen as permission? On my way out the other night I see young kids loitering the streets (drinking) at 10pm in the pitch black, what the hell are they doing out at this time of night? In the dark? Have their parents gone mad?

I agree that the broken logic can't be fixed without the main social problems being fixed first. And that unfortunately ain't gonna happen.

Still, I will defend my right of choice.

MrD wrote:

' Besides it would not be legal for children in the first place so how can that be seen as permission? '

That's not not quite what I was getting at ....... I meant in the eyes of the young/ignorant it will/can be seen as permission - that it's 'ok'. Look how many underage drink. (All my experience of people who have messed up with weed started at around 12-13 years old. This is the problem)

Especially when the kids are smoking during school lunch, in the street for everyone to see (unlike with alcohol, they can stroll back into school without anyone knowing)

MrD wrote:

'On my way out the other night I see young kids loitering the streets (drinking) at 10pm in the pitch black, what the hell are they doing out at this time of night? In the dark? Have their parents gone mad?'

I completely agree ....... some people shouldn't be allowed children (that's another debate :) ) Don't start me on voting for everyone.


MrD wrote:

'It put me off as well, but I eventually grew my own brain.'

By the time I was 18 i'd been smoking for 5 years (like everyone I knew). Sure I grew my own brain ..... would like to know what things would be like had I not tho //edit smoked weed i mean. Not 'had I not grown a brain :)
Originally posted by MrD
it would not be legal for children in the first place so how can that be seen as permission?

I will defend my right of choice.

2 good points :P
thing is...most underage drinkers grow their own brain as well...only a few ever suffer long-term consequences because of it.

kids need to screw up and make their own decisions...learn to take responsibility by making mistakes...it's the only way people learn. that's a psychological fact.
Sure - but when most kids try booze they get ill and think 'this is crap'

When they try weed they think 'this is fking excellent - I want to do this everyday'

.......... bit of a generalisation I know :)
Originally posted by Warbie
I completely agree ....... some people shouldn't be allowed children

Well there is something we can agree on, bugger the right of choice!! :)

Originally posted by Warbie
would like to know what things would be like had I not tho.

You would be making posts like pat_thetic! j/k :)
Originally posted by Maskirovka
kids need to screw up and make their own decisions...learn to take responsibility by making mistakes...it's the only way people learn. that's a psychological fact.

Agreed, but you need to help them out a bit surely ? I suppose it is hard to know when to let go... I have all that to come I guess :)

Certainly wouldn't be letting my 10y/o out at 10pm tho :/
Originally posted by MrD
Agreed, but you need to help them out a bit surely ? I suppose it is hard to know when to let go... I have all that to come I guess :)

Certainly wouldn't be letting my 10y/o out at 10pm tho :/

oh of course...there have to be limits and rules, but i'm a firm believer that kids need to just be informed of consequences. they need to make their own decisions and deal with those consequences.

of course, if the consequence is as serious as death, you want to try a lot harder to steer them away...but something like marijuana is something everyone should be unafraid of trying once they're old and mature enough to know about their bodies and the fact that they don't have to do it because of peer pressure. marijuana can't kill you or cause you serious harm. and it doesn't even affect you negatively if you're smart about it.

personally, i'm going to tell my kids that if they ever do any kinds of drugs, i'll punch them in the face. that'll be their first consequence. the second thing will be that if they do drugs, when they should be learning something new or reading a book or discovering something, they'll feel fine with being bored and doing nothing. they might end up growing up to find out they're not good at anything....
Originally posted by Maskirovka
personally, i'm going to tell my kids that if they ever do any kinds of drugs, i'll punch them in the face.

LOL! I didn't see that one coming!

