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  1. derby

    total number of posts

    Yeah, if you want a post count you have to DIY...
  2. derby

    i want to say something to the admin

    You obviously wanted everyone to read and comment on this otherwise you would have PM'd the admins/mods.
  3. derby

    Who in their right mind

    It was obvious that HL2 wasn't going to make the september release, even before the 11th. They stole & released it to prove that they could. Simple as that.
  4. derby

    What I Suggested To Valve "LINUX"!!!

    I was talking about the microsoft/unisys site which uses freeBSD and apache. Me no stupid EDIT: please refrain from derogitary remarks
  5. derby

    The biggest potential problem due to HL2 leak.

    It would be virtually impossible for anyone to discover that another piece of software had used parts of the source engine as they would only be releasing a compiled version (very hard to reverse-engineer) and not the source (unless they rely on microsoft products like valve).
  6. derby

    Warning to you all.

    I recently joined a photoshop users forums and I was amazed by how polite and patient the people were there. If anyone posted news that had already been posted no-body felt the need to comment. If anyone asked a really stupid question everybody did the best to answer it. Most of the users here...
  7. derby

    Best Mapper In The Forums....

    The pictures are a little small, do you have any larger screens, with r_speeds?
  8. derby

    Been banned?

    I wouldn't try it if I were you......... Just steer clear of the dodgy engine/code and you'll definately not be banned. Unless you spam, slander, lie, murder or claim on your insurance for things that weren't actaully in your house when it was burgled.
  9. derby

    statis mesh's in maps vs. brush's

    First off, brushes are nothing to do with BSPs. A BSP tree is the major constuant of a HL2 map, even if you were to have everything in the map modelled as meshes there would still have to be a BSP tree. Note that the BSP tree is only part of the .bsp file the rest of it contains entity...
  10. derby

    M4a1 [wip]

    Now, I'm confused, cubes only have six sides, and if you meant cylinder, then the ones on your M4 have more than 8 sides.
  11. derby

    A Date?

    No, he's on about HF2. It's out three weeks on thursday. j/k
  12. derby

    New Worldcraft is "out"

    The HL .map format is very simple, and if the HL2 format is anything like as simple then there's not a lot they could do to make the old maps incompatible that a simple conversion program couldn't deal with. Personally I don't see anything wrong with using the new editor for personal...
  13. derby

    Best Mapper In The Forums....

    Excellent, Smithers.
  14. derby

    VU to French Paper for Economy: HL2 to be delayed until March 2004

    Dodgy translationwebsite version: "07,10,2003 11:16 - help Life 2 the gel document source code of help Life 2 (see News) will many later annoy not only the manufacturer but also the players: Christophe Ramboz of the Publisher Vivendi explained Les Echoes opposite the French trade journal...
  15. derby


    No, I just use them on a 'friends' computer Well my friend certainly does Aparently most software development is used a process of creating revenue rather than trying to make progress. The way in which large companies abuse the patent system by getting in early and patenting things...
  16. derby

    New screenshot?

    Errrm I think there as a leak as Valve have admitted it. Nothing has been said about any models/maps/textures being leaked/stolen. Even if you compiled the source, there would be no maps to play (unless you compiled hammer too!) and certainly no buggy models. A lot of effort clearly went into...
  17. derby

    What I Suggested To Valve "LINUX"!!!

    Actaully over a third of computers use POSIX OSs (linux, mac, UNIX etc), a lot of very important websites (even microsoft, which clearly has no confidence in it's own products) use UNIX servers, so the operating system is a prime target for hackers. The reason people use it is because it is...
  18. derby

    What I Suggested To Valve "LINUX"!!!

    True, it's easy to say things with hindsight, but I stick by my earlier comment, the Ministry of Defence (in the UK) hold all of thier sensitive information on PCs that are not connected to the internet. They have an 'air gap' of several meters between any PC on the internet and any PC with...
  19. derby

    What I Suggested To Valve "LINUX"!!!

    Speaking of people who are wrong, Dr-X, I remember your posts form last night along the lines of 'Oh my God you people are soooo gullible and stupid there's no way that source code is real'.... Hey, Pot, you're black! No-one who is serious about computer would argue the fact that Linux is...
  20. derby

    Now I.D. will have to play catch up...

    If any doom3 source code did find it's way onto the internet it would most likely be via a graphics card manufacturer (mentioning no names...). Id develope their code in Linux, and they dont use Outlook express which is notorious for being succeptable to viruses and trojans. I hope Valve have...