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  1. N

    de_officeblock re-release (fixed version)

    Stairs are 8x12x64 which is the standard as far as im aware. I read it in the SDK forums. The texture for the front of the step is the same as the top, you align it to to the bottom of the texture to get the lip of the stair and align it to top to get the stair surface. And the texture aligns...
  2. N

    de_officeblock re-release (fixed version)

    Nothing wrong with the pillars. I've looked at so-called displacment pillars and they look exactly the same.
  3. N

    de_officeblock re-release (fixed version)

    Phew. What a fiasco. I've finally managed to fix most of the issues in my map and I've now re-released it. Fixes: - You can now survive the bomb blast if you are far enough away - Fixed FPS issues on stairs - Fixed boundry problems - Fixed brush issues on stairs and doors Screens...
  4. N

    de_officeblock complete!

    I just don't source think can handle multiple level maps very well. Maybe someone would like to take a look at my vmf and show me where im going wrong?
  5. N

    de_officeblock complete!

    Theres an update. You can now survive the bombblast if you are far enough away. Re download the Zip file for the update. Dead-Inside, I will use stuff like that in another map. I just had to draw a line underneath this one. This is actually my first map so I think I deserve some credit.
  6. N

    de_officeblock complete!

    I'm pleased to announce that this map is now complete. There are some imperfections but I have to draw the line somewhere and say that this is finished. The map now has two custom sounds and gameplay is contained within the building. Download from here Enjoy!
  7. N

    [WIP] de_officeblock_beta9.bsp (90% complete)

    Yep its a HL1 prefab. If I could find a model I would use it in a shot, but unfortunatley they are thin on the ground. I've downloaded XSI so im going to have a look at that.
  8. N

    [WIP] de_officeblock_beta9.bsp (90% complete)

    Thanks for the comments! This is actually my first map ever! And im still learning. I know that using too many brushes can cause problems but I didnt have much of a choice. I will look in XSI ! btw, I saw Courthouse at lanmaniax... very impressive work!!
  9. N

    [WIP] de_officeblock_beta9.bsp (90% complete)

    I've been working on this map for the past month or so. After plenty of reworkings its now very close to completion. This version makes the map nearly complete. Some very slight problems to fix but nothing that detracts from gameplay. We tried this on our server the other night and it plays...
  10. N

    CS: Source Photography

    Server hosting is pretty cheap now and I have a few aquiantences that can give me discounts so I rent my own CS:S Server and kick anyone and everyone that lowers the game spirt like that. Its a shame that adults who like games don't have much of a choice but to play with idiot kiddies who for...
  11. N

    WIP: de_officeblock_beta5

    Yeah I think you're right. Its finding a decent texture thats the hard part.
  12. N

    WIP: de_officeblock_beta5

  13. N

    WIP: de_officeblock_beta5

    Cheers :)
  14. N

    WIP: de_officeblock_beta5

    Hi Some of you may have seen my officeblock map, but since I posted here I have totally redesigned it. Some screenies: T's start on the roof. CT's in the parking lot. Bomb must be planted on the ground or first floor. You can download the beta 5 map here Or you can...
  15. N

    CS:Source rcon commands bugged?

    Doesnt work :(
  16. N

    CS:Source rcon commands bugged?

    bump bump
  17. N

    CS:Source rcon commands bugged?

    Is it me? Or are the rcon kick commands bugged? I have no control over the players on my server. I'm seeing racist and vulgar abuse on our server by kids and I can do nothing about it. I am a CS server verteran admin so I know the commands very well, but when I come to try and kick a player...
  18. N

    Getting lights to work... :\

    Add a light_environment somewhere in your map. Also make sure your lights are not embedded inside brushes or they wont show.
  19. N

    Map wont run

    lo matey :)
  20. N

    Map wont run

    Check for problems in your map with Alt+P Go to the affected brush and fix it.