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  1. V

    Nice example of normal maps for those who don't know what they actually are

    here is a screenshot of FF hair if you want to compare.. :cool: here is an article that explains in detail the technology behind the movie...
  2. V

    Nice example of normal maps for those who don't know what they actually are

    XSI can do. 1)realtime graphics :in [viewports] only (the place you model and do your works). using your video card. 2)non realtime graphics -[software rendering] done in the CPu. where is the contradiction here.? :) and Yep maybe is possible that artist choose to do their final...
  3. V

    Nice example of normal maps for those who don't know what they actually are

    no fella.. you are not simply following me.. :E Softimage Xsi3.0 and up ,allows Realtime graphics in the -viewports-,only there. (realtime shaders) using Nvidia Cg.. :) rendering everything in your video card. (btw.a good question to valve will be what video card they used in the...
  4. V

    Nice example of normal maps for those who don't know what they actually are

    nope,what Basically im saying is that Normals maps/Bumpmaps (and others like specular maps ) are a fake in Hl2. just that, nothing more,nothing less. it can "work" , for special Static lighting situations ,but for dynamic situations they Dont. in the sense that the end result is not correct...
  5. V

    Nice example of normal maps for those who don't know what they actually are

    nope,what Basically im saying is that Normals maps/Bumpmaps (and others like specular maps ) are a fake in Hl2. just that, nothing more,nothing less. it can "work" , for special Static lighting situations ,but for dynamic situations they Dont. in the sense that the end result is not...
  6. V

    Nice example of normal maps for those who don't know what they actually are

    REnderers can shade them in real time or in non realtime just like ->Hl2. did you only disagree with my definition of normals? or do you still believe that Normals/Bumps in Hl2 are accurate? because i have more screenshots to backup my words .just in case you need them.just ignore the...
  7. V

    Nice example of normal maps for those who don't know what they actually are

    -------------------------------------------------------------------- Hoaxer: What kind of shadows are used in Source engine - are they fully dynamic, or are they partially static lightmaps - do you use a combination of lightmaps and dynamic shadows? Gabe Newell: We use a combination of...
  8. V

    Nice example of normal maps for those who don't know what they actually are

    never have said the opposite.. Static normals can look accurate but only with static lights, :) what i have said is that static normals are limited to special situations .because they are guess what? ->static. for others that doesnt know what this means ,is simply that dont react accordingly...
  9. V

    If you were a developer which engine would you use for your game?

    all the screenshots i have posted are from the Official released videos of valve . if you have the right player.. you can capture still shots at any frame in the video.. ;) with all others in Quicktime format are from the released E3 videos.with QUicktimePro you can also...
  10. V

    If you were a developer which engine would you use for your game?

    if you remove the AI of a game ,and Add DX9/10/11 effects to a game like quake2 ,it still will be the quake2 engine ,with some modifications.Hl1 is based on QUake1/quake2 engines with some modifications. AmericanMCgee alice/COD/MOH are based in quake3 engine with some modifications. same with...
  11. V

    If you were a developer which engine would you use for your game?

    you mean this one ? well not exactly unreal.. forgot about that one.. hehe.. thats NotreDame ,what i posted was based in Chartres Cathedral ,but yes both are in PAris.. :). the game engine is ... Quake3...
  12. V

    If you were a developer which engine would you use for your game?

    i will say the name of the engine the next time. :naughty: here is a final shot .. :) Btw.. it was is heavily Jpg compressed..and the gamma is lower, the originalls are like 1 meg.
  13. V

    If you were a developer which engine would you use for your game?

    hehe.. its to early to say.. patience my friend ,you will be rewarded..but nope it not anything done By Unreal engines.. its only to show you the capabilities of some engines when you want something diferent .. like more realism .. :)
  14. V

    If you were a developer which engine would you use for your game?

    well seems many people here agreed that Hl2 is the engine of choice ... i have read many post for x or y reason. many because of the moddability of this or this ,others because of the Photorealism in Hl2 .i have a question .. which game engine this screenshot was done.. :) here is a hint...
  15. V

    Nice example of normal maps for those who don't know what they actually are

    i couldnt update my last post :hmph: Pictures speak better than words , just in case people have not see the video ,here are some screenshots . an example why Normals the static ones that Hl2 support will need to be used very carefully in the game. because as you will see in the screenshots...
  16. V

    Nice example of normal maps for those who don't know what they actually are

    wow! very cool.. that is pretty much Doom3 technology.. use of normal maps for their characters models.. :) Doom3 original models are 500k up to 1miilion.. and reduced to 3k-6k thanks to the agressive normal mapping :) I think is the other way. It will not be easy for Hl2 mooders or...
  17. V

    HL2 vs. Doom 3 vs...Torc?

    looks like everyone and his mother ,Brothers and sisters is doing a Unified PerPixel lighting engine ,to looks like Doom3 and even "better" . :) if anyone have seen GameDevelopers interviews of games that use similar techniques (RT perpixel lighting) that Doom3 ,will notice the overemphasis in...
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    Ragdoll Question

    well .. im not really sure ,if i understand the question in this topic.. but to ask for Blended animations in ragdolls .. is to ask for non-linear animations.. Ex.. the ability to easily [add] or [interpolate] more animations inside the ones already made by valve. thats is called non-linear...
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    Half-Life 2 and E3 2004

    Stalker release date have been said to be Sept2004. Doom3 some Software stores say Late April .. nothing official.. i think it will be released before this summer. unless not. However FArcry developers in the other hand already released a single player demo. so expect a Gold announcement in ~...
  20. V

    What do you guys think?

    if the pre-alpha leaked in Sept30 was everything Valve have done at that time.. then its very possible that 2005 its the date. otherwise i think Sept30 2004 its the more safer date. the problem to estimate a date for Hl2 release is not only that the game can be far from finished , (if the...