You are joking? Right?
Maskirovka has the right idea :D

Nothing like a good thrashing to teach a kid a lesson. I suggest a slipper for minor infractions and a stick with barbed wire wrapped around it for the serious ones (not finishing all your vegatables etc)

hehe no need to worry. I'd never use barbed wire - it may prevent them doing a good days work down the mine :)
no i'm not joking at all. i'm a pretty big guy. 6'4" 240, muscular. i wouldn't want to get punched by me :D

of course, i wouldn't actually do it...well maybe...the key before threatening to do this is to make them know you'll follow through on whatever you say you're going to do...no empty threats.

that way, when you make a big threat, they think you're serious even if you're not.

the punch in the face...it's just a consequence to consider. i'm not one for beating kids...it doesn't help at all...believe me i'm not advocating that.

but you better believe if i caught my kid with drugs or anything that i'd give him/her some serious consequences. such as picking their ass up and throwing them into their room...let them think about it for a long ass time...grounded for several months...making them come home straight after school, etc.

if that stuff didn't work, i'd threaten to send them off to some kind of boot camp military school thing. even the threat of that would probably whip a kid into shape...that's a pretty serious consequence...it's about the same as jail for a high school kid. no more friends to talk to, no more fun.

but honestly, if you do things correctly, the threat will be enough...there won't be a chance for it not to work.

the word "threat" is usually considered bad, but it's really just putting the fear of a certain consequence in someone. if they have every reason to believe you'll follow through on it, then it's quite effective...and it's not a bad thing at all.
you must really love making these pointless posts every few pages or so.
ooh I see what u did there - that's pretty clever :)
Originally posted by Maskirovka
oh of course...there have to be limits and rules, but i'm a firm believer that kids need to just be informed of consequences. they need to make their own decisions and deal with those consequences.

But wait, I thought the commercials they have are "propaganda"? Or is this just another pointless piece of crap post of mine?
Originally posted by pat_thetic
But wait, I thought the commercials they have are "propaganda"? Or is this just another pointless piece of crap post of mine?

but wait...i thought you were going to stop posting on this thread?

2 of those commercials:
-weed will not make you get pregnant like the one commercial says..it doesn't inhibit your ability to say "no i don't want to have sex with you"

-33% of reckless drivers tested positive for marijuana...but were they drunk also? when did they test positive? a month before?

yep, another pointless post

dude...there's a big difference between informing someone of the consequences of their actions and telling them things will happen that will not happen.
Those commercials, ahem, PROPAGANDA, have some serious spin-doctoring behind them. When you have to twist words around to make something look bad, you really have a take a good look at what makes it bad in the first place.
Originally posted by Maskirovka
but wait...i thought you were going to stop posting on this thread?

2 of those commercials:
-weed will not make you get pregnant like the one commercial says..it doesn't inhibit your ability to say "no i don't want to have sex with you"

-33% of reckless drivers tested positive for marijuana...but were they drunk also? when did they test positive? a month before?

yep, another pointless post

dude...there's a big difference between informing someone of the consequences of their actions and telling them things will happen that will not happen.

Your just to good for me i guess:rolleyes: :dozey:
Originally posted by Warbie
Alcohol and Cannabis are very different drugs - one being legal should have no bearing on the other (not trying to get into a 'which is worse discussion' btw ........ no point in reiterating the same stuff again)

no they should, because alchohol is more harmful than weed. ill reiterate what i feel like on reiterating, understand?
Originally posted by pat_thetic
Your just to good for me i guess:rolleyes: :dozey:

well you don't seem to be able to come up with any responses that are longer than one line.

and your doesn't mean you are. it's you're. remeber contractions?

anyway dude, if you have a point to make, i suggest you make it instead of saying crap like this. if you have some worthwhile information, post it...by all means make a thoughtful contribution to this thread...just stop posting meaningless one-liners
poseyjmac wrote:

'no they should, because alchohol is more harmful than weed. ill reiterate what i feel like on reiterating, understand?'

Sure, if you think there's any point. I disagree with that statement - your move :)
Originally posted by pat_thetic
I barely ever see these anti marijuana commercials you guys keep accusing me of watching and believing. Not sure where you got those commercials from either, I have never seen them before. The only anti weed commercial I have ever seen is that gay mom is the enforcer crap. I honestly don't care if you smoke weed in your 20's after school and college, but if you choose to smoke pot while in school and screw your life up, I really don't feel sorry for you. Legalizing would only make weed more available since you could just go to a store and buy it instead of going on to the streets to find it, but once again that would only be for people in high school who shouldn't be taking pot in the first place. The unintelligent remark is only for people in school, I'm sorry if it offended you.....

