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  1. 00dave

    Anyone who has read the Halo novels

    Grow up.
  2. 00dave

    Anyone who has read the Halo novels

    You alos have to remember that the books were not written by anyone from bungie, so there may be minor differences, and major, when it comes to the lack of any other sparten's mention in the game
  3. 00dave

    Turning an Artist into a Programmer...

    I've heard from a lot of people that C# is easier than C++, and better...
  4. 00dave

    Halo: The Movie

    The story is really really good, thats one of the reasons I like it so much.. not so much the gameplay factor.
  5. 00dave

    Do You Use Words Like "PWN" Or "N00B" In Real Life?

    heh, Theres a video on some website, college humor maybe, of some guy on a gameshow, jeperdy or something, who bets $1337 dollers... made me crack up.
  6. 00dave

    HDD sound

    My hard drive makes a super loud sound, that is high pitched... It gives me headaches :( is there anyway to easially make it quiter?
  7. 00dave

    My reload animation..

    thats really good
  8. 00dave

    Goblet of Fire Trailer

    It's the opposite for MOST people who love the books.
  9. 00dave

    Just got tickets to this concert

    Trey Anastasio, went to one on his tour in may, going again in two weeks.. can't wait. - first video is best
  10. 00dave

    PSP web browser

    Is there one besides the wipeout thing?
  11. 00dave

    Harry Potter HBP

    yeah, there is a locket in grimmauld place...
  12. 00dave

    Head model, for a soldier

    uhhh.......... What happened to CONSTRUCTIVE critisizm......
  13. 00dave

    Head model, for a soldier

    Added a body :P
  14. 00dave

    Head model, for a soldier

  15. 00dave

    Harry Potter HBP

    :/ I've been waiting for this for 2 years, and have had a desktop countdown sence the release date was made public. at another forum I had a major spoiler accidently read because of a child who decided not to use spoiler tags :( anyways, I'll still be getting it at midnight and reading all...
  16. 00dave

    Lesser known bands that you think people should know about.

    John Butler Trio, O.A.R
  17. 00dave

    Where do I start?

    I'm sure a $50 book will at least teach you the basics :P
  18. 00dave

    Bush: The worst president ever?

    Thats not true.
  19. 00dave

    anyone know of a good character tutorial?

    yeah, except i don't want to make naked characters... I can't find one where it shows how to make characters like in half life and counterstrike, with clothes :/
  20. 00dave

    anyone know of a good character tutorial?

    Hmm.. that looks pretty hight poly, whats the limit for the hl2 engine?