weed..whats the big deal??

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are you on the pot? pot kills!!! pot is bad and if you smoke pot you supported osma bin ladin attack the towers on 911!!! my cousin poked the smot and went crazy and killed people and then he couldnt get a job!!! I used to poke smot all day long and I quit and you should too if you are on the pot!!! people who poke smot are stupid!!!
Originally posted by Xtasy0
no, you're delusional, it has many good medicinal uses, plus many good non-medicinal uses (like chilling out after a hard day at work).

There are a LOT better ways to chill out my friend.
Originally posted by pat_thetic
There are a LOT better ways to chill out my friend.

yeah you could chill with the lord!!! buy a bible and chill with god friend. pot kills!!!
Ok shiv please stop in here. Probably 3/4's of us are athiests anyways...
Originally posted by shiv
yeah you could chill with the lord!!! buy a bible and chill with god friend. pot kills!!!

What if you're jewish, or buddisht, or Atheist?
Originally posted by SpuD
Did you say you cant get addicted to weed?
Are you crazy?!
My dad was addicted for years.

You not physically dependant on it, like cigarettes, the nicotine. You can get physcologically addicted, but you can do that with anything. He could very well have been not able to stop, under his own will, but nothing else was stopping him from quitting.
Originally posted by nw909
such as legal substances.

i was looking for specifics ;p and that wasnt directed at you anyway, but you can reply if you wanna list legal substances that are "a lot better"
Originally posted by nw909
What if you're jewish, or buddisht, or Atheist?

Well if you was jewish you could chill with the jewish god or if you was buddisht you could chill the that god but if you are atheist I guess you are out of luck. maybe surf some porn but dont ever smoke the pot!!! Pot KILLS!!!!!!!
Originally posted by shiv
yeah you could chill with the lord!!! buy a bible and chill with god friend. pot kills!!!

i smoke pot with the lord, he has a hookup for some ****ing awesome bud, but you gotta watch out when he does acid, he thinks he's a fire engine, it can get messy.
Originally posted by Xtasy0
i smoke pot with the lord, he has a hookup for some ****ing awesome bud, but you gotta watch out when he does acid, he thinks he's a fire engine, it can get messy.

well I guess if you are smoking with the lord its ok then. :cool:
I wonder sometimes why people worry about living...your literally dying right now so why worry about it? Just invest in it! But then again im athiest so im insane right?? Well you know whats more insane?? Christians that wear seatbelts!:dozey:
Originally posted by mchammer75040
I wonder sometimes why people worry about living...your literally dying right now so why worry about it? Just invest in it! But then again im athiest so im insane right?? Well you know whats more insane?? Christians that wear seatbelts!:dozey:

Yeah we are all just here for a cup of coffee, might as well enjoy the ride and make the most of it.:afro:
This will probably be the last thing I say as this thread lost all value and is not going anywhere. The point here is if weed should be legal or not. It has absolutely nothing to do with weed being bad for you or not, that's common sense. Fact is that weed is less harmful than alcohol yet alcohol is legal. The fact (as was debated earlier, no need to repeat it) that legalizing weed would not make society worse, it would actually make it slightly better (read up on why that is in this thread). The people for legalization have proved that and have won this debate whether you want to admit it or not. We have provided you with evidence, with research, and with solid facts and backup for every statement we make. You have not provided anything other than the same stupid argument "weed is bad for you" or "weed is bad for society". If you feel that makes you win then whatever, anyone with an open mind about this can see the truth.

The people in office today are old hags (no offence to old people) that think drugs will ruin the world. They are just like the people in this thread opposed to it, they simply will not hear the facts and they will use the same stupid argument over and over again even if it has been proven to not be valid. So in closing, chose to think what you want to think, however, no matter what you think the facts are out there as to why weed should be legal, you simply refuse to listen. I personally believe that weed will be decriminalized within the next 10 - 20 years as new generations of politicians come in office and pressure from the public rises. Thank you all that participated in this debate in a mature way, whether you were against me or not. If there are any valid points brought up I will respond, but it doesn't seem like that will happen so it looks like I am out of this thread, chose to belive whatever you want, just realize that listening with a closed mind will not get you very far in life.

EDIT: Sorry about any possible grammer or spelling mistakes, its late and I am sick as hell.
Originally posted by Rico
So you guy are telling me that by making pot legal it will help the family structure?

No, nobody said that! lol

Originally posted by Rico
"people shouldn't be told what to do or what not to do!".


Originally posted by Rico
Ok, lets say guns and any other thing you want has no restrictions set to it, are you confortable knowing that some kid who hates you because you comb your hair funny has a gun and that it would require him less than a second to press the trigger and put a bullet into your head?

