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  1. boglito

    Euro and Sterling Now Available

    Trust Valve to use a "feature" like this as an excuse to crank up their prices by a whopping 46%. I can see DougL and GabeN doing high-5s all the way to the bank. And the mindless fanboys keep crying for more.
  2. boglito

    Google buying Valve (just a rumour so far)

    You are misunderstanding. There is no source claiming Valve is not a privately owned company. However, there _are_ sources claiming google is going to buy Valve. That can be true, because those who own Valve may choose to sell. However, there is no way to force them to sell through, for example...
  3. boglito

    Google buying Valve (just a rumour so far)

    There's a rumor being discussed. You see, the Inq isn't always wrong.
  4. boglito

    Google buying Valve (just a rumour so far)

    I know this is slightly hypocritical of me, but could you point out the "other source"? :p
  5. boglito

    Google buying Valve (just a rumour so far)

    And now you know. :)
  6. boglito

    Google buying Valve (just a rumour so far)

    This is common knowledge, so no source needed. That doesn't mean the owners of Valve could not be tempted to sell, so it doesn't change anything.
  7. boglito

    Google buying Valve (just a rumour so far)

    Counter-Strike 1.6 has ads. Google likes ads. Google + Steam makes sense from their perspective. Not so much from the gamers' perspective, though, imnsho.
  8. boglito

    Google buying Valve (just a rumour so far)

    Well, Google knows that a large portion of steam's users already are bitches to iga, so they want a slice of a pie they know could probably get much, much, bigger. And tastier. What the gamer gets, apart from a "more immersive, more realistic, game environment", remains to be seen.
  9. boglito

    Good old games

    Apparently they let people in in waves, and I'm told there is one wave per day. I have been waiting since monday, and am now in. It looks really pro for being first beta. I bought descent3+expantion for USD5.99 which allows me another game (from interplay catalogue) for free. So far the...
  10. boglito

    Google Chrome launching tomorrow

    It has pr0n-mode. It will kill everything we ever loved. And hated.
  11. boglito

    war in the caucasus

    Thank You God for gracing France and Germany with the balls to tell GWB to sod off when he wanted that lunatic to join NATO. Hopefully a permanent deal will be made about Abkhasia and South Ossetia (preferably secussion) before Georgia are considered for membership again. What a complete wanker...
  12. boglito

    space siege [demo out!]

    Demo is out @ fileshack! Mirror @ gamershell. The first impressions on shacknews seem to be positive. I will not be playing this today due to my not so impressive downloadspeed. The file is 935MB. Unless they completely foul it up this is a must have.
  13. boglito

    So i just got F.E.A.R

    I enjoyed fear and its expantions immensely. The combat is the best of any game (despite its faults) and the scares really worked on me. I understand the various gripes people have about the game, but when the game does action as well as it does all is forgiven. Extraction Point was more of...
  14. boglito

    Call of Duty 6 maybe sci-fi themed?

    Infinity Ward have nothing to do with CoD5 with the possible exception of helping Treyarch with technical issues. ActivitionBlizzard owns Infinity Ward, Treyarch, and Call of Duty and call all the shots. Treyarch made CoD3, are making CoD5, and will probably make CoD7. Infinity Ward are doing...
  15. boglito

    Destructible cover in BiA:HH

    Personally I love 3rd person cover (isn't the whole game 3rd person? If not, then YAY!) as seen in games like Rainbow Six Vegas. I also never seem to get tired of murdering innocent nazis. That said BiA compares extremely unfavorably to CoD historically, so I do not have high hopes for this...
  16. boglito

    Call of Duty 5 - back to WW2 confirmed

    Allthough the "cool" kids despise CoD3 it was a huge economic success with about 3M copies sold (x-platform ofcourse). I'm also going to assume that the budget for Treyarch's CoD's is considerably smaller than the budget IW has to their disposal. The point is that Infinity Ward cannot make...
  17. boglito

    Call of Duty 5 - back to WW2 confirmed

    Blizzard-Activision owns everything. Infinity Ward is making the even-numbered CoDs while Treyarch will be making the odd-numbered CoDs.
  18. boglito

    hmm i found something kinda odd that's crysis related

    Exactly what does that quote prove? That Crytek think there is too much piracy going on? Or that Crytek are claiming nobody bought their game and that everybody is a pirate? The former happens to be true, while the latter is something you have made up.
  19. boglito

    hmm i found something kinda odd that's crysis related

    Crytek never said what you claim they said. You are making things up in order to justify stealing their game. Pretty pathetic.
  20. boglito

    hmm i found something kinda odd that's crysis related

    Yes, because you were not already a pirate. Right.