weed..whats the big deal??

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oh lol - I shall try and edit post haste.

//edit - it should make sense now. And ppl say weed has no long term effects lol (2 years without a joint and i'm still putting my cigarettes in the fridge)
Originally posted by pat_thetic
Wow, you like totally ignored my earlier posts didn't you? Some better things? Not sure what you would want me to list, things that make you high that aren't bad or something?

well here, you said this

Originally posted by pat_thetic
There are a LOT better ways to chill out my friend.

then i said

Originally posted by Xtasy0
such as? better how?

and you never replied.....

Originally posted by Warbie
Xtasy0 wrote:

'if you use a vaporizer to smoke weed you don't get carcinogens'

lol - me and a m8 built a vaporizer once (mark III worked real well) Unfortunately one of the prototypes was too powerful, and he managed to burn most of the fingerprint from his right index finger off.

Xtasy0 wrote:

'weed doesn't permenantly screw up your brain'

I still disgree with that (and I have read many reports) - just know too many screwed up, ex-stoners :(


'i already asked you like two pages back to list all those better things....still waiting.......'

sex is much more enjoyable with no weed in your blood. You only last longer cause you can't feel your dick :) (so probably less enjoyable for her lol)

well it's not my fault you're friend is a dumbass stoner and thought holding hot glass was smart...

your screwed up ex stoner friends arent screwed up from weed, they're screwed up from other drugs they've done.

and see above to see what i was wanting alist of, sex isn't a substance used for chillin out is it? heh.
Easy - he's actually got a first class degree from Cambridge (turning down MIT, cause they weren't good enough :) ) Not your typical stoner. It was an accident with the soldering iron btw :/

'your screwed up ex stoner friends arent screwed up from weed, they're screwed up from other drugs they've done.'

Perhaps some of them, not all.

//mis-read the 'substance for chilling out bit'. Thought it was just listing the things that are better for chilling out with.
Such as just hanging out with friends and talking, you don't need weed to do that. Go to a club and dance or something.
Originally posted by pat_thetic
Such as just hanging out with friends and talking, you don't need weed to do that. Go to a club and dance or something.

bahaha what a cop out of an answer that was.
Why? sounds fine to me. Come on - weed isn't that great.
pat, i don't smoke weed, but i have in the past on around 10-15 occasions. i never did it to fit in, nor did i do it because i'm incapable of having fun without it.

you're missing the point, and that's because you didn't read the thread. the point is, you have no right to tell people what they can and can't do if it's not affecting you in any way.

people who use alcohol, cigarettes, and other legal drugs aren't considered bad...unless they do something that affects you. if a person drinks and then decides to drive and crashes into you, they've affected you and you have a right to be pissed.

if someone smokes a cigarette right next to you at work, you have a right to complain that they do it somewhere else.

so why are pot smokers considered bad even if they're just doing it in their own home?
Originally posted by pat_thetic
Such as just hanging out with friends and talking, you don't need weed to do that. Go to a club and dance or something.

hanging out and talking, bahah thats much more philosophical when you're stoned, when you're stoned you have the most awesome discussions ever! (it's obvious you've never been around weed or anyone on it)

clubs, dancing, meh i wouldnt call that chilling out, and i'd say that most, if not all, of the people there will be drinking alcohol, and possibly other drugs.

come on - being sober isn't that great.
They aren't considered "bad" I just don't think it is very smart to smoke pot. That's my opinion, and if you disagree well to bad.
'hanging out and talking, bahah thats much more philosophical when you're stoned, when you're stoned you have the most awesome discussions ever! '

lol That's just rubbish, it only seems that way (god knows i've spent enough nights talking complete shite to know)
Originally posted by Warbie
'hanging out and talking, bahah thats much more philosophical when you're stoned, when you're stoned you have the most awesome discussions ever! '

lol That's just rubbish, it only seems that way (god knows i've spent enough nights talking complete shite to know)

it's not rubbish at all, i've had some of the best discussions of my life while im stoned, with people who are stoned.
Originally posted by Xtasy0
hanging out and talking, bahah thats much more philosophical when you're stoned, when you're stoned you have the most awesome discussions ever! (it's obvious you've never been around weed or anyone on it)

clubs, dancing, meh i wouldnt call that chilling out, and i'd say that most, if not all, of the people there will be drinking alcohol, and possibly other drugs.

come on - being sober isn't that great.

