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  1. Stone

    Anyone need a texture?

    yer, well i do get requests for me mean you don't need me....well erm...erm...;(...... /me goes and hangs himself..... /me then checks all his image files.... unfortunatly i haven't got anything that fits into this sorry... ;(
  2. Stone

    drawing and modelling

    hey, nice work, just one problem, in all of the images, the eys look out of place, they look wrong.... i don't know why, i cant put my finger on mit, but they are wrong...other than that good work
  3. Stone

    look what happened when...

    good and so art should be, i may sound like a teacher, but you should enjoy is expression even if you don't realise it...
  4. Stone

    look what happened when...

    Unfortunatly, I try to keep my spellling, punctuation and my grammer away from each other, because they get into nasty fights other wise... ...Well no not really, it's because I used to want to be a writer, and i studied english etc...Now i use drawings to express all my writtern word, i...
  5. Stone

    look what happened when...

    he should of it being the longest word in the english dictionary...
  6. Stone

    Whad'ya' Look Like?

    one thing you learn when taking pictures....these are always the best type of photos... ...and as a guy to a guy, i'm jealous of your looks nietzche.... /me tries to glue the photos of nietzche into a reasonably mistakable mask..... ;)
  7. Stone

    look what happened when...

    If i wasnt such a nice person, then i'd probably just of registared on there just to make a very witty comment using very long words like Discombobulation, Antidisistablishmentariunism, and forthwhich, would causes there minds to explode.....but fortunatly i am a nice person, so i wont.....
  8. Stone

    Airspeed Velocity of an Unladen Swallow

    A village. Sound of chanting of Latin canon, punctuated by short, sharp cracks. It comes nearer. We see it is a line of MONKS ala SEVENTH SEAL flagellation scene, chanting and banging themselves on the foreheads with wooden boards. They pass a group of villagers who are...
  9. Stone

    Airspeed Velocity of an Unladen Swallow

    Oh my god, you people are so ignorant some times...go watch Monty Python's Quest For the holy Grail...... and then come back..... ;)
  10. Stone

    God doesnt exist

    I've just one thing to say..... where is your proof ;)
  11. Stone

    Whad'ya' Look Like?

    everyone knows that the best avatar on the forum is mine, it was even voted so in a poll a while back, that was until i made one for Farrowlesparrow, and then he won :( (that was the cartoon G-man one :P)
  12. Stone

    Whad'ya' Look Like?

    here is another picture of me, this time it is of me in primary school, the lsat year i believe..not sure..... oh it was edited, as i was showing someone how easy it is would be for reality to be a computer game, this was in high school that i made this, so it was before the matrix :P
  13. Stone

    Whad'ya' Look Like?

    *Stone looks around suspiciously and hides his secret Mod Powers..... no don't know what your on about.....
  14. Stone

    Whad'ya' Look Like?

    and the scary thing is that your mother probably already knows...... :X
  15. Stone

    Which MMOG to buy?

    You need to play PUZZLE PIRATEs, the only decen MMORPG ever made, and it will always stay that way, i even paid for it...... /me feels ill
  16. Stone

    Whad'ya' Look Like?

    the power of the mother.... *Stone twiches at the thought of it....suddenly a ghostly figure knocks on Stone's door... "I know what your thinking Stone, As your Mother you can hide nothing from me" *Stone runs offf.......
  17. Stone

    Are you male or female

    I'm WELSH, woo, am I the only one?
  18. Stone

    Whad'ya' Look Like?

    ARGH, it's a big giant head.....oh wait that's my picture...hehe you need the goatie, your chin looks too bear to me...
  19. Stone

    Whad'ya' Look Like?

    just a mintue, how come there are too mods spamming this thread....oh well as long as it's Chris I'm sure it's ok to do it ;)....well it's not but I haven't had a propber conv on these boards for quite a while....
  20. Stone

    Let 'em sing anything for you!!

    *Stone Thinks About The Arena, He Bursts Into Tears And Runs Off Into The Distance.....