Not comfortable at all. But ultimately that type of kid shouldn't exist in the first place, who the hell brought him up like that?

Yes that kid can do some damage with the gun, but the way things are at the moment he has done even more damage simply by existing. He has removed the freedom of choice from everyone in the UK (and other countries) from owning a gun, because we are all scared of him.

Originally posted by Rico
A system without limits to what people can do already exists, its called anarchy.

At the moment it would be, but I hope eventually we can get past all this. There is something fundamentally wrong with the "majority" making decisions for the rest of us.

I have to agree with you and Warbie (and anyone else who pointed it out) that we could not just suddenly legalize everything. We need to sort out the problems with society first. However, small steps can be taken and I believe legalizing canabis should be one of them.

Again, I would like to emphasise the whole "don't tell people what to do" argument. I really cannot see how you can sit there and claim to know what iss best for me.

I will go with Warbie on this one, we will have to agree to disagree or we will be here forever! lol!

But you will never take my freedom!!! lol
(maybe a bit too braveheart there?)
Originally posted by pat_thetic
Why are we still argueing about this? Weed is bad for you in every way and good for you in no ways....

Oh well done, did you see that on TV ??

Here have a sweetie ...
Originally posted by Warbie
It's agreeing to disagree time.

This started off as a 'is weed is good or bad' discussion and then changed to 'should cannabis be legalised' ... with a bit of everything esle chucked in.

I'm convinced weed is bad for you. After chatting to Maskirovka i've thought very hard about whether legalisation is a good idea - but still don't agree (although i'm not as convinced as before). There are certainly good arguments for ... but more for against imo.

Logically I totally agreed with everything he had to say, and with most of what you've said MrD. But I have no faith in ppl and don't think society can achieve these goals ..... call me a pessimist.

A solution is no good unless it's practicle. I'd be happy if the worlds problems could be solved through education and allowing ppl to make their own decisions - but I don't. Ppl are idiots,governments are corrupt and my faith in society is long gone.

Without laws the shit would really hit the fan, wish this wasn't the case.

pretty much the high point of this thread.....
You guys are incorrigible........ Marijuana has no effect on the brain. No one has ever died of overdose, and the amounts of tar and cancer causing agents are miniscule. You'd harm you lungs more by being in a smokers presence for a few hours than you would off smoking a gram. It is also not chemically addictive. So where is the problem?
Originally posted by Beta Man!
You guys are incorrigible........ Marijuana has no effect on the brain. No one has ever died of overdose, and the amounts of tar and cancer causing agents are miniscule. You'd harm you lungs more by being in a smokers presence for a few hours than you would off smoking a gram. It is also not chemically addictive. So where is the problem?

....really dude....im on your side but you need to look at the facts.

It does have short-term effects on the brain....

Inhaling any kind of smoke is very harmful INCLUDING pot.....theres no way to play down that its harmful.

It IS Addictive.....

Why the fu*k is it so hard for people to look at things from both sides.

Looking at it like you do does not credit people who think it should be legal. Your thinking is just as bad as the people who say "Pot is the devil"
I'm interested as to what you're basing your decisions on Beta Man!.

Experience, scientific studies, word of mouth??

There is certainly no clear cut solution to this.

I feel weed is more harmful than alcohol ....... you can disagree, but would be a fool to dismiss my, and other ppls, opinions offhand.

(Nothing you've said is new to me, I've taken many studies into account when making up my mind. This combined with a decade of heavy smoking experience, and the opinions of 100's of other smokers I've met (from countries all over the world), has helped me come to this conclusion. Maybe i'm wrong - who knows eh?? certainly not you.)
Originally posted by crabcakes66
pretty much the high point of this thread.....

yes...warbie is the only person to actually come up with an (even halfway) intelligent argument the other way.

he's argued that it makes total sense to legalize weed, but that it just wouldn't work because people are stupid and it just wouldn't actually pan out like people would like it to.

now, while i don't have that feeling that people are naturally bad, i can see that viewpoint very clearly, as i've felt like that in the past at times.

wow...a non-argumentative opinion...there's a shocker! no sarcasm here at all.


everyone else, like patthetic have just said "weed is bad 100% of the time and has no good benefit and blah blah blah"

this type of argument just doesn't hold up.