What a one liner.....
i was exaggerating about the one-liner posts...but you do make a lot of them. i've already responded and refuted all of your posts which contain anything that could be recognized as a point or a fact. like i said, if you have relevant information or thoughtful comments to make, please do so.

i'm not interested in going back and forth in a personal argument with you. there is no benefit in that.

Originally posted by Maskirovka
if you have a point to make, i suggest you make it
Originally posted by Warbie
poseyjmac wrote:

'no they should, because alchohol is more harmful than weed. ill reiterate what i feel like on reiterating, understand?'

Sure, if you think there's any point. I disagree with that statement - your move :)

heres an example, alcohol tends to make people angry and beligerant, while weed tends to make people more calm and passive. whos more likely to incite a violent situation? now instead of saying 'i disagree' why dont you come up with some evidence that they are both just as bad, otherwise dont speak.
Jesus Christ people. Weed is illegal. Weed is frowned upon by the societal majority. Accept it and get over it. It's probably not going to change for a long time.
Originally posted by not28
Jesus Christ people. Weed is illegal. Weed is frowned upon by the societal majority. Accept it and get over it. It's probably not going to change for a long time.

not in canada, cops in BC pretty much don't care, the majority of people smoke it, including cops.

and the prime minister is going to be waiting with a joint in one hand and the money for the fine in the other hand as soon as he's done being prime minister (i think he was done last week actually).. meh.
Originally posted by Xtasy0
not in canada, cops in BC pretty much don't care, the majority of people smoke it, including cops.

and the prime minister is going to be waiting with a joint in one hand and the money for the fine in the other hand as soon as he's done being prime minister (i think he was done last week actually).. meh.

That's great but we aren't talking about Canada.
Originally posted by Xtasy0
not in canada, cops in BC pretty much don't care, the majority of people smoke it, including cops.

and the prime minister is going to be waiting with a joint in one hand and the money for the fine in the other hand as soon as he's done being prime minister (i think he was done last week actually).. meh.

I still think chretien on drugs would be a funny thing.
Originally posted by Xtasy0
not in canada, cops in BC pretty much don't care, the majority of people smoke it, including cops.

and the prime minister is going to be waiting with a joint in one hand and the money for the fine in the other hand as soon as he's done being prime minister (i think he was done last week actually).. meh.

My fault; I was talking about the US. I should have been more specific.
Hmm, the only way to me it would be better to tax and give money to gov. than to crime lords, same reason they initiated the 21st amendment. However I agree prison's are overcrowded, I say deport them all to Columbia! (Then I would get my brother's graphics card, haha he goes to court next May or so for pot, the dumbass)(sidenote: I will probably take his graphics card anyway while he is in jail or whatever if he gets it)
doesn't matter what country you were talking about...

Weed is frowned upon by the societal majority. Accept it and get over it.

this idea and advice or whatever it is just stupid :\

you're saying if you disagree with the majority, you're doomed to be "wrong" and you should just forget about it? that's a laughable attitude, and it's lazy. if you believe in something, stand up for it.

if everyone had this attitude, everyone would agree with the majority and nothing would ever change. the majority of people in the US think abortion should be legal, but that doesn't stop conservatives from trying to overturn roe v. wade.

they're fighting to change things because of their beliefs about laws and morality, which is exactly what i'm doing when i say marijuana should be legal and try to change people's minds about it...try to dispel myths about it.

jeez...think about what you're saying. at one point, the majority of americans thought slavery was ok. everyone also used to think the earth was flat...what if everyone just accepted that and forgot about it?

i mean, you say "it probably won't change anytime soon"
but if nobody speaks out, "anytime soon" becomes never
poseyjmac wrote:

'heres an example, alcohol tends to make people angry and beligerant, while weed tends to make people more calm and passive. whos more likely to incite a violent situation? now instead of saying 'i disagree' why dont you come up with some evidence that they are both just as bad, otherwise dont speak.'

No need for that (It wasn't an attempt to wind you up)

Sure - when someone drinks too much they can become more volatile, but that's their own fault, not the drink. I find booze normally makes people relaxed and rather jovial.

Also, stoned people being chilled out and calm is a myth as far as i'm concerned - at least in regular smokers.

