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    18 year old kills 5 & himself on day of graduation

    Thats bullcrap and you know it. what about the one in germany a while back, where he killed, like, 13 people?
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    Ahhhhhhhh...this woman will be germans new "Bundeskanzler(in)"

    Is it her job to be a babe? Nooooooo... :rolleyes:
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    BF2 Thread

    I don't give a crap what you could have built with the money that was spent on it. I got the friggin' awesome PC, monitor, ect. that I wanted, and I can't build a PC on my own and I don't want to. thats what they get paid for.
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    Episode 3 Confusion...

    He did his "Magical Jedi hop" out of the star-thingy.
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    BF2 Thread

    Hmmmm, Alas, if only I spoke german. ;( Edit: Aha! I found it! Who would have expected it to be in the open like that? :P I'm soooo tired. haven't slept in a full day. :sleep:
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    Framerates dropped due to another country HELP

    Hmmmmm..... I lived in belgium for three years when my dad was stationed at SHAPE. This may explain why I had such crappy comp performance...... as for your problem, terminator, I think duffers20 is right. I bet its the old monitor.
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    GTA San Andreas Q's .

    No prob dude, always happy to help. :)
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    BF2 Thread

    Plus, there hasn't been much for news in the past day, so we need to do something for entertainment. And I did not mean to come across as arrogant, if I did. I won't deny I'm happy my "e-penis" is as big as it is. :P Edit: oh, Sach939, thanks for the compliment, I hope you get the rig you wan't.
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    GTA San Andreas Q's .

    1. yes, you can tell them to follow you, but only if you have enogh respect. 2. I'm pretty certain that the orders are limited to "follow me" and "stay here". 3. I think so, for instance, I heard that the do things like talk to other npcs, smoke, drink, and respond to your presence. If you are...
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    Europe's Anti-American Obsession

    Kinda sad that it turned into a contest to see who could give the most money. But I agree that the UN should not be about the military side of things and should focus on humanitarian projects. Atleast, I would if the UN didin't suck at that too. They have managed to screw up so high a number of...
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    BF2 Thread

    I have a Q, How do we identify eachother? do our names have to be the same as on
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    Europe's Anti-American Obsession

    Indeed? Thats what everyone says. Just admit it. The UN has no Purpose. If you think of one, I bet I can whack its face in. :D Edit: PvtBones, I know the US screwed up, but you have to admit, the UN had a much larger part in the disaster.
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    France says "non"

    I second short recoil, this was very much expected, and its nice to see. Now Denmark, britan, and poland, I am sure are going to "say shove it!". the EU won't work. Did you know their constitution is 300 pages long? Most people haven't even read it. and their gonna vote on it.
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    Millitary Benefits

    Ah, just incase there was misunderstanding, I meant the US military. The pay and benifits are universal for each branch. I plan to join the marines when I get thro college. like I said, beats the crap outta sittin' behind a desk for 30 years.
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    Europe's Anti-American Obsession

    how do they keep order? you've seen what happend in the balkans, sudan, africa, and generaly the world over, becouse the UN did NOTHING but cower in the corner, preaching diplomacy where it would do nothing. like I said, rowanda, is a clasic exaple of how the europeans screwed a country and...
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    Millitary Benefits

    Also, you pay next to nothing in taxes in any case, free housing and food on base, and we aren't talking crappy, wer'e talking NICE dormitories for even the most low ranking dudes, and houses for the higher-ups. plus, most bases are nice, with anything you could want, and no crime. If you...
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    Chirac - pimping

    AHA! i have it! Ben Franklin! If there was ever a Pimpin' politician, it was him, even tho he was bald, wrinkly, and wore high heels! :D
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    BF2 Thread

    well, I do have to do a buttload of work till kingdom come, but thats not bad. The better the system you buy now the longer it lasts. I've always had generus parents, even tho we aren't rich by any means(military family). Sooooooo, can I join?
  19. B

    Chirac - pimping

    Well, there was Clinton, but he was just sleazy. had bad tase in women to. I mean Hillary AND monica? Yikes.
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    BF2 Thread

    I know just what you mean, thats why I bought from them. I have waited a looong time for this! And Freeman, why not? :D :D