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  1. K

    Noob Question

    Thank you :)
  2. K

    3D Skybox has an error

    Hey guys, I tried my first 3D skybox and all seems well, except for one thing. When I enter certain sectors in the map, the skybox disappears (just turns black). Any idea what may be causing this? Thank you
  3. K

    Noob Question

    Thanks guys I figured out my door issue. However, since I am looking to make a SP map, how would that error relate?
  4. K

    Noob Question

    Hello all Just started playing around with Hammer and I ran into an issue. I tried to create a door but when I run my map I get a strange messeage: Node Graph out of data. ...and the door does not work. Any help you guys could give would be great. Thanks :thumbs:
  5. K

    Other Employeers?

    I did not see any other posts about this yet, so what the heck..... At the end of the game, gman says something about "Other employers" being interested in your services. Lets imagine for a second, that the gman is not really on the side of humans.....lets say he has his own agenda. Lets...
  6. K

    Mature Rating

    For those of you who have played this game, out of curiousity, what does the Mature rating translate to in the game? As in, what made it get a Mature rating?
  7. K

    it would be funny if....

    You know what I think would be funny....if all the traffic that occured once Half Life 2 came out crashed the registration servers. :laugh: No wait......that wouldn't be funny.....that would actually piss me off..... :borg:
  8. K

    Power Supply Question

    Alright, thanks guys
  9. K

    Power Supply Question

    No just worries me to have the power supply produce that much heat.
  10. K

    Power Supply Question

    Hey everyone Essentially, I currently have a 3Ghz P4, 1 gig of DDR400 Ram, ATI 9800 Pro 124mb. My current 300W power supply gets very warm after I start playing games. My current plan to combat this is to be a 420W power supply. Is this the right idea? Should I opt for a 480W power...
  11. K

    Changes to hl2.php I am positive this is different then it was before. As well, try:
  12. K

    Almost Gold???

    And the rumours continue: Feels like it is getting close.
  13. K

    Anyone want a cheap subscripton to PC Gamer (US)?

    Perhaps it is $6 per issue
  14. K

    Concept / Level designer looking for a team

    Hey bud. Black Dragon is definitely looking for mappers. ( There wll be plenty of level design required. Please post in our forums if you are interested. :afro:
  15. K

    skinner looking for a team

    Hey Check out Black Dragon ( See if it tickles your fancy :laugh: :bounce:
  16. K

    Which mod has the most potential?

    I hate to blow my own horn :laugh: But I know we, the BlackDragon team, have definite potential to be great. I have an excellent team that really cares about making an amazing mod. Check us out:
  17. K

    Could it be a lie?

    Some comments about the Valve/VU battle found on made me think. People over there are suggesting that perhaps the game isn't even done yet and this is just another way for Valve to buy time without looking bad. Most of us here agree that it would be an excellent finacial move...
  18. K

    Just Got Visual Studio .NET 2k3!

    I do too It almost makes things too easy sometimes. I mean, VB just generates most of the code by itself.
  19. K

    Need help in order to get HL2 This is where I got my machine.
  20. K

    Doom 3 hardware guide

    There are rumors that ATI may be announcing a 512 mb version of the X800 this September, with it being released October. See: (on the right hand side as you scroll down) Personally, my 9800pro 128mb is gonna hold me off till then. But I must admit, I feel a...