weed..whats the big deal??

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'Dude your a moron. That wasnt my argument go back and read my ****ing posts or dont say shit to me.'

Easy tiger. Who would care what you posted after acting like that? :/

You might wanna read back tho pat_thetic. Otherwise this threads gonna go round in the same circles over and over again.
I hate it when people don't understand how to properly operate a quote button.

Had a bad day?? Let it out man - what are you really trying to say??
Originally posted by pat_thetic
I'm sorry, I do not have time to read 22 PAGES!!! of posts. Enlighten me oh smart one of your reasons why pot should be legalized.

Alright sorry for overeacting...but seriously ive said 15-30 times my point and so have others. In fact i remember someone even answered to you specifically what the point is. Im not going to state it again if you care then go back and read those posts, they arent hard to find at all. Plus i believe i also replyed to you specifically, but if your going to just avoid all of the points and such that we are making then go ahead.
Originally posted by pat_thetic
I'm sorry, I do not have time to read 22 PAGES!!! of posts. Enlighten me oh smart one of your reasons why pot should be legalized.


But the rest of us have plenty time to keep typing out the same counter-arguments over and over? :rolleyes:

There are several reasons: My main one is freedom of choice, what right do you have to tell me what not to do? Also there are good medicinal uses for it (pain relief etc.) And some of us also believe that making it illegal has a worse effect on society than legalizing it.

Yes, so you have the opposite opinion, and I will say this again: I don't know who is right, but I do know this:

My opinion does not presume to tell people how to run their lives.

Circle Theory strikes again!

"I hate it when people don't understand how to properly operate a quote button."

wtf are you on about man?!! :cool:
Originally posted by pat_thetic
Your guys reason is that it makes you feel good basically. Wow, what a great arguement. How do you know the tax for the weed would even pass also?

You need to read the thread before you make comments like that.
Originally posted by Xtasy0
so you were asleep at the wheel...some stoners passed you, then you drove into a ditch and woke up and the stoners stopped to help you out of the ditch, and you called the cops of them?

That reminds me of the story of that woman who managed to drive her car into a wall, seriously injuring herself, some guy stopped and pulled her out before the car blew, but by pulling her out he twisted her neck, so she sued him

Thats probably why you can beat the crap out of anyone in the UK and none of the public will ever jump in to stop you, they just sit there pretending like they can't see it happening, even on public transport!, even the police wont "incase you have a knife or other weapon" lol tis a sad sad country this one.
You guys realize that over 30% of car accidents are caused by people under the influence of marijuana? How is that not harmful to OTHER PEOPLE?
I'm driving and some guy going at 100 mph hits me from behind while I'm stopped at a red light... how is that fair?

My dad had a friend, who had an accident. No one was hurt, so they pull over, and he gets out of his car to do insurance etc... A car comes barelling forward, and just before it hits him, he jumps. However, he didn't jump high enough, it crushed his legs and pinned him between two cars. Now, in present day, odds are, that the person that hit him would have been using marijuana, more likely than any other reason besides alcohol. How is that fair to other people?

How is it fair to the youth of the world when they are pressured into using a harmful drug because it's the "thing to do." When all of their friends use it, they use it, before they know better. Putting an age limit won't help either, it hasn't helped with alcohol, and that's clear. So, what good comes from a drug like marijuana? It makes a few people feel slightly better about themselves for 1 hour? Yeah, that REALLY makes it worth it.

Fact is it DOES hurt other people when you screw up your brains and hurt other people because of it.

Ever seen an old hippy who did a lot of marijuana? They're always spaced out. Now, factor in that the average pot today is 10x stronger than pot back in the 1960's. How do you think that will affect people when they take it every weekend, or every day, for 10 years?
Originally posted by babywax
You guys realize that over 30% of car accidents are caused by people under the influence of marijuana? How is that not harmful to OTHER PEOPLE?
I'm driving and some guy going at 100 mph hits me from behind while I'm stopped at a red light... how is that fair? etc.

Not in dispute. But you assume this will get worse if it were legalized? I don't see your point since this is already happening and the stuff is illegal anyway.

Again... why should it be illegal to someone who would use it repsonsibly? (ie. not drive under the influence, occasionally smoking in the privicy of his own house).

