Whad'ya' Look Like?

just a mintue, how come there are too mods spamming this thread....oh well as long as it's Chris I'm sure it's ok to do it ;)....well it's not but I haven't had a propber conv on these boards for quite a while....
Well the beauty of it is, I can edit the thread title whenever it goes off topic - to make it actually on topic again :D

We just need to find a topic first though...
Originally posted by Chris_D
Well the beauty of it is, I can edit the thread title whenever it goes off topic - to make it actually on topic again :D

We just need to find a topic first though...

we do have a topic.. its about us forum goers and what we look like.. and so far Chris baybee, ur the stud of this place :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: lol
Originally posted by FictiousWill
Here's me:

it's a rare collectible - Will's missing his goatee!

ARGH, it's a big giant head.....oh wait that's my picture...hehe you need the goatie, your chin looks too bear to me...
Originally posted by Fenric1138
lmao, your mom calls you by the full Christopher too? haha mine aswell.. I hate that, and she knows it :)

the power of the mother....

*Stone twiches at the thought of it....suddenly a ghostly figure knocks on Stone's door...

"I know what your thinking Stone, As your Mother you can hide nothing from me"

*Stone runs offf.......
Yeah :D

I made the mistake of telling one of my managers once that I hated being called Christopher and so obviously she always called me Christopher.

So I found out that she hated being called "Mrs" so she stopped calling me Christopher :D But I carried on calling her Mrs.

Got another pic of myself here:
Originally posted by Stone
the power of the mother....

*Stone twiches at the thought of it....suddenly a ghostly figure knocks on Stone's door...

"I know what your thinking Stone, As your Mother you can hide nothing from me"

*Stone runs offf.......

* Chris_D shits himself :O
Originally posted by Chris_D
* Chris_D shits himself :O

and the scary thing is that your mother probably already knows...... :X
i have a question Chris

how the hell do u get those purple letters? i know i got them once using the /me command

but i did use it recently and it didn't work.. what? its a mod thing now? :p
Originally posted by Dr. Freeman
i have a question Chris

how the hell do u get those purple letters? i know i got them once using the /me command

but i did use it recently and it didn't work.. what? its a mod thing now? :p

/me tries

* tries again

I dunno, but I can't read the purple writing atall, either my eyes are worse than I thought or its just an awful color to use :)
*Stone looks around suspiciously and hides his secret Mod Powers.....

no don't know what your on about.....
[ color=purple]* Dr. Freeman is a newb :p[/color]

If you type that above, but remove the space between the first bracket and the C then it will come out like myself and Stone did. Just took a new picture...
Unfortunately, I only have a scanner :(

Originally posted by Fenric1138
/me tries

* tries again

I dunno, but I can't read the purple writing atall, either my eyes are worse than I thought or its just an awful color to use :)

It can't be worse than that green - or can you see that ok?
Chris you look different in every photo. Wish I could do that, I just manage to look bad in every photo lol (hmm.. probably why I grew my hair really long, hide my face ;))

Edit: I can see the green clearer, but even then its a struggle.. don't tell me im color blind, have you any idea how that could screw my career up lol!
Originally posted by Chris_D
[ color=purple]* Dr. Freeman is a newb :p[/color]

If you type that above, but remove the space between the first bracket and the C then it will come out like myself and Stone did. Just took a new picture...

i knew THAT u nubcake Chris :p

what i meant is.. why doesn't the /me work anymore? :x

before.. (in August i believe) it was working.. but in September it stopped working. bahh!
He looks like one of those young footballers you see a mugshot of in the Sunday papers along with a story about how many Page 3 models they bedded in one night.. I hate them for that, its unfair to the rest of us ;)
Ahh well they removed it. Don't know why. We'll be implementing some new features to the forum soon anyway (eventually) - once we've done that we should bring the /me hack back.

Fen, I'd get it checked out mate. It seems like you might be mildly colour blind. It's not normally a problem - it just seems like you're mistaking purples/browns with greens and maybe vice versa etc. You'll be fine.

Anyway, let's face it. If Beethoven can write beautiful peices of music like Moonlight Sonata with no hearing (not sure if he did that while he was deaf), you'll be able to carry on with your brilliant art.
here is another picture of me, this time it is of me in primary school, the lsat year i believe..not sure.....

oh it was edited, as i was showing someone how easy it is would be for reality to be a computer game, this was in high school that i made this, so it was before the matrix :P

Bit of a weird question, but do i look like an ault (i.e. 18) to you lot? I'm contemplating getting some fake ID to back me up (haven't needed any as of yet) but i don't want to spend £13 lol (thats the scottish in me ;))
I'd post a picture of myself, but then I'd get flooded with PMs of people wanting to meet me. Both men and women...because well, I'm so f*cking hot even men can't resist.
Originally posted by Murray_H
Bit of a weird question, but do i look like an ault (i.e. 18) to you lot? I'm contemplating getting some fake ID to back me up (haven't needed any as of yet) but i don't want to spend £13 lol (thats the scottish in me ;))

i'd vote no, look too young, imo.
It doesn't matter how old you look, it's the quality of the ID that matters.

This thread is growing fast...

(Another pic! :D Me and my ex, Melanie)
Originally posted by Chris_D
not sure if he did that while he was deaf

ehh, beethoven started losing his hearing ~1795. moonlight sonota was published in 1802. beethoven was 'completely deaf' by ~1820. so he could probably hear that particular composition. plus, being a solo piano piece, he could easily play it for himself (as opposed to needing to wait to hear a full-blown orchestral composition performed).
Originally posted by GhostValkyrie
I'd post a picture of myself, but then I'd get flooded with PMs of people wanting to meet me. Both men and women...because well, I'm so f*cking hot even men can't resist.

sure.. but ur no Chris_D :p

Oooh, there's a challenge. Post your picture and I'll add a poll :D

Well I've always been worried. Ever since G0rgon started asking to "meet up" with him a few months ago.
Originally posted by Chris_D
Ahh well they removed it. Don't know why. We'll be implementing some new features to the forum soon anyway (eventually) - once we've done that we should bring the /me hack back.

Fen, I'd get it checked out mate. It seems like you might be mildly colour blind. It's not normally a problem - it just seems like you're mistaking purples/browns with greens and maybe vice versa etc. You'll be fine.

course.. could always be the monitor being crap.. yeah, I'll blame the monitor, denial is a wonderful thing ;)