NOTHING is bad 100% of the time, and EVERYTHING can be bad if you put it in the right hands...this argument has been used many many times in this thread, and nobody has said why it is wrong.

that's because...logically, it isn't. but if you look at what warbie said, he came up with a way that it's not wrong, but wouldn't work anyway...which is the way you argue.

now, i still don't agree with that viewpoint, but what can i say against it? nothing.


i think this just comes down to a fundamental belief. some people believe that people are inherently bad, and you have to do whatever you can to keep them from ****ing everything up.

others believe that people are inherently good, and you just need to do things correctly and things will turn out nicely.

i'm of the latter type, and warbie is of the former...here's where it just comes down to a matter of your basic view of human beings and nothing else.
Well said - we should definately get a room :)
Originally posted by Warbie
I'm interested as to what you're basing your decisions on Beta Man!.

Experience, scientific studies, word of mouth??

There is certainly no clear cut solution to this.

I feel weed is more harmful than alcohol ....... you can disagree, but would be a fool to dismiss my, and other ppls, opinions offhand.

(Nothing you've said is new to me, I've taken many studies into account when making up my mind. This combined with a decade of heavy smoking experience, and the opinions of 100's of other smokers I've met (from countries all over the world), has helped me come to this conclusion. Maybe i'm wrong - who knows eh?? certainly not you.)

Experience AND scientific studies. Im not directing my opinions at you, so Id appreciate it if you wouldnt insult me. Alcohol is a poison that simply dilutes your blood and deprives you brain of nutrients, making you drunk, essentially. You kill thousands of brain cells, and murder your liver.

Weed has tar and carcinagins, but if you dont smoke cigarettes it is really unlikely that you'd develop cancer. The tar is nearly nonexistant if you smoke it out of a water bong. I agree that smoking pot is not for everyone, especially those with emotional problems, but used responsibly it has few detriments.

Some people are naturally needy, and become addicted to anything, pot amongst them. You mention it being difficult for a stoner to sleep without a buzz (doesn't happen to me anyways...) but then again that's still only because sleep is much more peaceful when your high. For some people it's impossible to get going in the morning without a cup of coffee to give them energy. Where's the difference there?
No insult was intended ....... well maybe a slight dig, and only because I found your previous post to be very dismissive of other ppls views.
"You guys are incorrigible........ Marijuana has no effect on the brain. No one has ever died of overdose, and the amounts of tar and cancer causing agents are miniscule. You'd harm you lungs more by being in a smokers presence for a few hours than you would off smoking a gram. It is also not chemically addictive. So where is the problem?"

Whats dismissive? It was directed to those people who are like, " I dont smoke pot because it kills brain cells, but I sure love to drink paint thinner :D :D :D!"
Originally posted by DimitriPopov
Gee I havent heard that faulted argument repeated in every 'weed r teh gewd' post ever. It gets old. This thread has a good number of immature replies with bad grammar and language skills , not much to debate.

Yeah I know this first-hand because I had a car-load of pot-heads pull out in front of me... I woke up in the ditch. the little bastards could of been killed if I didnt swerve.
Originally posted by CokeLite
Yeah I know this first-hand because I had a car-load of pot-heads pull out in front of me... I woke up in the ditch. the little bastards could of been killed if I didnt swerve.

you know they were potheads how?......because they were reclessly driving? does that mean they were stoned? have you ever seen a stoned person move fast? i sure havent.......
Some people I know thought they bought 6 acid pills for 35$, it was advil, lol.
Originally posted by pat_thetic
How is it good??

How is what good?? Weed?? Dude we have been talkin about this the whole ****ing time. Im not even going to try to explain it to you since you wont even take the time to read posts that disagree with your view.
Your guys reason is that it makes you feel good basically. Wow, what a great arguement. How do you know the tax for the weed would even pass also?
Originally posted by pat_thetic
Your guys reason is that it makes you feel good basically. Wow, what a great arguement. How do you know the tax for the weed would even pass also?

Dude your a moron. That wasnt my argument go back and read my ****ing posts or dont say shit to me.
Originally posted by Xtasy0
you know they were potheads how?......because they were reclessly driving? does that mean they were stoned? have you ever seen a stoned person move fast? i sure havent.......

No the reason I know they were stoned was because they pulled over. When they did I called the police because I could smell it. When they came they searched their car and found 1 1/2 pounds of the shit and some joints in the ashtray that were still warm.
Originally posted by mchammer75040
Dude your a moron. That wasnt my argument go back and read my ****ing posts or dont say shit to me.

I'm sorry, I do not have time to read 22 PAGES!!! of posts. Enlighten me oh smart one of your reasons why pot should be legalized.
Originally posted by CokeLite
No the reason I know they were stoned was because they pulled over. When they did I called the police because I could smell it. When they came they searched their car and found 1 1/2 pounds of the shit and some joints in the ashtray that were still warm.

so you were asleep at the wheel...some stoners passed you, then you drove into a ditch and woke up and the stoners stopped to help you out of the ditch, and you called the cops of them?
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