I think they meant they'd vocalise their telepathic communication for your convenience. You'd wonder if two vortigaunts were just standing there waving their arms at each other silently, right?
Anyway, my favourite quote? Well...
Anyone know about the 'hidden' vortigaunt in Water Hazard...
Isn't that the spot with the Stalker video feed? Have you tried turning around to look for a gate that just opened? I'm pretty sure that switch just opened a force field or gate.
I love the grenades. Very nicely done.
And the magnum IS a sin to use. And I'm wallowing in it.
Oh, the mini-teleporter in Kleiner's lab DOES work with anything you can stack on it. You just have to try positioning it properly.
Psst- Try stacking a whole LOT of stuff on it... ;)
Anyone know how to change that background for the main menu everytime you start up HL2? I noticed it originally changed according to the level you were in when you quit, but after finishing the game once it's stuck in the bombed out City 17 (with that guy in the windows).
Any help would be...
Actually, the Suppression Field and the Suppressor are different things... one prevents humans from mating (no idea how), and the other just vapourises them...
Would be interesting to see a huge Matrix style orgy going on in HL2 though. :E
Well.... in the original HL, snipers were nothing more than cardboard cutouts or a 'hit box' indicating a sniper. I bet in HL2, they only generate the dead combine body once the grenade blows up that 'hit box'.
The female assassin zombie looks very... very... ouch. Wouldn't be a pretty sight especially without the headcrab on... looks like the head got split too.
Well, it appears that the Combine troops ARE modified so the respirator is grafted directly onto their faces. Metrocops (the early ones) are still purely human with removable gas masks (Barney is one example. Citizens speak about joining the Metrocops too.) So, it appears the higher in the...