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  1. ranmafan

    Antlion survival tip I haven't seen yet

    So do headcrabs, but that isn't very obvious due to lack of large bodies of water to drown those little buggers in. I wonder if humans drown?
  2. ranmafan

    Stuck Anti Citizen

    It's easy to miss the ladder on one of the tanks behind you. Look for it. I got stuck for an hour too.
  3. ranmafan

    Holy shit! Gman is an alien! (PICS!!)

    Alien - A someone/thing that does not fit into an arbitrary form of 'normal', or a being from a foreign/unfamiliar place, e.g another country. G-Man is definitely not what we'd call normal, nor do we know where he actually comes from. Therefore, he is technically an Alien. What kind though...
  4. ranmafan

    Cons of HL2

    I liked the AI in Halo better for gameplay purposes (a real challenge on Legendary for sure), but Half Life 2 is fairly decent. At least they take cover and don't get stuck. Well, Valve DID say they'd be adding content over Steam slowly. Let's hope it's good content...
  5. ranmafan

    Vort Prophecies

    The vort in the dam says the same things the vort that welds the gun onto your airboat says. Although... it was kinda funny to hear the vort at the dam say 'It is more than we can bear... but we will persevere' as his opening line while staring at the roast pit. (You know what's there when you...
  6. ranmafan

    Gman a scientist?

    *Topic Jacking* Hang on. Look at the third scientist from the left, the short one. It looks like Gabe! :O *Topic has been released*
  7. ranmafan

    So what happened to Breen? (spoilers)

    Well, maybe the Combine practice the 'scorched earth' policy of wiping out everything on a planet before moving on. If that's the case, who's to say Gordon won't be leading the remainder of Earth's population in a war against the 'real' Combine who come to finish the job? I would LOVE to see a...
  8. ranmafan

    Ravenholm - In hilarious mode

    It's Frank! If you guys read the GameFAQs board, they've started calling the ball 'Frank'. There's an online petition going on to Valve to officially NAME it Frank. I think it's a good name. ;)
  9. ranmafan

    it makes sense now!

    I think the commonly accepted theory is that Gordon was put in stasis or cryogenic sleep between episodes... preserve his youth and all.
  10. ranmafan

    Fun stuff in Kleiner's Lab... *minor spoiler*

    Yeah, I noticed that. There are lots of things on his board that are quite interesting. I wonder what else we can teleport...
  11. ranmafan

    Fun stuff in Kleiner's Lab... *minor spoiler*

    Just a few small things... When you first reach Kleiner's lab (Red Letter Day), you can swap out the little cactus in his teleporter for other items. (Doesn't work when you get back after Nova Prospekt though) Now, if you teleport something BIG (monitor, box, etc.) from the open air...
  12. ranmafan

    I've found Dr Breens hideout!

    Nice. :E Always wondered how to pin them to a ceiling though... does the crossbow have a limited impale range?
  13. ranmafan

    Apparently a patch is coming 11/24/04!

    I would love both patches. It runs fine on my computer, and I could get used to the stuttering, but no stutter is the best stutter. :D
  14. ranmafan

    Striders: desintegration cannon gone?

    It only disintergrates you when you die. Otherwise it does a lotta damage.
  15. ranmafan

    Help spawning Barnacles right!

    ;( Crap, so there's no way to spawn barnacles whose tongues actually hang properly? I was so looking forwards to feeding them everything in the menu at a location of my choice... ;(
  16. ranmafan

    Striders: desintegration cannon gone?

    Watching the strider do its energy cannon thing and then seeing your entire squad turn red and fade is something I find rather disheartening, but funny anyway. :naughty:
  17. ranmafan

    The Best Screenies

    Ah... just found another really scenic screenie... in any other situation, this might even be beautiful.
  18. ranmafan

    The Best Screenies

    Well... let's see... Bowling 1 and 2: I found the areas around Water Hazard to be really good for something I call 'Rocket Bowling'. Just spawn a tenpin of combines (or zombies or whatever you like), aim and fire! :naughty: Oddness: Well... I have no idea how she got that way, but it was...
  19. ranmafan

    Best/Worst chapter?

    Fave: It's a toss-up between the Water Hazard stages or the Citadel stages. Hate: Definitely Nova Prospekt. The second time you set up the turrets is really nerve wracking and it's mostly more of the same.
  20. ranmafan

    Strange models from HL2

    *Mild Spoilers* Are you talking about the combine soldier with his upper torso naked? In Nova Prospekt, at one of the security viewing screens, if you keep changing channels, you ought to see the combine soldier. The initial video is that of a stalker I think. It's hard to miss. Also, the...