Wow, so basically the only way to have a good time is to be either drunk or high?
Originally posted by pat_thetic
Wow, so basically the only way to have a good time is to be either drunk or high?

no, i didn't say that, although you've replied with that same thing to every other post so why stop now huh? ;p
Originally posted by pat_thetic
You said "come on - being sober isn't that great"

warbie said "come on - weed isn't that great" so i took a jab at him with my come on being sober isnt that great, remark, and i still maintain that i didn't say "you must be stoned or drunk to have fun"
If being sober isn't that great then being drunk and high is basically is what your implying.
Originally posted by pat_thetic
They aren't considered "bad" I just don't think it is very smart to smoke pot. That's my opinion, and if you disagree well to bad.

i don't think it's all that smart to smoke pot either...but this discussion has been about whether or not to legalize it...

so why do you think it should be illegal? (and please respond to the previous posts since it's been discussed a lot already...don't just say the same old crap.)
Originally posted by pat_thetic
If being sober isn't that great then being drunk and high is basically is what your implying.

you're free to Assume that.

but i just explained why i said what i said.
see pat you keep making these assumptions and you jump to conclusions a lot...a sign of lower intelligence or someone that doesn't think before they speak.

think about it...why is weed illegal? why isn't alcohol illegal? why should you get to tell people weed is bad for them? why shouldn't they have a choice?
Originally posted by Maskirovka
i don't think it's all that smart to smoke pot either...but this discussion has been about whether or not to legalize it...

so why do you think it should be illegal? (and please respond to the previous posts since it's been discussed a lot already...don't just say the same old crap.)

I do not think it will help society at all(I'm disregarding everything said earlier so don't flame me)

1. It has been proven it is a gateway drugs

2. I don't want to be walking down the street and a bunch of high people are running around annoying me

3. It will be more available(you can not dispute this)

However, one good thing will come out of this, it won't be "cool" to smoke anymore for kids since it's legal.....
Originally posted by Maskirovka
see pat you keep making these assumptions and you jump to conclusions a lot...a sign of lower intelligence or someone that doesn't think before they speak.

think about it...why is weed illegal? why isn't alcohol illegal? why should you get to tell people weed is bad for them? why shouldn't they have a choice?

Once again, I don't care what you do in your 20's and 30's, but you should not be able to smoke pot in your teens.

EDIT: Also, I'm not trying to brag but I'm not of "lower intelligence" at all.
Originally posted by pat_thetic
I do not think it will help society at all(I'm disregarding everything said earlier so don't flame me)

1. It has been proven it is a gateway drugs

2. I don't want to be walking down the street and a bunch of high people are running around annoying me

3. It will be more available(you can not dispute this)

However, one good thing will come out of this, it won't be "cool" to smoke anymore for kids since it's legal.....

link me to this "proof" of it being a gateway drug.

stoned people dont run around, they're quite content to sit in one place and stare at a wall.

if it's decriminalized (like what was done here in canada), then it's no more available than it was before.
Originally posted by Maskirovka
see pat you keep making these assumptions and you jump to conclusions a lot...a sign of lower intelligence or someone that doesn't think before they speak.

think about it...why is weed illegal? why isn't alcohol illegal? why should you get to tell people weed is bad for them? why shouldn't they have a choice?

you didn't notice i said "or" and you didn't respond to my questions at all.


with regard to the gateway drug thing:

that's statistics manipulation.

