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  1. urseus

    Gordan's eyes....

    You know on the demo level that you run through to test video settings in CS S. That water model thats in front of the fire is gorden isnt it. I mean, its obviously the HEV suit.
  2. urseus

    11-16 eh?

    No they just set a time to release it, and no matter where you are, it has to hit that specific time they have stated and the game will unlock.
  3. urseus

    HL2 gold tommorw cs nation resports

    Im not going to believe half life 2 is ready untill i can walk into a store and punch the box in the fcuking face.
  4. urseus

    Valve Suing Users With Illegal Versions of CS:S?

    Why in the blue blazes would you pirate a game then play it online. Its just screaming for you to get caught. If i downloaded a game illegally, id turn off my modem so it didnt transmitt anything and play it single player. Nuts to play MP.
  5. urseus

    backing up hl2 files if i format

    What happens if the email account my steam is associated with dies. Say i have it linked to my hotmail account, and it gets cancelled.
  6. urseus

    Upcoming Release

    So its converted to pounds. Wow. How about any other countrys.
  7. urseus

    Half-Life 2 Steam Offers Ready Thursday

    If i buy the Silver Pack on steam, will i be able to purchase HL1 source afterwoods?
  8. urseus

    Day of Defeat: Source added to coming soon. Updated oct 6th

    Its not the way they are implimented really. If players can control something limited, there will be idiots. That man has something i want, so i will kill him or it to prevent him from having it. Its basic male compeditivness. Thats why you have plane campers in Battlefield. What a waste...
  9. urseus

    Day of Defeat: Source added to coming soon. Updated oct 6th

    Im glad they were working on something else rather than getting their own mod ready for release. Good organisation. Dear god, keep vehicals out of day of defeat.
  10. urseus


    So, let me get this straight. If i buy the Top of the line edition from the store, i will have to pay for dod:source when it comes out? So the top of the line version from stores is actually not all that good at all?
  11. urseus

    I don't think there will be any "real" mirrors in HL2

    I really pity anyone who hasnt played flashpoint. It is the only game that gives you almost unlimited real life freedom. Its even still pretty. Seeing 7 tanks roll across the plains kicking up dust in a light rain is the most beautiful thing ive seen in a game.
  12. urseus

    Were you right or wrong about multiplayer?

    Im not too disapointed. Deathmatch is old hat these days, and would only have been fun for a short time to suppliment the period between finishing the single player and waiting for good mods to be released.
  13. urseus

    If Half Life 2 were to be a bad game...

    It wont matter. The first one wasnt a supergood game, its just the popularity of the mods has extended the longevity of the game. I mean, its not actually hl that is the most popular game on the internet, its CS and DOD mods. Noone plays hl death match anymore. If valve had been as tight as...
  14. urseus

    I don't think there will be any "real" mirrors in HL2

    Exactly. Valve seem to think that not seeing the characters body is imersive. This is wrong. Being ingame and looking down, i want to see my characters shoulders and feet, because i am that character. Its like going to a facy dress party, you have to look and feel the part. I mean looking down...
  15. urseus

    I don't think there will be any "real" mirrors in HL2

    They do have the ability to simulate mirrors, but because of valves obsession with immersion that borders on insanity they wont have any ingame, otherwise youd feel like gorden was a vampire, with everyone else reflecting and you not. Same goes for the Vehicals. Nothing takes you out of the...
  16. urseus

    VALVe, appease our consumerism. Sell us more stuff.

    A crowbar keyring. I mean really, its that too much to ask. Who the hell are the marketing people, and do they just think of the stupidest things they can. DUhhhh how about an Xboxed size Tshirt because all the people who play games are whales. A little crowbar keyring. They cant be...
  17. urseus

    IF you want with beta!

    Surly the entire community, not just the ones who have condition zero, would be a better test of the engine. ie, RELEASE!
  18. urseus

    Question (New here)

    Welcome. The tests are things that valve are wasting their time on rather than getting the game released.
  19. urseus now has updated HL2:SE box art and info...

    Pity the dod team couldnt get their shyte together enough to release with this pack as well.
  20. urseus

    This Is Insane

    If you look at places like the forums. That place is a cuthroat forum, where anyone can be banned for the slightest indication of idiocy. Thats how you run a forum. Make people think 6 times before they click the new thread button "Is this a relivant thread, do i sound...