Well said & correct.
I feel the same way.
What play style are you? Melee? Ranged? Magic? Or a combo of them? I fought a few novices of the Inquisition last night & their staff attacks were cool, as were their hand to hand attacks. Been thinking about starting a new char to try out.
Greetings all,
My first impression of Deep Silver & Piranha Bytes new RPG game "Risen", was that of a mixed bag. The games opening cinematic & first NPC encounter was somewhat less than impressive I felt visually & so I was slightly worried that it was an indication of things to come. While...
Dude. That like, really sucks. Heh heh. Like Yeah. Heh heh.
Well yeah. Duh! Everyone knows that.
The rest of you that took over a minute to type out a reason why you didn't want to spend 5 seconds in the first place to click a button are just... Well...
TheAnimalRescueSite.com is having trouble getting their quota of FREE FOOD donated every day to abused and neglected animals. It takes about 5 seconds to go to their site and simply click on the purple box.
It doesn't cost you a single thing, other than 5 seconds out of your life.
I have the above games & they were all well worth the full retail price I paid for them back in the day. The fact that they are now Buy 1 Get 1 Free is simply an excellent deal. If you want some fun, give the above games in red a serious consideration. They may not have the best graphics by...
I have not had the game installed for awhile now, but I came across a SS in my Fraps folder that I had taken of one of the MANY bug's the game had.
Tell me: Can you spot the reason I took the SS?
I was just thinking that & then I saw you had posted my thoughts!
Looks fantastic. I love the art direction. I'm not a big fan of getting content in parts, so i'll prob wait until it's more or less fully finished & released before I reinstall UT3.
I married Top Secrets Sister 10 years ago this month.
My Daughter is Top Secrets Niece.
She has begun to show a real interest in FPS type games. She loves UT2K4 & kicks all kinds of ass at it. We had a blast playing through SS2 & GRAW2. She really likes Co-Op games where we can work as a team...
Doom 3 looked better than Wolfenstein I think. It at least had shadows.
I am looking forward to only 2 games. Battlefield 1943 & Diablo 3
My fingers are Crossed!
Does anyone have the old game "Tribes: Vengence" & would be willing to trade another game for it? My daughter saw me playing Serious Sam 2 a month or so ago & asked if she could try. She ended up loving it. I then introduced her to Coop. Now she wants to play every game I have that has coop...
I second this comment. The game is excellent. So much so, that I have played all the way through twice & have spent almost countless hours just trying to get long distance 1 Hit 1 Kills. What it may lack in graphics, it more makes up for in gameplay mechanics. Well worth the cost.
I simply fail to understand why...
Blizzard makes a crap-load of cash off of World of Warcraft each month. As in more money than most game developers have to spend on an entire game over it's development cycle. It's not like Blizzard has to rush the game out & so cannot afford to add an OFFLINE...
Damn you Virus! :P
I was playing Wolfenstein earlier today before I had to go to work & just got fed up with the game in general & so I exited out & uninstalled it. Fast forward 10hrs & now that i'm home from work, I have decided to reinstall Fallout 3. I had not played F3 since before the...
Perhaps major fail may be a tad bit too harsh. It's just that I expected more & didn't get it. Then again, the game trailers led me to believe the game offered more. Though I do agree with you, as I really can't bother with mediocre shooters either.
My own advice to anyone that wants to play...
A couple more observations I had in game:
Sorry to Nit-Pik...
1) Scattered around in game, are a few static vehicles that can be destroyed, from either small arms fire or explosives. That's fine. However, leave an area & then come back & the vehicle you had just blown up is once again looking...
While the game is more or less fun to play at times, the visuals feel very dated with the exception of the "Abilities". While not cutting edge by any stretch of the old thought process, they can be pleasing to the eye the first dozen or so times you see them. Think Prey from a few years back &...