it doesn't mean people who try marijuana are likely to try more dangerous drugs.
it just means that people to do more dangerous drugs tried pot first...that's all.

i've seen studies that show that 79-80% of people who try pot never go on to do another drug.

and you being annoyed by high people...wtf kind of argument is that.
just because people annoy you doesn't mean you have the right to tell them what they can and can't do with their lives.

people who talk on their cell phones in public in loud ass voices annoy me, and i can shush them or whatever i want, but i don't have the right to make cell phones illegal because of it.

annoyance is not an argument...wtf
Originally posted by pat_thetic
http://www.marijuanaaddiction.info/marijuana-gateway-drug.htm There ya go, and I said legalization not decriminalization.

and heres proof to the contrary. http://www.erowid.org/plants/cannabis/cannabis_myth13.shtml

btw im aware you said legalize, but decriminalizing is a much better idea, IMO, if it was legalized then yes it would be more available, and the government would tax it, and they'd fill it with deadly chemicals most likely (look at cigarettes).


and more...

A real world
example of what happens when marijuana is readily available can be
found in Holland. The Dutch partially legalized marijuana in the
1970s. Since then, hard drug use -- heroin and cocaine -- have
DECLINED substantially. If marijuana really were a gateway drug,
one would have expected use of hard drugs to have gone up, not
down. This apparent "negative gateway" effect has also been
observed in the United States. Studies done in the early 1970s
showed a negative correlation between use of marijuana and use of
alcohol. A 1993 Rand Corporation study that compared drug use in
states that had decriminalized marijuana versus those that had not,
found that where marijuana was more available -- the states that
had decriminalized -- hard drug abuse as measured by emergency room
episodes decreased. In short, what science and actual experience
tell us is that marijuana tends to substitute for the much more
dangerous hard drugs like alcohol, cocaine, and heroin.



Q. Does Marijuana Lead to Crime and/or Hard Drugs?

A. No [11]. The only crime most marijuana users commit is that they use
marijuana. And, while many people who abuse dangerous drugs also smoke
marijuana, the old "stepping stone" theory is now discredited, since
virtually all of them started out "using" legal drugs like sugar,
coffee, cigarettes, alcohol, etc.

Myth: Marijuana Leads to Harder Drugs

There is no scientific evidence for the theory that marijuana is a "gateway" drug. The cannabis-using cultures in Asia, the Middle East, Africa and Latin America show no propensity for other drugs. The gateway theory took hold in the sixties, when marijuana became the leading new recreational drug. It was refuted by events in the eighties, when cocaine abuse exploded at the same time marijuana use declined.

As we have seen, there is evidence that cannabis may substitute for alcohol and other "hard" drugs. A recent survey by Dr. Patricia Morgan of the University of California at Berekeley found that a significant number of pot smokers and dealers switched to methamphetamine "ice" when Hawaii's marijuana eradication program created a shortage of pot.1 Dr. Morgan noted a similar phenomenon in California, where cocaine use soared in the wake of the CAMP helicopter eradication campaign.

The one way in which marijuana does lead to other drugs is through its illegality: persons who deal in marijuana are likely to deal in other illicit drugs as well.


1. "Survey: Hawaii war on pot pushed users to 'ice,'" Honolulu Advertiser, April 1, 1994 p. 1.
Originally posted by pat_thetic
Did you even read the article?

did you even read my response? i directly quoted the article! of course i read it.

here's my response again in case you missed it:

it doesn't mean people who try marijuana are likely to try more dangerous drugs.
it just means that people who do more dangerous drugs tried pot first...that's all.

i've seen studies that show that 79-80% of people who try pot never go on to do another drug.
nice post btw, xtasy0

i can't believe people bother posting factless things like pat_thetic did.

that thing you posted pat...it has no factual basis whatsoever. it's a bunch of quotes from people which all mean nothing.

it even notes itself that it's a "widely held theory"

well it was a widely held theory that the earth was flat a couple hundred years ago...get some real information and then come back.