Yes I am going to sit here and infinitely repeat the same answers, because everyone else keeps saying the same things...
Originally posted by babywax
You guys realize that over 30% of car accidents are caused by people under the influence of marijuana? How is that not harmful to OTHER PEOPLE?
I'm driving and some guy going at 100 mph hits me from behind while I'm stopped at a red light... how is that fair?

My dad had a friend, who had an accident. No one was hurt, so they pull over, and he gets out of his car to do insurance etc... A car comes barelling forward, and just before it hits him, he jumps. However, he didn't jump high enough, it crushed his legs and pinned him between two cars. Now, in present day, odds are, that the person that hit him would have been using marijuana, more likely than any other reason besides alcohol. How is that fair to other people?

How is it fair to the youth of the world when they are pressured into using a harmful drug because it's the "thing to do." When all of their friends use it, they use it, before they know better. Putting an age limit won't help either, it hasn't helped with alcohol, and that's clear. So, what good comes from a drug like marijuana? It makes a few people feel slightly better about themselves for 1 hour? Yeah, that REALLY makes it worth it.

Fact is it DOES hurt other people when you screw up your brains and hurt other people because of it.

please link me to a legitamate site that has that info...... where 30% of car accdents in the US are cuased specifically and only by somone being high...and on no other drugs.

You dont seem to know what your talking about.

Ever seen an old hippy who did a lot of marijuana? They're always spaced out. Now, factor in that the average pot today is 10x stronger than pot back in the 1960's. How do you think that will affect people when they take it every weekend, or every day, for 10 years?"

Are you kidding or something? your blaming burned out hippys on smoking pot?

Can you even comprehend how much acid and shrooms and cocaine they did?

Them being burned out has VERY LITTLE to do with pot.

Its called LSD.....
When they say that 30 percent of car wrecks are caused by people who have marijuana in there system, they use a kind of drug test using hair follicles which can detect marijuana for 6 months. So if I dont smoke pot for 6 months and get in a wreck, they can still use that against you. And even if you are high and are driving (which I still dont condone), being high contributes to slow, conservitive driving unlike being drunk. Statistically, your driving abilitiy is almost twice as impaired talking on a cell phone or drinking coffee than driving under the influence of weed.
Originally posted by babywax
You guys realize that over 30% of car accidents are caused by people under the influence of marijuana? How is that not harmful to OTHER PEOPLE?
I'm driving and some guy going at 100 mph hits me from behind while I'm stopped at a red light... how is that fair?
This 30% is completely inaccurate. Weed can stay in your system for over a month, when they test you for drugs after an accident they give you a regular drug test. This means that if you've smoked in the last 30 - 60 days you can get a DUI even though you weren't actually under the influence while driving. The people that make these stupid "30% of accidents were caused by high people" ads know its completely inaccurate, propaganda anyone? I also think this is the problem with those anti-drug commercials, they completely blow everything out of proportion and many people end up not listening to it. I mean come on, someone gets high so they decide they will pick up a gun, point it at someone and say don't worry dude, its not loaded. Then they magically cock back on the weapon without it ejecting a clip since it should be empty? Give me a f*cking break.
Originally posted by MrD
Yes I am going to sit here and infinitely repeat the same answers, because everyone else keeps saying the same things...

good plan, i will do the same thing if you miss a day or something :D

pat_thetic, you really don't stop and think before you post do you? your posts been unintelligent and unthoughtful.

don't try to post on a 20+ page thread unless you at least want to read 50% of the posts...at least read some from the beginning, some from the middle and some from the end.

have some clue about what has been said and what hasn't...don't just post like an ignorant fool.
Originally posted by king John I
why deos everyone care so much about weed?

why do you care so much about telling everyone to stop talking about it? if you don't understand why people care, you haven't read the thread....again...pointless. c'mon! either read the thread and post something intelligent and thoughtful or say nothing and move on, sir!
Originally posted by Maskirovka
good plan, i will do the same thing if you miss a day or something :D

pat_thetic, you really don't stop and think before you post do you? your posts been unintelligent and unthoughtful.

don't try to post on a 20+ page thread unless you at least want to read 50% of the posts...at least read some from the beginning, some from the middle and some from the end.

have some clue about what has been said and what hasn't...don't just post like an ignorant fool.

