weed..whats the big deal??

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you're missing the point, bud. you can't take guns away from people. therefore it's not a practical solution...you'd just get shot trying to do it.

how practical is that?
'you just contradicted yourself...you're saying we need more laws, but then you're saying people need to take more responsibility for their own actions in the same breath...that doesn't make sense.'

I disagree - it's not an either or situation. You're making things out to be too black and white.
Originally posted by Warbie
I disagree - it's not an either or situation. You're making things out to be too black and white.

this isn't very descriptive...i don't know what you're trying to say.
Well - making owning/selling firearsm illegal would be a start
We should get a room :)

We need laws and we also need to take more responsibilities for our actions - I don't know any other way of saying that.
Originally posted by Warbie
Not true, i'm just talking about weed here. If it's legalised I honestly beleive more ppl are going to be harmed ......... do we really need anymore?

That's why the ratio of muders to ppl is much higher in the US than say in Europe (all IMO of course, and I appologise for going off topic)

Just because you "honestly believe" that it will happen does not mean that it will. Like I said in my last post, we all have opinions on how things should be, but they are only opinions.

By making it illegal you are essentially enforcing your belief onto others by having them locked-away if they do not concur. This kind of thinking is what keeps us stuck in the dark ages.
that would never happen...taking the power of the people to revolt and change a government is the reason for the 2nd amendment. people believe too strongly in that principle to suggest making guns illegal.

you're still not thinking practically.

this article touches on an important point...replace "obesity" with "murder" and stuff like that.

Parents' role to keep kids active

By Shelly Oddo / Staff Writer
AUBURN - Personal responsibility is the key trait to teach children if we want them to make right choices about food and exercise, said Dr. Susan Finn, chair of the American Council for Fitness and Nutrition of Washington, D.C.

We have to protect our children, but at the same time teach them responsibility, about study habits, how to be safe when dating and healthy lifestyle habits," Finn said Wednesday. "Even if all of the vending machines and fast-food restaurants were gone, you would still have obesity. Good health starts with families. Kids have to see mom and dad active.

this philosophy is important. it's saying that things start with the family. that's your practical solution.
Easy MrD - weed is illegal already ........ all i'm doing is agreeing with the law (based on a decade of personal experience).

Sure, what I believe may not happen .... but my experience is very relevant. Much more so than someone who doesn't really understand the problem.

I have irc Maskirovka ... name your channel (altho I think we're doomed to disagree)
Originally posted by Warbie
We need laws and we also need to take more responsibilities for our actions - I don't know any other way of saying that.

This is exactly the wrong way round. "Laws" are formed generally by the views of the majority. However just because the majority believes something doesn't make it true. Especially considering that most of that majority believe what they get told on TV.

At the end of the day it comes down to a small percetange of people that have differing views on a subject. And of those people, some feel the need to force their views onto others.

This simply is not the way of the future.
#weed-wtf on irc.gamesnet.net

anyone is welcome to discuss there of course
Originally posted by Warbie
Easy MrD - weed is illegal already ........ all i'm doing is agreeing with the law (based on a decade of personal experience).

Sure, what I believe may not happen .... but my experience is very relevant. Much more so than someone who doesn't really understand the problem.

I have irc ... name your channel (altho I think we're doomed to disagree)

Again, because your experience is more relevent does not qualify you to force other people to agree. Can you not see what you are saying?!

The law against canabis simply should not be there. Regardless of how good or bad it is, it is not your (read: not you personally) place to enforce it. By all means, educate the people, spread your knowledge, but do not be so pretentious as to enforce that view on others.

There is nothing more I can possibly say on this.
I'm not forcing my opinion - just stating it.

Do you honestly believe everything should be legalised?? - the world aint ready for that m8.
So you guy are telling me that by making pot legal it will help the family structure?

What makes pot such a wonderful drug that will apparently solve all of America's problems as some people proclaim?

Man seriously, if it will help make my penis grow 20 inches longer, count me in![/sarcasm]

Anyways, if you're saying that the root of all problems is the family structure and that weed will actually 'help' it, you would surely have no problems with making guns legal to own at any age or to any person because "people shouldn't be told what to do or what not to do!".

Ok, lets say guns and any other thing you want has no restrictions set to it, are you confortable knowing that some kid who hates you because you comb your hair funny has a gun and that it would require him less than a second to press the trigger and put a bullet into your head?

Let me explain something that i see some of you people think you understand about guns and weapons but you really don't.

