Back to the World (28 Days Later Based Mod)

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I originally had this posted on the boards quite some time ago however they went down and all was lost, and i had several people that were interested.
Takes place in a world infected with 'Hate', a disease which is similar to rage in that it turns the people it infects into (basically) zombies

You will come to America (Seattle,Washington) and from there will make your way across the US finding more and more about the plot

(Note: The storyline is pretty much written however i dont want to give too much of it away, due to the twists and turns)
+Riot Shield
+Harpoon (can lash the beasts to the floor/wall etc)
+Mosin Nagant w/ Scope
+m24 w/ scope
+Frag Grenades
+Tripwire Mines

++NOTE++ You will only be able to carry a certain amnt of weapons at a time, making it important to try to diversify what you choose to carry with you.
What we have

What we need
+Another Mapper
+Texture Artist
+Web Host

[email protected]
but please post in the forum if your interested
I realized taht all the old posts are back and i posted this mod before under the thread "Hate - 28 days later based mod"

However its still me and its still the same team just give feedback
sounds like a cool idea, but no molotov cocktail? :) hehe

i would do a site for yah, but im limiting myself for pay-only. and mods arnt really profit. sorry i cant help bro, but good luck with the mod.

btw: any ideas on the items you can have? maybe like a radio that picks up signals or rations to keep your health up. just some gadjets + pick ups besides just weapons.
This is exactly the type of mod I want to see! Is it a singleplayer mod, or multi? I think it would be awesome as a 2-4 player coop mod.

I could help a bit with Seattle mapping since I am a resident.
this is the kinda idea i had for a mod lol.
but i was too lazy to getting around to it, doing POI: GC is easier ;)
nevertheless, good luck with it and i will be there in line to play it!
feels to counter strikish......i might have said that before......
Has anyone here seen Dawn of the Dead? It makes 28 days later look like crud
I have seen like 100 or so zombie movies, and the thing I liked about "28 days later" was that they put some actual time into the development of it. It doesn't feel like some low budget film school project like the majority of zombie movies. Plus it had a great director.
Yes there probably will be several modes of co-op, although we're not sure about a few things...

1st mode (Fun Mode): Go thru maps 1 by 1 in a scenario, when you get infected/die you just respawn
2nd mode (Cool mode): Go thru maps, u get infected u go spectator and watch urself attack your friends, if u die u respawn.
3rd mode(Hardcore): Go thru maps, u get infected or die during the map there is no respawn unless everybody dies

And yes there is a molotov cocktail i fergot to put that up there
Oh and about the other stuff:

Yes i have seen dawn of the dead, and then i saw this... and 'It was Good'

Well, what makes it feel counter-strikeish? The presence of assault rifles? Sniper rifles (even though they're not a scout and an awm)?

Well actually, Maxx, I originally posted this idea 2 days after the movie came out, perhaps you would like to read the original it has all of this in it but it was titled Idea- so i re posted, then site went down, and now i am posting the idea again.
looks nice, i hope there will be allot of SP mods coming :)
my mod is going to SP only...but no one cares ;(

anyways, the story sounds promising, but I remain skeptical since my attitude towards the whole Zombie Game thing still seems a bit overblown.
If it's a 28 Days Later based mod then why in the us? They are actually in the UK in the movie. Well, anyways, if u can make this happend it would be hell of a mod, loved the movie :D
Well its not going to be the exact same story just the premise that not all the infected starved (notice the disease here is Hate hehehe NO LAW SUITS FOR ME) and it was spread to the us , youll find out how

UPDATE: will be posting up in-editor pics of some of the maps of the city i have so far...
lol awsome if coop. imagine, the player next to you becomes infected and you have no choice but to chuck him into pieces with a machete. otherwise you let the team down if he infects more teamates. :cheers:

if it were co-op, and your teamates "im guessing they would be people just like you playing online, and not bots"...what would make them use their mouse and keyboard to turn on you and infect you? ...i see this only happening on a single player game.

but i like your idea tho, like having your teamates protect each other, like if your infected, your teamates would shoot at you and the game would be over. or if your teammates got infected, youd have to shoot at them. thus making it harder to complete the game as your not getting much help cause you have fewer teamates.
It would be cool if when you were infected you would have uncontrollable outbursts where you are temporarily controlled by AI that would force you to attack team mates... and the longer you were infected the longer the outbursts last, eventually taking complete control of you.
Well the premise is when you are infected you go into SPECTATOR MODE and watch yourself as you basically attack your former teammates (if they dont kill you first)

There will probably be like a 5-15 second period where you will notice changes and be able to warn your teammates.
Again we have|need
Mapper 1 | +
Modeller 1 | +
Skinner 0 | 1+
Animator 1 | +
Coder 1 | +
Texture artist 0 | +
Non freeweb host 0 | 1

(+ means "we have slots open for more")
so, you're sitting there, get infected, try and warn people, go into spectator, AI takes over and attacks anything that moves.
We now have a modeller that has joined the team please welcome Eilili to the team