People on GameFAQs have found a way to get him to stick in the car...
Try it, see if it works? I'm gonna go for it...
Found a GameFAQs thread detailing this: there're some interesting finds such as a grub inside the locker when fighting 3 acid antlions...
I think someone got 93 grubs at the end of the first loading.
You know, those advisors reminded me of the brain bugs from Starship Troopers... wouldn't surprise me if they 'picked their brains' for information the same way...
It was both poignant and sad, but also very interesting. It shows just how dangerous the master-race of the Combine can be, yet...
After looking at the panel, and the blast marks beneath, and a grenade box nearby, it was a simple case of dropping a grenade in and jumping just as it blows. :)
Just after saving Alyx, there's one part where the Guardian smashes the wooden wall but doesn't break it and Alyx comments on how you pissed it off. There's a grub hiding behind it, did you find that?
I remember that Barnacle corridor... after watching the zombies get eaten and killing the barnacles, I didn't realize that I'd missed one. I walked right into its tongue and got a rude shock, when Alyx shouted "Gordon!" and promptly shot the Barnacle. Whoo, what an experience! :D
My favourite...
Hey guys,
I just got the Orange Box lately and I've been attempting to run Episode One on it. It's like playing the lottery with my system, and it only runs properly once every 20 attempts (no kidding, it's like playing the lottery everytime I see "Loading...")
The precise error is this...
Me? I love the magnum for picking off combine soldiers from range. I always try for headshots just because it's fun to watch them fly from range. For closer battles I prefer the loving kiss of a double barreled shotfun. =P
And zombies? The regular ones I just shoot with the pistol, because I...
I think they go through augmentation surgery after volunteering to be soldiers after serving the CP for some time. And the Elites are the white suited ones with one red eye. The yellow goggles are Nova Prospect guards, and blue goggles are regular troops.
hm, that's new. Never really paid attention to the scanners' appearance. They're all batteries to me...
Well, now I'm going to have to take a closer look this time!
*off topic*
Haha, all these stories of the helicopter falling on your reminds me of the time I played GTA:SA and a plane randomly spawned RIGHT IN FRONT OF A BUILDING. It hit the building, burst into a flaming wreck, and fell right on top of my head. After I'd won $12m at the race track...
Just watched it. You rock man. Hey, if you're interested and living in South East Asia I think that Machinimasia (Machinasia? something like that) contest is still up. You could submit this. xD
You mean I can't vote for the stuff like the consoles, monitors, the supply stations/manhack maintenance and storage systems, the locks and stuff? ><
I LIKED their tech in the environment. It provides such a stark contrast to the 'common' architecture of suppressed Earth.
Ah, great to see people are still interested in my stuff. ^_^u
Sorry I've been away, been busy at school. But I guess I'll only be active again once Episode 2 is released.
Till then, cheers!
BTW: You could get the forum to accept .rar file formats. They can be split into multiple...