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  1. J

    Freeman - not much of a gentlemen

    I care...
  2. J

    Freeman - not much of a gentlemen

    I mean look at it. The guy gets his big fancy suit and prances about killing everything in his path all the while feeling snug as a bug. Then poor old Alyx who runs for her life in a pair of jeans and a hooded top and is constantly being killed and then brought back to life!!! Now you...
  3. J

    City-17's location

    Right I know this is all hear-say and everyone is just having a bit of a laugh, but (and shout at me if this has been mentioned before) you are saying that City 17 may be a city in Russia or there or there abouts, but what about Ravenholm? Its not exactly a made up name and it doesn't sound in...
  4. J

    lost coast being a pain

    You can shout and moan till the cows come home, but the basic fact is that you have 'day' and 'night' pictures of your PC posted for the world too see. Oh and you called him a twat - just like I did too you so you can insult that chap but you can't take it back.....awww poor wee soul. Oh...
  5. J

    lost coast being a pain

    Dunno what your problem is mate, but you live in Hawaii and instead of going out and getting laid by a surfer chick - you take pictures of your computer and post marks on how great your 3d card is. Pent up agression? Leave the guy alone! All he wants is an answer to a question - not some...
  6. J

    Lost Cost - Crash On Loading

    Yeah I think I am resigned to having to wait for a computer upgrade.
  7. J

    Lost Cost - Crash On Loading

    Hi, My machine is not up to the job for Lost Coast, but I thought after reading some posts about being able to turn down the settings I would down load it anyway and give it a go. The problem I have is that on the loading screen it flickers on and of and I get snow like distortion on the...
  8. J

    Google Hijack Problem

    Thanks a lot Dark Elf It worked a treat! The host file was full of references to Google so I just deleted them all and google is back to normal. Once again thanks....I thought I was going to be at this all day!
  9. J

    Google Hijack Problem

    Thanks for the help. How do I access the host directory and delete these?
  10. J

    Google Hijack Problem

    I have just finished removing spyware from my machine (Azesearch) and everthing seemed to be fine after the removal. Only one problem. Google has been hijacked. When I go to the google website I get a fake page up and when I type in a search term it comes up with lots of adult sites...
  11. J

    How many times have you completed Half-Life 2?

    Only once! I have tried a couple of time to try it again but get bored as I know whats going to happen! If I get an upgraded computer then I would play it all again on high detail. I did that with Half Life. I played the first time on a computer and the graphics were super low and a...
  12. J

    Aftermath - Quick Question

    Just back on this site after a few months away and am excited about the news of this expansion pack. Was wondering if anyone knew about Specs for playing the game? I found HL2 was playable on my machine, but during the intensive battles it started to struggle. Was thinking if Aftermath is...
  13. J

    Lack of Enemies *spoliers*

    Anyone else a wee bit peeved at the lack of enemies in the game? I mean when you count them up you have: Combine Police Combine Security Combine Super White Guys Zombie Creepy Hunchback Slow Zombie Fast ****er Zombie Headcrabs Zippy Headcrabs Freaky as **** Headcrabs Antlions Big...
  14. J

    STUCK: Entanglement

    Yeah the box stacking method worked for on each balcony and one pointing too the stairs and killed them losing only a few points of health. Took me about 20 attempts to figure this out though!
  15. J

    Impressions of HL2 *spoliers*

    Well after a week of playing the game (now on Highway 17) I thought I would write a small first impressions post! I have to say the whole install process took time, but is a very clever way to setup a game. Anyway got the game to start and just from the initial 5 minutes you get the feel...
  16. J

    Forum gone mental?

    I have been reading posts and replying to a few on this forum for a few months, but I am going to have to stop! Every thread is descending into petty arguments and threats......after about 2 posts things go off topic! All this seems to have happened after the release of HL2. Before...
  17. J

    Steam and copy protection.... Is not working! So why?

    Its not just the piracy they want to stub out. Their games now need steam to run. They want people to use Steam to access HL2 so not only do you have a robust platform to run the game from you also have a system that will update your copy quickly and easily. Steam is more than just anti...
  18. J

    HL2 install question

    Yeah thats what I meant......I think he was thinking he could authenticate on the PC with Internet and then the game would work on the game pc......which is not possible. Yep the offline mode work fine when everything is installed.....sweet!
  19. J

    Well I was wrong!

    Was always going to happen, but Valve have made a fortune as no illegal copies were made before, during or just after this time most people will have bought the game......Anyone who buys the game now probably just adds to valves already big profit.
  20. J

    HL2 install question

    You will need an internet connection on the system with HL2 on it.....there is no way around it. I had the same problem, but a modem, long cable and a free tiscali account solved my problems....easy peasy!