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  1. Chaops

    Non-steam install of a steam-bought game

    If you have bought CZ or CS:S you can download and play the cracked nonsteam versions without any problems, since you paid for the content you are downloading off of torrents. You have to find the links yourself though.
  2. Chaops

    Seriously the hitboxes

    Regardless. I dont pay for cable so that the DSL/56K line can get the same net ratios as me. If I have 30 ping, which I always do, I want to have 30 ping connected hits. There is no reason why I should be able to unload on someones head with 7 shots of a deagle and not kill them to about the 5th...
  3. Chaops

    What? no black characters?

    So you would rather have it with one black model and one white model and turn CS into a black vs white firefight? Let's keep "equal rights" out of a video game, eh?
  4. Chaops

    Did Steam actually made it easier for warez?

    No actually it is. All of the data for games gets put right on your computer for you so all they do is write a cracked executable and then decrypt the data. I have seen the emporio forums and VALVe is not stopping anything.
  5. Chaops

    c0ax's CS:S script

    Why would you make a buyscript? Any skilled player can buy twice as fast without them.
  6. Chaops

    Weapon Jam bug, finally.

    Yeah. I have heard millions of stories and have had many happen myself where you turn a corner into a guy and go full auto only to unload an entire clip into them with one hit detected. Even when compensating for recoil. The way guns really work, you should be abloe to kill a team of 15 with one...
  7. Chaops

    per-pixel hit system petition

    How about VALVe just makes a game with features that actually do what they say to do. Im sick of a 10 year old gameplay style suffering from the same old bugs. Also I think this thread should be stickied with the included video .rar files so everyone can see just how bad the hits are.
  8. Chaops

    Weapon Jam bug, finally.

    This matched with the hitbox bugs/netcode lagg and this game can be virtually unplayable at times =/ I wish I had my $50 bucks.
  9. Chaops

    Klan Starting

    This is the wrong forum for advertising. I suggest you ask a mod to move this thread.
  10. Chaops

    Move In! Needs your help!

    That mod looks sick. I suggest you try and get the gun ballistics as close to thier real life counterparts as you can. I have yet to see a game with correct weapon damages.
  11. Chaops

    Weapon Jam bug, finally.

    I would still like to see this bug reported to VALVe staff.
  12. Chaops

    VALVe blows

    Much better. :laugh:
  13. Chaops

    nice hitboxes!!

    I agree. Not that CS isnt a fun game but people need to get over the fact that you can upgrade. Everyone wants to keep the same 5 year old gameplay without any changes and playing a 5 year old game on new code doesnt change the fact that it's a 5 year old game. There are plenty of new, better...
  14. Chaops

    VALVe blows

    Well thank you for telling me your personal ethics. Im sure ill take them into account . . . no really. :rolling:
  15. Chaops

    nice hitboxes!!

    If your on LAN your fine because of netcode. Why dont you guys read an FAQ on how games are written instead of flaming with your ill minded dribble. Any net game where you have over 20 ping will cause client to server lagg, hence dragging hitboxes. Which is once again WHY WE NEED PER POLY HITBOXES.
  16. Chaops

    nice hitboxes!!

    I have been complaining about this since day one. I even was banned from because I made threads like this and they became flamebait. I think we all at need to make a petition for per pixel hitboxes. It is time to start using this engine for nextgen coding instead...
  17. Chaops

    Weapon Jam bug, finally.

    I like gun jams too when they are done right, as in AA like you said. I don't know if this would work for CS though becuase it might slow the gameplay down.
  18. Chaops

    Weapon Jam bug, finally.

    Well I finally found the weapon jam bug that has been bothering me since day one of source. I submitted the bug with the following text: "If you switch to a gun while shooting with fastswitch on. You will not be able to fire after pressing the shoot button again until you click it twice. This...
  19. Chaops

    VALVe blows

    In case you didnt notice I made this thread. You should watch that steampowered flash video. :laugh:
  20. Chaops

    VALVe blows

    100th post. :dork: