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  1. S

    Bump mapping, or lack therof?

    There was no bump mapping in the docks video.. which was disapointing. The wooden planks would have looked so real with it :(
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    AMD or INTEL

    Intel.. AMD overheats too easily, then you have to get a big fan that sounds like a vacuum cleaner
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    Grey City - A HL2 Modification (duh)

    Some of the code used in both Grey City and Downtown Dispute will be pretty cool.. I'd love to see traffic lights working and NPC's driving cars following the road rules :)
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    Surfing Mod?

    I've been thinking about doing a mod called paradise island, where you can surf, play beach volleyball, hanglide, sky dive, scuba dive and other wacky activities
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    Linux in HL2

    Mac support should be more of a priority.. atleast mac is now 64bit with ati 9800 pro drivers
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    dock is surrouded by sand bank?

    On the docks movie it looks like the wood planks are not bumpmapped.. I thought almost everything in half life 2 was going to be ? Mabey its just an early build ....
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    You modelers here are amazing, and would like some of your help!

    Does Grey City support multi player? If so then the biggest problem with it is that unless there is a central server none of the rpg elements will work, because different servers will have diffferent inventories and if you join another server then you wont be as advanced (in the rpg game) as on...
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    You modelers here are amazing, and would like some of your help!

    How is gray city different from Domestic Dispute (or Downtown Dispute.. what ever its called now) ?
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    My First Model - A Train

    Ok point taken, I thought that there would be six or seven train carriages, and if one is over 2000 polygons then six or seven could lag up the system. I wish there was some sort of guideline as to the number of polygons recommended :/
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    My First Model - A Train

    I spent 60 minutes redoing the train in XSI and this is the final result. Curved seats, double sliding doors, well proportioned windows, a diagonal ad bar on either side of the roof are among the new features : The poly count is alot higher but still within a good range for a single model :)
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    Models and Skins are 1337: an Observation

    hehe thats cool
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    My First Model - A Train

    Thanks for the feedback everyone.. XSI is so damn easy to use, if anyone is thinking of starting 3d modeleling without any experience then XSI : EXP is a good place to start. Also be sure to check out the video tutorials on :)
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    Kleiner video has been hacked, picture inside

    The worst part of the Kleiner video is that when the professor types on the keyboard the computer monitor doesnt change.. like its a fixed skin. Other than that its awsome...
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    Armageddon Soldier Renders, Must See!

    I wish people would stop using geocities.. the worst site ever :(
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    odd stuff: 600MB vs. Direct feeds, docks-scene...

    Did anyone else notice the water horizon? If you look past the sunken ship you can see the water making a square edge where the horizon limit is.. looked a little dodgy I thought
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    First model ever

    Hey nice work.. did you make a custom texture for that or just use a metallic shader ?
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    My First Model - A Train

    Hey everyone, I've just started using Softimage XSI and decided to make a city train for my first model. I know its pretty lame compared to some of the excellent models posted on here but I thought i'd get feedback anyway. It features double and triple seats, hand rails and windows. I...
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    Movie To Mod

    Dawn of the Dead - co op game where you have to use the physics engine to survive in a shopping mall with zombies everywhere outside trying to get in Predator - using the "character as water" technology.. imagine being with other marines in a jungle trying to hunt down an invisible predator...
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    [OT]-DooM III screens and info

    I like the moving light at the very start.. the rest is boring
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    Dont beleive the hype: No media tonight.

    cool thanks, it would be awsome if you could run the half life 2 footage as a windows screen saver :)