at least have a real reason for wanting marijuana to be illegal like warbie does....don't just shove this meaningless crap at us and expect us to think you're smart or something...
another stupid ass quote from that article you posted, pat:

"I know that it is, and anyone that thinks that it isn't, it's kind of sad to say this, but wait and find out … you probably will, you know," Kelly says.

god what meaningless crap
Ok I'm going to stop posting here do to your constant flaming. It's not like I'm gunna change your mind, and your not gunna change mine. Since, of course, drugs are good for you.
Originally posted by pat_thetic
Ok I'm going to stop posting here do to your constant flaming. It's not like I'm gunna change your mind, and your not gunna change mine. Since, of course, drugs are good for you.

Nobody said it was good for you, see you dont even get the point of the thread. Get your head out of your ass.
Originally posted by pat_thetic
Ok I'm going to stop posting here do to your constant flaming. It's not like I'm gunna change your mind, and your not gunna change mine. Since, of course, drugs are good for you.

lol i'm not flaming you, i'm trying to make you post something thoughtful and meaningful...i didn't try to offend you.

and i don't in any way think drugs are good for you...i don't understand how you missed that.

i for one won't miss your posts since they never argued any real point and they never responded to the things other people said...you just came back with more stuff that didn't have any factual basis.
Originally posted by Maskirovka
lol i'm not flaming you

Originally posted by Maskirovka
i for one won't miss your posts since they never argued any real point and they never responded to the things other people said...you just came back with more stuff that didn't have any factual basis.
that's not a flame...a flame is when you just go:


my post was in no way a flame. sure, i sort of insulted you, but that doesn't mean it was a flame...like i said...flames are name-calling. i was discrediting the relevance of your posts, not just flat out insulting you as a person.

your posts were exactly as i said...no facts, just a bunch of opinion.

you missed the entire point of the thread...arguging whether or not you think legalizing marijuana is a good idea or not.

you seem content to argue that "drugs are bad for you"...which is of course true in the sense that they can impair your ability to get a job, or have healthy relationships with your family and things like that.

but again, you have no say whatsoever if someone wants to use drugs in the privacy of their own home...marijuana being illegal says that's deserving of jail time. it just makes no sense.

yet you continue to post things that don't argue the point of the thread...then when you finally posted something that might be worthwhile, it was filled with opinion and theories and random quotes insetad of facts and real statistics.

c'mon...i wasn't flaming you...i was just trying to get you to see what you were doing and trying to get you to post something thoughtful and meaningful...you just kept posting crap.
Hehe :

"Why should it be illegal for someone to smoke in the privacy of his own home without affecting anyone?"

"Because i read/saw/heard that this one time, someone who once smoked hash crashed into this other person."


That about sums up the argument "against" from what I can see. No offence Warbie, you are one of the few that has put up some good points, but seemed to have resigned to the fact that you simply don't agree, end of story. Which I can live with!

I'll admit my opinion has been changing since this thread started, not that weed does no harm ... but that legalisation might not be a bad move.

Then I walk out my front door yesterday and bump into a load of tiny children smoking weed again - I just want it to go away.

Leglisation, in the eyes of the ingnorant/young, can be seen as permission ... as though the government condones its use. I know this isn't true, but weed being illegal was one of the few reasons that put me off as a child - many of my old school mates didn't try cannabis at a young age because the fear of getting in trouble. If it was legal I think they would have all jumped in with both feet (they had no trouble getting shit faced on alcohol)

Sure this can be fixed by educating ppl - but my views on this are already clear.

I also believe the number of users would increase (mainly for the reason mentioned above) and that regular users are quite likely to go onto harder drugs (the key word being regular ........ the statistic that mentioned 'people who've just smoked weed going onto harder drugs' is very different [and almost completely pointless])
the way i see it, if alchohol is legal, then marijuana should be too. then we deal with it as we do alchohol. so simple
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