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  1. T

    Yes Finally Nuclear War

    Hey Tredoslop, you didn't happen to read my sig now did you? :cheers:
  2. T

    The person above you

    Is representing Atlntic Canada btw, I speak when I have something to say....not much *EDIT* damn Im way too slow. was refering to Bass
  3. T

    The person above you

    Is annoyed with n00bs asking silly questions to Gabe
  4. T

    Holy Shit!

    Thanks mate....Finaly someone that appreciates my thoughts.....
  5. T


    Does anyone think mine's funny? I read it somewhere a long time ago and found it amusing:cheese:
  6. T

    Call of Duty demo no longer exclusive

    This is swell news indeed! I saw this a coulpe o' minutes ago and I cracked up a smile /me think about it again and cracks up a smile
  7. T

    Games youre most looking forward to

    All the above plus Van Buren (Codename for Fallout 3), StarCraft: Ghost and World of WarCraft
  8. T

    Holy Shit!

    Hi all, I think I'm to late to post here as the discussion seems to go down but consider this: We are currently overpopulating the planet. There's just too many people for all the resources to go around. So, God thinks up a solution, (kindoff) he makes more and more people gay! As gay people...
  9. T

    New interview posted later on today

    Director of Marketing eh? Well we maybe get some FINAL answer to all the delay rumours.....
  10. T

    Where is everyone from ?

    I live in Bergen -> Norway as seen on Ro@ch's map
  11. T

    At last - Sept 30th Confirmed by VALVe at ECTS

    /me sits back in utter relaxation counting the days towards 30th Sept. :cheers: :cheers:
  12. T

    Top Ten Reasons for HL2 Delay [Humor]

    HaHaHaHaHaHa!! ROFLMAO! *EDIT* no wait...that actually makes sence! lol!
  13. T

    I'm really worried right now... :(

    I wish all good to you and your family. Good luck!
  14. T

    I'm back

  15. T

    Thoughts on designing ennemies, come in and share

    je m'appelle francaise comme un vache espagnol (as you probably can see, please correct any typos) however, many nice ideas/thoughts here...
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    Anyone ever seen "Coupling"? One of the best sitcoms around! better than friends in most of the episodes. Especially episode 2x01 - "The Man With Two Legs"....however.....I read all the posts here and there's quite a good amount of good points here. I'm now gonna quote Steve from Coupling on...
  17. T

    Wouldn't be cool if...

    imagine this: You have a barrel "caught" in your manipulator. You jump of a building face down, just as the barrel hit the ground you fire. Now, would you fly up in the sky, or would the barrel get squashed? Fascinating
  18. T

    hl2...... just a rumor?

    'cause we're gonna hunt you down like the dog you are!:flame: EDIT: sorry if I offended anyone, dogs are really nice animals.
  19. T

    To settle the "Willit's comments" thread

    I second that. I will buy and enjoy both games. D3 when I wan't to be scared and HL2 whenever I feel like it:cheers: I will also buy the games you mentioned plus Black&White 2 and other good games...indeed a good time for gaming.
  20. T

    new gabe interview

    Cheer up! Have a bisquit! /me hands out bisquits to anyone who wants