Wow, what did I say that was so unintelligent? You really shouldn't be saying this when your the on smoking pot.
Originally posted by pat_thetic
Wow, what did I say that was so unintelligent? You really shouldn't be saying this when your the on smoking pot.

this conversation has been relativly peaceful.... sircrap/pat

Now basically your saying that im(we are) unintelligent becuase i have enough mental prowess to not believe all the propaganda surrounding pot?

You havent even read what any of us have said(on both sides of the matter).....

How can you say everyone who smokes pot is stupid....or that smoking is stupid?

Its no worse than 1000 other things that are perfectly legal. Why should we allow ignorance to stop us from doing something we enjoy. Something that is not as bad(or as good) as people think it is.
they need to show reefer madness to kids more often, thats some awesome propaganda!
I bet most of you saying they should not legalize it have not tried it.

weed is great :) and they should legalize it...its almost the same as beer. its not even addicting either =/
Originally posted by pat_thetic
Wow, what did I say that was so unintelligent? You really shouldn't be saying this when your the on smoking pot.

this statement itself is unintelligent. it accuses me of smoking pot, which i don't.

you really shouldn't be saying this when you're so brainwashed by TV commercials that say "marijuana...it's more harmful than we all thought"

did you do any research to find out who made that commercial and why?

those commercials are so damn stupid...meaningless statistics scare the morons of the world...one of those things says:

"In a roadside study, one in three reckless drivers who were tested for drugs tested positive for marijuana. It’s more harmful than we all thought."

i assume that this is where the 30% of drivers statistic came from. but what were the other 2/3 driving recklessly for? were the people who tested positive for marijuana also drunk at the time? were there other drugs in their system?

doesn't this illustrate how useless that statistic is? it's even more useless when you realize what others stated...that you can test positive for marijuana as many as 6 months after your last use.


another one of the commericals:

shows a girl finding out she's pregnant because she had sex without a condom while smoking marijuana.


this is the worst of the bunch. oh nos! little suzie got knocked up cause she was on dope! LIES. she was ****ing stupid and that's all there is to it.

the first time i saw that commercial, i thought it was about alcohol...when i heard the voiceover say stuff about marijuana, i burst out laughing. i just couldn't believe they were trying to convince people that if your kids smoke weed they'll get pregnant because their judgement was impaired....this is completely laughable.


that stigma that marijuana is a "gateway drug" is totally false as well...in fact, a doctor John P. Morgan just completed a study that shows 60 to 70% of marijuana users never use another drug.

educate yourselves people, don't just believe whatever you see on TV...that's the damn problem.


i could go on about how ideas are viruses. it evolves from some other idea, and it infects other people. people spread ideas, and they infect others, whether they're true or not.

some people are immune to these idea viruses because they're educated and they don't get infected by false information...they do their own research to find out whether things are true or not.

seriously...i always tell people...don't just listen to me and believe what i say or decide i'm full of shit. take what i say, and go figure out whether or not it's true for yourself.

don't just say "weed is bad for you" go find out if it really is bad for you...go find out why it was made illegal in the first place.


imo, the worst thing that can happen to a marijuana user is for them to be arrested for posession.

you can't be arrested for posession of alchohol, but you can be arrested for misusing it...why shouldn't it be the same for weed?
//put fingers in ears

ner ner I can't hear you :D

(good read tho - still disagree)
I barely ever see these anti marijuana commercials you guys keep accusing me of watching and believing. Not sure where you got those commercials from either, I have never seen them before. The only anti weed commercial I have ever seen is that gay mom is the enforcer crap. I honestly don't care if you smoke weed in your 20's after school and college, but if you choose to smoke pot while in school and screw your life up, I really don't feel sorry for you. Legalizing would only make weed more available since you could just go to a store and buy it instead of going on to the streets to find it, but once again that would only be for people in high school who shouldn't be taking pot in the first place. The unintelligent remark is only for people in school, I'm sorry if it offended you.....
pat, this is what is unintelligent about your comment:

