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  1. S

    Glitch of Hell

    Try this: Turn up your resolution, and enable the max possible AA and AF. It might not fix your problem, but it makes for one helluva wall :D
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    which better CS:S OR 1.6 ?

    Yes, IMO 1.5 was better than 1.6. I feel they butchered 1.6 with the new models, crosshair "fixes", etc. I liked 1.5 much better. However I hardly ever played CS 1.6 since CS:S came out, but recently a friend wanted to play and he only had 1.6, so I decided to play it with him. Long story...
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    CSS zombie attack

    I actually found a server like this by accident. When you become a zombie the nightvision kicks in, thus you are now a zombie. The only bad thing about it is that the zombies have literally, NO animations. So you have a floating model chasing you lol
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    M4: What effect does the silencer have?

    That's funny, my crosshair does the same thing... Must be his system.
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    No more ragdolls in css?

    One of the things I dislike about the ragdoll features is the freezing. When someone gets killed and falls to the floor, when they hit the floor, they usually roll around for about 3 seconds before the ragdoll is "frozen". (Unless it gets stuck) You can tell when the ragdoll has frozen by...
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    Lost Coast: The nVidia levels?

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't, "3DC" ATI's version of SM 3.0? It makes you wonder why valve would say you should use SM 3.0 for their "ATI" levels, especially after announcing that HL2 would make use of 3dc. Which has yet to happen. :(
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    Disturbing counter strike experience

    But homie was just tryin to say his pizizzle is haunted! Don't be frontin', *G*. :(
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    Gabe Newell — Coming to a Concert Near You

    I know it's an April Fools joke, but who is that singing? O_o
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    Do you want valve to keep the new player model?

    What do you think of the new model? Personally I don't like it. The old model with some touch ups would be nice, but this new model doesn't do it for me. What about you? Shmenge
  10. S

    Should the Riot Shield be bought to Source?

    ... I am TOTALLY going to submit these ideas to valve. :E Thanks man! (I dont have horrible taste, really >_> <_<)
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    Should the Riot Shield be bought to Source?

    Allow me to reprhase myself. It would be a cool feature if you were getting barraged with bullets, by several people, that you get pushed back. And clearly everyone here wants it back, I think I'll send an email to valve. [/sarcasm]
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    Should the Riot Shield be bought to Source?

    I think they should bring the shield back, but with new improvements. I think it would be cool if, for example, you were running and then someone started shooting at you, and as the bullets hit the shield you slowed down. Or if you were standing still with the shield out and someone started...
  13. S

    was this gun cut

    You got to admit, they removed some pretty sweet stuff from the final. I would've LOVED to play on that boat. *prays for another chapter release* ^_^
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    Which is more interesting, Halo or HL2?

    ROFL :laugh: And I suppose the ingame graphics showing mic activity could've been added as well? :rolleyes:
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    Which is more interesting, Halo or HL2?

    read the link :P
  16. S

    Which is more interesting, Halo or HL2? If that link didnt work try here: Sorry if this has already been posted. Listen close. Quite funny if you ask me :laugh:
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    why no css offline?

    I have the same problem. I hope theres a way around this other than the obvious unmentionable :borg:
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    Please Valve...for me?

    I didn't like it very well either. It seemed rather.. "fruity" to me. Way too colorful IMO.
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    Counter-Strike: Source Update Released

    tides seems like a nice map.. a bit.. "colorful" for my tastes. The bots are giving me a problem though. With a 3200+ and a 9800 Pro, if I play on a server with 22 people I get about 150fps, but 22 bots? I'm lucky to get 1fps. This is a HUGE problem for me :(
  20. S

    CS:S update imminent

    same here :( looks like swat 4 will come first.