What do you do in order to stab someone? You get real close and then deliberately swing your arm violently in anger against the other person. What do you do when you fire a gun? You aim and pull the trigger at the other person. So basically you people are telling me that if everyone had knives it would be the same as if everyone had guns?

If by now you don't see whats wrong with this argument i don't trust you with any kind of weapon in your hands. I will explain why this is simply dangerous. When you use a gun to kill someone you depend more on twitch reflexes and fear more than you do on raw anger and premeditation. Going up to someone and punching them or stabbing them requires you to 1st of all get the guts to go up to someone with a knife and do it, and then secondly it requires you to use your own body strength to stab that person. Personally i believe that if some random 'teen angst' filled kid went up to me with a knife rather than with a gun, i would have more chances of survival, face it people we aren't in the matrix... So how exactly are guns and knives the same? Why aren't soldiers using knives and swords to fight wars then? I'll tell you why, because it is a far more efficient technology to use for killing things, and because it doesn't scar people emotionally as much as stabbing someone in the belly with a knife. A gun is a "shoot and forget" weapon, and my point is it requires a lot more guts and premeditation to stab someone (also include bodily strength there) than to shoot someone.

Hell i would go live in a world without guns if i could... chances of people surviving crazed morons would be far greater.

Now to my final point concerning the government telling people what to do:

The government is there to do exactly that, it is not there to please anyone who asks something of it unless the majority of people agree to it. If at least 50% of voters don't want weed legalized, guess who's going to win, a pro-legalization law or an anti-legalization law? A system without limits to what people can do already exists, its called anarchy. We used to live in such a system when we were all cavemen and troglodites, we established a system of laws so that the stupid people could not harm the not-so-stupid people, guns laws, drug laws and any other kind of law is included in there too.

It is not about control it is about safety. Unless you can prove that weed will actually make society better, that it will help fix the 'broken american family' and that it won't be abused then why even add it? I thought you people said drinking was worse than ganja, then why are you advocating something that is according to you "half as bad" if it's still bad?
Don't think they're saying that Rico ...... just that it's in the family that we will solve problems. Legalising of weed was a seperate issue.
Sure warbie i understand, but my point is why give a broken family a gun if they can't even fix their own problems?

I believe we should fix the family first, hand out guns and weed later.
Originally posted by Rico
So you guy are telling me that by making pot legal it will help the family structure?

"people shouldn't be told what to do or what not to do!".

Ok, lets say guns and any other thing you want has no restrictions set to it, are you confortable knowing that some kid who hates you because you comb your hair funny has a gun and that it would require him less than a second to press the trigger and put a bullet into your head?

go back and re-read my posts please...you clearly didn't get my point.

nowhere did i say "weed will help improve family structure"

my point is, you don't teach responsibility by taking things away. if you take junk food away from a kid, they'll just get it from their friends, or want it more later in life when they can buy it themselves.

you didn't teach them anything by making it off-limits.


again, you seem to think that if weed was made legal that droves of people would start using it daily. that just simply has no basis and is pure opinion.


as far as the gun thing goes...i understand that guns make it less personal...but you're missing the true point.

you can argue all day that taking guns away would drop the murder rate, but what you're missing is that it's impossible to take guns away from the public in america.

knowing that, you've got to work within the situation...you can't use "guns should be banned" as an argument because it's missing the root of the problem and it's missing the fact that banning guns in america is virtually impossible in the short term...it's not a solution, just an idea.
Originally posted by Rico
I believe we should fix the family first, hand out guns and weed later.

like i said...this is impossible, so why try? it's a good idea but you have to work within the framework of reality.
Rico wrote:

'I believe we should fix the family first, hand out guns and weed later.'

I agree with that.
I dont get it.... that arguement would work if every family in America was dysfunctional, but that's not the case.
It's agreeing to disagree time.

This started off as a 'is weed is good or bad' discussion and then changed to 'should cannabis be legalised' ... with a bit of everything esle chucked in.

I'm convinced weed is bad for you. After chatting to Maskirovka i've thought very hard about whether legalisation is a good idea - but still don't agree (although i'm not as convinced as before). There are certainly good arguments for ... but more for against imo.

Logically I totally agreed with everything he had to say, and with most of what you've said MrD. But I have no faith in ppl and don't think society can achieve these goals ..... call me a pessimist.

