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  1. h00dlum

    All the 05'ers...

    Been here since the start, Boo-Yah!
  2. h00dlum

    First pet dog clones

    OMG, RePet is here! :O
  3. h00dlum

    Moving Out

    I signed a contract for my first apartment today actually, its gonna be great! Moving in september 1st, time to get used to the taste of noodles..:thumbs:
  4. h00dlum

    Sweden wins at PC

    Sadly this type of behaviour is common in Sweden, for example in some schools they dont even sing the national anthem on graduation because students with other ethnic background than swedish might get offended(?) I dont know if I should laugh or cry..:sleep:
  5. h00dlum

    This is why i hate organaized religion...

    Oh sorry, then i wish to reform this thread only to the discussion of The Foundational Falsehood of Creationism videos..
  6. h00dlum

    This is why i hate organaized religion...

    Hi guys havent posted a thread here in ages, but i stumbled accross this video today and its the most ridicilous yet disturbing thing i can possibly think of. Its pure child abuse! But I think this has great debate value. Check it out! and while...
  7. h00dlum

    what drugs (if any) have you done

    Alcohol Cannabis Benzodiasepines (Xanax and such) Ecstasy LSD Shrooms Cocaine Amphetamine Metamphetamine Wow this list makes me feel like a really great human being! Well you only live once ;)
  8. h00dlum

    Zero Punctuation: The Witcher

    LOL hilarious :)
  9. h00dlum

    How fast can you type?

    You type 332 characters per minute You have 51 correct words and you have 2 wrong words
  10. h00dlum

    I have never seen snow before :(

    I hate snow, especially when it melts and everything get all wet and splashy!
  11. h00dlum

    PCGamer Reviews Crysis

    Ive been playing the SP demo tonight, and its pretty damn awesome!
  12. h00dlum

    MSN virus.

    These kind of viruses always fail to fool me, its so obvious when swedish friends start sending messages in english ;)
  13. h00dlum

    If you ran your own country...

    I would be dictator, but a nice one ;)
  14. h00dlum

    Suck my balls you stupid creationists!

    I cant belive how religion can be such a huge factor in a modern developed civilisation (talking about USA now)? Here in europe we laugh at american schools teaching creationism like its fact. Tbh i cant belive how people can belive in those fairy tales, its ridicilous..
  15. h00dlum

    lookatme! on o2 phone

    You might have to "debrand" your phone to get rid of stuff like that...
  16. h00dlum

    Unreal Tournament 3 PC Demo!

    Was a huge fan of UT99 back in the day. But these new ones is not my cup of tea, way to fast phased. The graphics is not even that impressive, whats the point with incredible graphics when the game is so fast and chaotic you can barely see anyting anyhow?
  17. h00dlum

    Action Movie Trailer Music

    The Battlefield 1942 theme is pretty cool...
  18. h00dlum

    I feel so incomplete :(

    How can life suck when you live in Hawaii!? Come to dark cold sweden and you shall see the true face of depression...:(
  19. h00dlum

    Stern's Losers of the Day: Ostrich Pwns man, man takes revenge

    When i first read the thread i thought it said oyster, i was like WTF? :laugh:
  20. h00dlum

    So Who Here Drinks?

    Im drunk now, it sucks compared to all the other wonderfull drugs in the world...