Search results

  1. G.Freeman

    Best. Game. Ever.

    Deus Ex Just completed it once more last week and went straight back to the beginning to do it again. Its that good!
  2. G.Freeman

    help with video

    Can't help you with Win Media PLayer but if you download the free version of Realplayer (basic) the trailer will play on that.
  3. G.Freeman

    I've seen too much

    Aftering watching the latest E3 vids some bits of HL2 have been spoilt a little for me. I really wished Valve would have held back on showing us some of the details like walking through the station and inside the building with all the character interactions and even revealing the location of the...
  4. G.Freeman

    Besides Half-Life 2, which game are you most anticipating?

    Thankfully your poll didn't work as you'd have left out the second best game of 2004 Game of the year - HL2 Game of the years slut bitch - STALKER
  5. G.Freeman

    When will the x800 XT be available on

    So that should work out at £225 in the UK but guess what, some UK sites have it priced at £299 :sniper: :angry:
  6. G.Freeman

    30 Hours worth of gameplay

    I going to make every scene last for as long as possible - sneak about, spy on the AI, try all objects, look in buildings - soak it all in.
  7. G.Freeman

    Crazy-e mod

    That computer needs a good clean. Maybe we should all chip in so he can buy a new one :laugh:
  8. G.Freeman

    READ HL2 on IGN

    3 2 1.............
  9. G.Freeman

    Ode to Nice Guys

    The only trouble with us nice guys is that we're too DAMN NICE FOR FEKS SAKE! :flame:
  10. G.Freeman

    Collector's Edition Bonus Items

    You won't get a "headcrap" but I know of a few seaguls who would be willing to give you one :laugh:
  11. G.Freeman

    Will U.S. Graphics cards work in UK Pc's?

    Be alright if they didn't put VAT on everything.
  12. G.Freeman

    Will U.S. Graphics cards work in UK Pc's?

    We get so ripped off in the UK its criminal.
  13. G.Freeman

    halflife2 for the mac?

  14. G.Freeman

    halflife2 for the mac?

    All Macs should be placed in a field and blown up. Horrible machines.
  15. G.Freeman

    after watching hl1 in under a hour vid......

    Good vid but theres loads of hacks going on in it.
  16. G.Freeman

    Tribes and Tribes 2 Free!!!!!!!!!!111!!1eleven

    Very strange I got it to work without needing a key. It kept saying my email was verified but never let me go to the key page. So I just proceeded with installation and its working anyway.
  17. G.Freeman

    Tribes and Tribes 2 Free!!!!!!!!!!111!!1eleven

    Same thing here. How did you get it to work?
  18. G.Freeman

    Who's getting the special edition?

    I will have the special edition, and expect it to come with a Manipulator, grow your own Headcrab seeds, gold plated crowbar and blow up Alyx in a thong doll.
  19. G.Freeman

    Students took trip to Valve

    Gabe - "we'd have had this game finished by now if it wasn't for those pesky kids" :laugh:
  20. G.Freeman

    ATi X800 Pro or XT?

    I'm waiting for a graphic card I can plug into my eyes!!!!111