A solution is no good unless it's practicle. I'd be happy if the worlds problems could be solved through education and allowing ppl to make their own decisions - but I don't. Ppl are idiots,governments are corrupt and my faith in society is long gone.

Without laws the shit would really hit the fan, wish this wasn't the case.
Originally posted by Warbie
It's agreeing to disagree time.

This started off as a 'is weed is good or bad' discussion and then changed to 'should cannabis be legalised' ... with a bit of everything esle chucked in.

I'm convinced weed is bad for you. After chatting to Maskirovka i've thought very hard about whether legalisation is a good idea - but still don't agree (although i'm not as convinced as before). There are certainly good arguments for ... but more for against imo.

Logically I totally agreed with everything he had to say, and with most of what you've said MrD. But I have no faith in ppl and don't think society can achieve these goals ..... call me a pessimist.

A solution is no good unless it's practicle. I'd be happy if the worlds problems could be solved through education and allowing ppl to make their own decisions - but I don't. Ppl are idiots,governments are corrupt and my faith in society is long gone.

Without laws the shit would really hit the fan, wish this wasn't the case.

now there's a response i can live with...a response that indicates intelligence and the willingness to see all sides of an issue...but one that comes down to your belief in people and what you think they will or won't do...

other people should take a hint...this is how you state your belief, not "i'm right and you're wrong and stupid"

lol which, ironically, goes back to why laws like that are dumb...they're saying "i'm right and i know what's right for you because you're too stupid to know the difference"
arrgghh down with this thread! down with weed! down with not having weed! whatever!

p.s. noone knows the damage weed deos to you yet. its like smoking, for 50 years noone thought it was bad for you.
People are just as likely to find out that papayas cause impotence as they are that marijuana is dangerous beyond the whole tar/carcinagin thing. Doesn't it make sense that the government would study the hell out of the plant for some good dirt on it? But there isn't any, so thats why you never hear about it.
its illegal, so its illegal, forget about it. if you hadn't commited the crime of taking it in the first place you wouldn't defend it.
Originally posted by king John I
its illegal, so its illegal, forget about it. if you hadn't commited the crime of taking it in the first place you wouldn't defend it.

many people who have never done any drugs still defend the freedom of choice.

this statement is completely false.

it's illegal so forget about it. what a worthless viewpoint. laws can change. that's the beauty of democracy. forgetting about a law you don't agree with just because it's the law is the worst thing you can do.

you've got some learning to do, my friend.
The point is that legalizing weed will not help society at all. Period.
i don't smoke the weed (i know ALOT of people who smoke, hell even GROW the shit though) i occupy myself with teh boom booms!
Originally posted by pat_thetic
The point is that legalizing weed will not help society at all. Period.
This is the problem, all the people that are against legalization have their heads up their asses so far its sad. Have you actually read any of the thread before you said that?
Originally posted by No Limit
This is the problem, all the people that are against legalization have their heads up their asses so far its sad. Have you actually read any of the thread before you said that?

The whole thing, I was just summing it up :)
Originally posted by The Terminator
I toke every now and then, like every weekend, its really not that bad and cant you addicted. You dont lose control like you do with alcohol and that perfectly legal, you ccan buy it anywhere. Fact is that weed is less harmful the alcohol and if thats leagal then weed should be too.

Dont compare smokin weed with rape.

Did you say you cant get addicted to weed?
Are you crazy?!
My dad was addicted for years.
Most of my friends smoke, and many have quit off and on. Its definitly an addiction, but it seems to be weeker than most others.
Originally posted by Direwolf
Most of my friends smoke, and many have quit off and on. Its definitly an addiction, but it seems to be weeker than most others.

it's simply a psychological addiction, unlike many other drugs where you physically need another fix or else you go into withdrawl and get physically ill.

with weed it's all psychological, if you have a weak will, you can get addicted, simple as that, hell the same goes for anything, you can get addicted to just about anything you consume, from milk to bacon to sugar to apples.
There is absolutely no basis for assuming that there is a chemical addiction to weed. Just like any good thing, you feel like coming back for more. Like TV, sex, etc.
Why are we still argueing about this? Weed is bad for you in every way and good for you in no ways....
Originally posted by RakuraiTenjin
Thanks to marijuana, my niece has brain damage.


what they drop a brick on her head?
Originally posted by pat_thetic
Why are we still argueing about this? Weed is bad for you in every way and good for you in no ways....

no, you're delusional, it has many good medicinal uses, plus many good non-medicinal uses (like chilling out after a hard day at work).
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