Anyone hyped for Wolfenstein?

While the game is more or less fun to play at times, the visuals feel very dated with the exception of the "Abilities". While not cutting edge by any stretch of the old thought process, they can be pleasing to the eye the first dozen or so times you see them. Think Prey from a few years back & you'll have an idea to what you'll see in Wolfenstein. That's not to say the visuals are bad, rather just not what we have come to expect. Of course it goes without saying that great visuals do not make a great game, because that's just not the way the cookie crumbles, though it does help to cover any bugs that a game may have & believe me, Wolfenstein has it's fair share of bugs.

To name a couple such bugs, but not limited to:

1) Dead enemies blink. (Unless you happened to have shot them in the face.) That just kills it for me. I frag some poor fool & then as I take a closer look at his head which is floating up near the ceiling while the rest of him is in pieces on the floor, I see his eyes blink, as though he was still "alive".

2) Some sound looping issues, that I do not believe to be hardware related. Such as enemies in certain instances saying the same thing, over & over & over & over. Case in point, the Train station at the beginning of the game. When you & the German soldiers first come in "contact" with the "substance." It also happens if the same circumstances are met later on ingame.

I will admit that I was rather impressed with the human enemy behavior after them being shot. As in Body damage location. For example, I shot an enemy in the left arm which knocked him back. A second later, he staggers to his feet & raises his MP40 in one hand & sprays bullets wildly in my direction, while screaming for a medic. It was great while it lasted, as the guy was still alive, but his "wounds" disappeared. His left arm was still straight at his side, as though it still hung there useless, but now he looked good as new. Each German soldier I came across looked as though they were just issued their uniform. All crisp & clean. No sense of "realism".

The AI.... is dumb. Plain & simple. They seem to like running out from behind cover, just standing in the open as they shoot at you. If you happen to get within Melee range, more times than not, the enemies would not attack me unless I took a step back. To give them room to swing. If I got in their face, they would often just stand there & yell at me.

I am playing on hard & so far, the only thing that will kill me in one hit is a grenade. I can take an insane amount of damage before I die. Not much need to play defensivly while playing on "Hard". Perhaps the "Insane" difficulty level provides more of a challenge.

The game touts having an RPG element. One feature is the ability to level up your weapons at any time while visiting an "area" ingame. With the possible exception of a few "damage enhancements" I found the weapon "augmentations" to be almost pointless. Both the MP40 & the K98 seemed to have God-like accuracy, even at long range & the STG-43 had almost no recoil, except when at full auto, so spending money to upgrade a feature that was already pretty much there was silly I thought. The Silencer is a nice addon though as is the extra ammo. The ability upgrades are worth saving your money for, as they at least help distract you from an otherwise Ho-hum shooter.

I feel that the game is a ultimately a generic FPS with a couple interesting features thrown in. I do not feel that the game comes even close to being worth what the asking price is & as such, my advice is to wait until it comes down in price before you buy it.

I forgot to mention Multiplayer you say? Well I meant to. If you want some online fun, go play Killing Floor, Counter Strike or even Enemy Territory instead. They are more enjoyable. At least in my opinion.

feels like a 100% half assed console to pc port, which is a shame because the old wolfensteins were great.
I could fix the repetitive sound pretty easily if I had the files to work with (didn't buy the game) The weapon accuracy and other characteristics and even AI decisions could be modified and improved extremely easily as well.

I'm pretty sure the eye blinking might require the SDK to change. And if they left a bug like that in there, I think it must be a pain in the ass to fix. I would do a workaround fix by giving them all red or completely black demon eyes.

This is assuming modifying the game is similar to the last couple id Software engines.
Didn't like the graphics on PC. Looks like they didn't give a rats ass about improving it from the console version.
Didn't like the graphics on PC. Looks like they didn't give a rats ass about improving it from the console version.
Its this kind of thing that makes me appreciate Valve and their decisions regarding consoles and PCs.
The gameplay mechanics are neither new nor innovative.
Storyline is cliched tripe and the cut scenes are below subpar. The multiplayer is horribly gimped. Go download Enemy Territory instead.
A couple more observations I had in game:

Sorry to Nit-Pik...

1) Scattered around in game, are a few static vehicles that can be destroyed, from either small arms fire or explosives. That's fine. However, leave an area & then come back & the vehicle you had just blown up is once again looking like it just came off the assembly line. They are even in the exact same place. Wow.. Them German drivers sure are precise with their parking!

2) NPC's are actually undead minions of the Allied war machine. Every so often, I'll have to follow an NPC from one location to the next & en route, we will often come across enemies. 100% of the time the NPC will die, unless I take out all the enemies single-handedly. I guess my NPC companion must have grabbed his son's BB gun by mistake & not his rifle when he ran out the door this morning, as his rounds never seem to pack any kind of punch. However, the same is not the case with the Germans. Their rounds must be made from pure Kryptonite. Even so, the NPC never seems to actually die. Just because his body is in small chunks scattered across the ground because a "Grenada" landed at his feet & he didn't do anything other than yell "Grenada" does not mean he is dead. Oh No. that's just a ruse to fool the Germans into not shooting at him any more. At the start of every mission when I need an NPC to show me the way, it's the guy that died the previous mission. Not that there are a lot of variety when it comes to Allied NPC's, but it is the SAME guy. If you play the game, you'll see for yourself.

3) Wow. Can AI really be that dumb? A few friendly NPC's were in the middle of a firefight against a single "Uber Soldat". Both sides where shooting at each other, but both sides had a wall between them that they were both hitting. As in the same place on the wall, just on opposite sides. Well then at some hidden signal I did not know about, my NPC allies stood up, left cover & then charged out over a wide open space to engage the Uber Soldat in Melee combat. A single short burst from the Uber Soldat fries all 4 of my mates in an instant. The Uber Soldat is a Tank & my allies are... Yugo's... without doors.

Nearly all of the gripes you mentioned could have VERY easily been fixed in a matter of hours, total. A monkey could do it. A couple of the issues might have taken a day or two.

It just makes you wonder.

Really makes you realize how rushed games are these days. It's such a shame they spend a few years working on games these days only to have it rushed out the door when it just needed another week. Infuriating.
Just started playing this myself, and from what I've experienced so far it's ok. The gameplay overall is enjoyable even though it does have that "been there done that feel to it". My only gripes so far are the stiff controls and slightly weird field of view, which seem to be common symptoms for shooter primarily developed for consoles...

So my verdict is that it's a rental. If you're a hardcore singleplayer Wolfenstein fan you might consider replaying it, otherwise it's not worth the full price. Also as stated the multiplayer sucks.
Looks really good.

I'm gathering that Wolfenstein is a major fail. I really can't bother with mediocre shooters.
I'm gathering that Wolfenstein is a major fail. I really can't bother with mediocre shooters.

Perhaps major fail may be a tad bit too harsh. It's just that I expected more & didn't get it. Then again, the game trailers led me to believe the game offered more. Though I do agree with you, as I really can't bother with mediocre shooters either.

My own advice to anyone that wants to play it:

When you start playing the game, simply do not expect to be wow'ed & try real hard to forget any & all hype you may have heard or seen surrounding this game. You may then just find you actually enjoy playing through Wolfenstein.

As it stands now, I am using a cheat that gives me the typical unlimited ammo/Speed/Health/abilities so that I can just try to squeeze as much enjoyment as I can out of the game so I can finish it quickly & move on.

A question to those who are currently playing the PC version of the game:

Does anyone have real time shadows while playing Wolfenstein? I have the Shadow slider in options @ High, but the only difference I see is that with the "Shadows" option on, I only have static shadows, such as those cast from buildings or statues. My character does not cast a shadow himself, now do ANY enemies in-game, except for NPC's that are inside a building & those shadows are cast upon themselves & not upon the game world itself.

I quite enjoyed the RPS writeup, he articulates why it's so disappointing to see Raven shove out such mediocre crap in a great way. I'll wait until this bargain quality title hits the bargain bin.
If you guys upload the .def files, (they aren't copyrighted) I'll fix the issues you have like FOV, repetitive speech, whatever. Should be fun. It's up to you.

Open the pak0.pk4
all of the game's .def files are in this '.zip'

If you want to do it, then make a copy of pak0.pk4 to a separate folder somewhere on your hard drive and unzip it.

(The .def files are text.)

From what I hear, the first 3-4 levels are extremely average, but the game is quite long.
If you guys upload the .def files, (they aren't copyrighted) I'll fix the issues you have like FOV, repetitive speech, whatever. Should be fun. It's up to you.

all of the game's .def files are in this '.zip'

If you want to do it, then make a copy of pak0.pk4 to a separate folder somewhere on your hard drive and unzip it.

(The .def files are text.)

From what I hear, the first 3-4 levels are extremely average, but the game is quite long.

Damn you Virus! :P

I was playing Wolfenstein earlier today before I had to go to work & just got fed up with the game in general & so I exited out & uninstalled it. Fast forward 10hrs & now that i'm home from work, I have decided to reinstall Fallout 3. I had not played F3 since before the first DLC was released when I rushed through the game. So I got all 5 of the DLC's & decided to play through again to see what new content there was & to this time take my time playing the game.

However, I'm sure I'll at some point reinstall Wolfenstein in the semi-near future & when I do, I'll let you know & if someone else has not already done it, I'll send you any file you want to tinker with.

Thank for offering to look at the files & make any changes that needed tinkering with. I appreciate it & will surely take you up on your offer at a later time, because as-is, I find Wolfenstein is just not fun enough to continue playing through.

Oh, it's no problem. I'll come across them in due time.

I'm actually very interested in looking through them. There is nothing cooler than being able to edit all of the properties and characteristics of all the weapons and shit.

Bullet Velocity:
Rate of Fire:
Clip Size:
Sound effects -


You can have some fun messing with it. 'cept I don't have the game even. /o\
Oh, it's no problem. I'll come across them in due time.

