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  1. S

    Back to the World (28 Days Later Based Mod)

    Has anyone here seen Dawn of the Dead? It makes 28 days later look like crud
  2. S

    Height maps

    You know in the tech demo how the ground changed dynamically? That was using a hight map. I just though of other idea for my mod. In the tech demo there was gordon made out of water. What if I made a few wave models and just made them out of water and put them on the water surface moving...
  3. S

    There needs to be a zombie mod for source.

    Dawn of the Dead mod would own... with the source engine you could use objects in the mall to block the doors, set up traps and survive. Would make an excellent co op mod. The fast running zombies in 28 days later were too goofy
  4. S

    Halflife 2 Mapping Software?

    Hi everyone, what mapping software will initially be avaliable for Halflife 2? After using XSI for a month and just trying (HL 1) hammer I've found the interface to be so clunky and useless. I hope the HL2 version is a big improvement :eek:
  5. S

    Stone's Pet Project...

    I like how your monitor shows the halflife 2 forums
  6. S

    Height maps

    Damn oh well. What if the wave was a moving entity with a dynamic alpha texture? Most likely a cylinder where the texture rolls up the side while the other side remains transparent?
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    Height maps

    I'm planning to make a small mod all by myself (coding, models, textures, sounds) set on a tropical island where you can surf and dynamic meshes would be perfect for making waves which break and form pipes. I just hope the engine can handle it :)
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    If I buy the game through steam...?

    steam sucks in that it ties you to an email account.. what if you change isps or your email dies? you have to create a whole new account and go through all that :(
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    if there is a movie.....

    Daredevil was a crap movie... overhyped and boring
  10. S

    Sound artists and model unwrappers needed !

    Out of interest why did you settle on the name Grey City? Sounds a little weird.... :)
  11. S

    Sound artists and model unwrappers needed !

    Its surprising how similar Downtown Dispute and Grey City will be... the only real difference is that GC is large and single player, DD will be small and multiplayer. Ever thought of merging the two projects ?
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    7th movie release date

  13. S

    Modeling people

    3dbuzz has some great XSI tutorials... u need to register on their site and then go to the downloads section
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    Cool idea for using monitor technology

    What happens if the camera points at the monitor thats attached to it? Do you get an infinite number of monitors in one another? Or will HL2 crash? hehehe... interesting to find out
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    My first model

    Hey its pretty good for a first attempt.. I wonder why 3ds Max always makes polygons different colors.. it always looks weird :)
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    Point of Impact: Grey City is taking names

    Damn thats a lot of models to get done.. do you also have a list on non weapon items? There must be thousands in a city environment
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    My First Model - A Train

    As Submerge mentioned, this train may eventually be used in urban maps in the Downtown Dispute Mod. It would be awsome to see a train going around a small city with people/npc's getting on and off :) The latest version : For those interested I modelled the latest version after the New...
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    What do you use ?

    .net has backwards compatability.. but I hate the net framework, its crud just like MFC and chews up system resources
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    What do you use ?

    vb is too much like a scripting language..
  20. S

    What do you use ?

    Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0