Legalizing would only make weed more available since you could just go to a store and buy it instead of going on to the streets to find it

you seem to think that weed is hard to get for high school students as of now.

also, i'm sure there would be an age limit of 18 or 21 if it was in fact made legal...but that doesn't stop people from starting to smoke at age 12, now does it?

smoking can kill you and mess up your life just as easily as weed can...hundreds of thousands of people die every year from smoking related illnesses, but again...that's their choice to smoke cigarettes...nobody forced them, just like nobody forces anyone to smoke weed and mess up their life.
I agree with you on that point, and as I said before I don't care if you smoke weed after college, but during school is just plain dumb. If you get caught, your chances of going to a really good college are very slim.
LOL you all can piss and moan all you want but marijuana will never be legalized in the U.S
Originally posted by pat_thetic
I agree with you on that point, and as I said before I don't care if you smoke weed after college, but during school is just plain dumb. If you get caught, your chances of going to a really good college are very slim.

i don't see how this is an argument for keeping it illegal. i know 2 people who are going to the university of michigan right now who were caught smoking weed in high school.

i also know someone who is going to ohio state who also got caught...you're just stating random stuff...not facts
Originally posted by CokeLite
LOL you all can piss and moan all you want but marijuana will never be legalized in the U.S

thanks for your useless contribution...nobody's "pissing and moaning" we're having a discussion...participate in a thoughtful meaningful way or get away.
Originally posted by Warbie
//put fingers in ears

ner ner I can't hear you :D

(good read tho - still disagree)

prime example of ignorance is bliss.
He is right thought, it won't.. Anyways back on topic, I still don't see why you guys have to have weed to have a good time??? I mean there are so many other things you could do that would be just as good and you wouldn't be destroying your lungs and screwing up your brain. Ah well, it's your choice, and I respect that....
Originally posted by pat_thetic
He is right thought, it won't.. Anyways back on topic, I still don't see why you guys have to have weed to have a good time??? I mean there are so many other things you could do that would be just as good and you wouldn't be destroying your lungs and screwing up your brain. Ah well, it's your choice, and I respect that....

i already asked you like two pages back to list all those better things....still waiting.......

BTW if you use a vaporizer to smoke weed you don't get carcinogens, you simply get the THC, also if you use a water bong it filters out most of the carcinogens. so you're not decessarily destroying your lungs. and weed doesn't permenantly screw up your brain, but of course reefer madness told you so, it must be true!
Going slightly off topic - but has anyone thought what it would actually be like if weed was legal or decriminalised?

The experience of walking into a coffee shop, being given a menu of the best weed and hash in the world .... and then sitting at a table and smoking it is beyond bizarre. Even on return trips the strangeness of it all never wore off, novell in an uncomfortable, 'teeth itching', type way.

It's a crappy reason, but I don't want loads of coffee shops openeing up around my home. (That and everything else from my previous posts)
Originally posted by Xtasy0
i already asked you like two pages back to list all those better things....still waiting.......

BTW if you use a vaporizer to smoke weed you don't get carcinogens, you simply get the THC, also if you use a water bong it filters out most of the carcinogens. so you're not decessarily destroying your lungs. and weed doesn't permenantly screw up your brain, but of course reefer madness told you so, it must be true!

Wow, you like totally ignored my earlier posts didn't you? Some better things? Not sure what you would want me to list, things that make you high that aren't bad or something?
Xtasy0 wrote:

'if you use a vaporizer to smoke weed you don't get carcinogens'

lol - me and a m8 built a vaporizer once (mark III worked real well) Unfortunately one of the prototypes was too powerful, and he managed to burn most of the fingerprint from his right index finger off.

Xtasy0 wrote:

'weed doesn't permenantly screw up your brain'

I still disgree with that (and I have read many reports) - just know too many screwed up, ex-stoners :(


'i already asked you like two pages back to list all those better things....still waiting.......'

sex is much more enjoyable with no weed in your blood. You only last longer cause you can't feel your dick :) (so probably less enjoyable for her lol)
Which bit didn't I make clear - the making of a vaporizer bit, the damage to the brain bit or the edit at the end?? (or all of it :) - it's late here and i'm not too compus mentus)
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