I'm actually very interested in looking through them. There is nothing cooler than being able to edit all of the properties and characteristics of all the weapons and shit.

Bullet Velocity:
Rate of Fire:
Clip Size:
Sound effects -


You can have some fun messing with it. 'cept I don't have the game even. /o\

And this is a perfect example of not bothering to get attatchments.
On the 5th level. Awful. It's as if a bunch of kids made it. 5 year old graphics, and the poorest 5 year old graphics at that. Crap sound. Console gameplay. Way too easy on hardest difficulty. No bugs as yet but plenty of exploits, the stupid AI kills any kind of challenge. Cliche storyline and characters. It has absolutely nothing going for it, except the Wolfenstein (TM) branding, which is the only reason it is selling.

This excuse for a game marks the end of single player gaming for me, so tired of all the crap that has been released over the last year. If it's not unfinished, buggy patch fests it's inferior, sloppy console ports. The only games that really offer any kind of glimmer of hope are Valve's episodes, but they are way too slow in coming to keep me interested. This rig is my last and will live on as purely a graphics machine with no more upgrades - got better things to waste my money on. like taxes.
Aaaannnddd I won't be getting this after all. Sounds like Doom 3 disappointment all over again.

Also, it's not a surprise the graphics sometimes seem 5 years old, the engine is about 5 years old. IIRC, Doom 3 was released somewhere around November 2004.
To each their own I suppose. I enjoyed it, despite it's shortcomings. As far as the graphics go I thought that they did a good job compensating for the old graphics engine with the art direction, which I liked.

My dad seems to like it even more then I do, and we always laugh at the repetitive : "that man is a spy!!11", which has become a sort of catch phrase for this game. :laugh:
The entire multiplayer team was laid off the day of release, it's absolutely terrible.. :/

I liked the SP as a just mow-everyone-down type of game but not much else
Aaaannnddd I won't be getting this after all. Sounds like Doom 3 disappointment all over again.

Also, it's not a surprise the graphics sometimes seem 5 years old, the engine is about 5 years old. IIRC, Doom 3 was released somewhere around November 2004.

Doom 3 looked better than Wolfenstein I think. It at least had shadows.

I am looking forward to only 2 games. Battlefield 1943 & Diablo 3

My fingers are Crossed!

Of course the PC guys will be pissed off.
Wolfenstein was born and bred on the PC, if there's any signs of consolization... there'll be riots.
I doubt it.

Nobody cares about this franchise anymore. Especially since there's probably more console owners than those who own a gaming PC.

I liked RTCW better on PC, that being said.
Why the **** would a developer alienate leagues of loyal rtcw/et fans by giving us the shitty cod/rtcw multiplayer hybrid? We end up with something the fans don't like and something that isn't as good as CoD, so the CoD people won't buy into it either. It has no place in this world!

Bag of shite.
Doom 3 looked better than Wolfenstein I think. It at least had shadows.

I am looking forward to only 2 games. Battlefield 1943 & Diablo 3

My fingers are Crossed!


Battlefield 1943 is fun, but you can only play it so long with 3 maps.
To each their own I suppose. I enjoyed it, despite it's shortcomings. As far as the graphics go I thought that they did a good job compensating for the old graphics engine with the art direction, which I liked.

Yeah, I thought it was okay. Finished it now and it was very short as well. It was no where near up to the standard it should have been though. I can see that as much as I enjoyed the single player.
You can have my copy for 5 euros and a blow job (lol bj)
You can have my copy for 5 euros and a blow job (lol bj) me in NY this friday behind the Grand Central train station. i'll be wearing the pink hat and scarf
Cool. Watch the teeth though, they play havoc with the syphilis sores.
I have not had the game installed for awhile now, but I came across a SS in my Fraps folder that I had taken of one of the MANY bug's the game had.

Tell me: Can you spot the reason I took the SS?


Why the **** would a developer alienate leagues of loyal rtcw/et fans by giving us the shitty cod/rtcw multiplayer hybrid? We end up with something the fans don't like and something that isn't as good as CoD, so the CoD people won't buy into it either. It has no place in this world!

Bag of shite.

I'm glad I wasn't looking forward to this game, because I would have been so disappointed :(
I miss RTCW/ET, last I tried ET the game was a mess of bots and game-breaking server mods. I wish there was a new game to take it's place, one that wasn't trying to be Battlefield (Quake Wars) or CoD (Wolfenstein). Activison is certainly living up to its reputation of "the new EA" though.
I think the same as Warbie. I played this yesterday at my mates house and I thought it was a bag of shite. They took the grenade indicator from cod and that stupid throw back thing combined with regenerating health and iron sights. Its more like cod 5 than wolfenstien apart from shitier. The graphics are ugly, voice acting is horrible and even the level design is shit. The weapon upgrades it could have done without and the UI was horrible(this might be do to the fact it was on PS3). The guns are all glowing so you can see them easily and the nazi gold you are supposed to look for is highlighted. Not to mention some bits in the game are just plain annoying.