The bad aspects of alcohol are just much more evident than they are for cannabis, simply because many more ppl drink regularly than smoke weed regularly.

Smoking anything is bad for your lungs - especially as weed is often mixed with tobacco and is smoked without a filter.

The main problem with cannabis is how easy it is to use all the time (unlike with drink) - you can still drive, go to school/work etc. Ppl can use everyday for years and not realise what they're doing to their brain. (I believe that long term use is damaging) As a result I think it's easier to become phsycologically addicted to weed than it is to alcohol. (Can't prove any of this - just what i've learnt from experience)

I'm not saying alcohol is harmless (far from it) - just that I think cannabis use is worse.
Originally posted by Warbie
poseyjmac wrote:

'heres an example, alcohol tends to make people angry and beligerant, while weed tends to make people more calm and passive. whos more likely to incite a violent situation? now instead of saying 'i disagree' why dont you come up with some evidence that they are both just as bad, otherwise dont speak.'

No need for that (It wasn't an attempt to wind you up)

Sure - when someone drinks too much they can become more volatile, but that's their own fault, not the drink. I find booze normally makes people relaxed and rather jovial.

Also, stoned people being chilled out and calm is a myth as far as i'm concerned - at least in regular smokers.

The bad aspects of alcohol are just much more evident than they are for cannabis, simply because many more ppl drink regularly than smoke weed regularly.

Smoking anything is bad for your lungs - especially as weed is often mixed with tobacco and is smoked without a filter.

The main problem with cannabis is how easy it is to use all the time (unlike with drink) - you can still drive, go to school/work etc. Ppl can use everyday for years and not realise what they're doing to their brain. (I believe that long term use is damaging) As a result I think it's easier to become phsycologically addicted to weed than it is to alcohol. (Can't prove any of this - just what i've learnt from experience)

I'm not saying alcohol is harmless (far from it) - just that I think cannabis use is worse.

what exactly, are you doing to your brain when you smoke weed? do you have any type of scientific facts that show weed doing long term brain damage?
a substance that is addictive should not be illegal simply because its addictive or because it hurts an individual. a person should have the right to do whatever he wants to his body, as long as hes not affecting others. enter cigarette laws, and how now(in the US at least) you can't smoke in restaurants, hell its even more stringent in certain states.

why can't marijuana be handled in the same way as this? cigarettes can kill you just as badly. although cigarettes can't be used for medicinal purposes, but weed can.

theres no way we can prove either way which is more harmful to the population beyond a shadow of a doubt, alcohol, or weed, but we can look around in the place we live. in my 22 years of experience, ive read in my local newspaper of kids dying in car wrecks, while the driver was DUI. stabbings have taken place near bars, because some guys got drunk and exchanged insults, etc etc.. of all my years though, i haven't heard about one violent situation that has been the result of smoking weed.

what about anyone else? tell us stories of how someone who smoked weed was a threat to another person.
Originally posted by Maskirovka
doesn't matter what country you were talking about...

this idea and advice or whatever it is just stupid :\

you're saying if you disagree with the majority, you're doomed to be "wrong" and you should just forget about it? that's a laughable attitude, and it's lazy. if you believe in something, stand up for it.

if everyone had this attitude, everyone would agree with the majority and nothing would ever change. the majority of people in the US think abortion should be legal, but that doesn't stop conservatives from trying to overturn roe v. wade.

they're fighting to change things because of their beliefs about laws and morality, which is exactly what i'm doing when i say marijuana should be legal and try to change people's minds about it...try to dispel myths about it.

jeez...think about what you're saying. at one point, the majority of americans thought slavery was ok. everyone also used to think the earth was flat...what if everyone just accepted that and forgot about it?

i mean, you say "it probably won't change anytime soon"
but if nobody speaks out, "anytime soon" becomes never

There is a huge difference between slavery and the legalization of pot. Pot is a drug, slavery was forced labor. Pot will never be accepted by the majority in this country.
Originally posted by pat_thetic
There is a huge difference between slavery and the legalization of pot. Pot is a drug, slavery was forced labor. Pot will never be accepted by the majority in this country.

Of course it will.

And to save some time ...
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My next post: "Exactly."
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