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  1. Gordons_nan

    Dynamic lighting?

    I love the game, it is my favourite game ever. Now shut up.
  2. Gordons_nan

    Dynamic lighting?

    If people want to analyze a games graphics, especially one as significant as HL2 then this does not make them, 'dumb'. Why not just STFU and let them discuss it in peace? If you have nothing useful to add to the discussion then shoo.
  3. Gordons_nan

    Dynamic lighting?

    Did I ever say I didn't enjoy the game? No. This game is the best god damn game I've ever played. I just wanted to raise a question about the lack of dynamic lighting effects. Ok? Now shut up. :thumbs:
  4. Gordons_nan

    Audio looping in menu's?

    I've had this prob with the menu's ever since I got the game and it's got nothing to do with graphics settings or how many saved games you have. My system is always properly maintained and the actual stuttering during game play as more or less gone now with the updates from Steam. The menu...
  5. Gordons_nan

    Computer Games Are Too Addictive

    I used to be addicted to online gaming a few years destroyed the relationship I had with my girlfriend of the time and in the end she left me cos of the effect it had had on her. When I think back to it now, my behaviour was shocking, it's no wonder she left. As you can imagine...
  6. Gordons_nan

    Death by ???

    I once killed a wasp with a pair of tweezers and a bunsen burner.
  7. Gordons_nan

    NY city based subway map (with working subway)

    Superb!!! I agree about the grafitti though, u deffo need some of that (but not too much mind...)!
  8. Gordons_nan

    Ah - what a great game

    Stupid thread imo. :S If you're going to post a thread praising the game then that's cool, but at least actually write something, like why you liked the game, etc.....
  9. Gordons_nan

    [DM MAP RELEASE] dm_poolside_beta1

    Map is looking very promising Zeus, I love the concept. I think yadalogo has some good ideas. I'd personally like to see the big open room as a kind of changing room with 2 sections of lockers/benches/mirrors on either side and a gap in the middle. Could have a really great echo like...
  10. Gordons_nan


    Here here! I've always crouched when shooting in all the fps' I've played and now I do it through force of habit! It just makes you a smaller target and it's slightly easier to keep a steady aim. Personally I think it was just someone with full armour and health, crouching down and...
  11. Gordons_nan

    Changes That Should Occur

    I don't see what the problem with the orbs are, I hardly ever get killed by them :S
  12. Gordons_nan

    HL2DM map by 3D-Mike

    Man, f*ck the competition that map is looking very sexy indeed, can't wait to play it!!!
  13. Gordons_nan

    I'm getting bored with 2 maps....

    For anyone else who is interested, I managed a few games on dm_watergate last night and it was awesome - very, very good map. dm_watergate = recommended :D
  14. Gordons_nan

    I'm getting bored with 2 maps....

    Thanks for your help guys, downloading a few now. :)
  15. Gordons_nan

    Short Guide to Grenade Cooking

    I find it easier to just blow them across the room with the shotgun :\
  16. Gordons_nan

    I'm getting bored with 2 maps....

    BTW I've checked the '5 best maps' thread and didn't find it very informative, sorry.
  17. Gordons_nan

    I'm getting bored with 2 maps....

    Ok as much as I love the 2 official maps (especially lockdown), I'm starting to get bored with them now.....trouble is I'm not a big fan of custom map packs as most of them are sh1t in my experience from other games. I'm thinking there must be a few professional quality maps that are worth...
  18. Gordons_nan

    Map Release - The Battlefield

    I wouldn't even know where to start in making a map :\ Good first effort. Don't take the criticism to heart as everyone has to start somewhere including the blatantly more experienced guys who made the more professional maps shown. :)
  19. Gordons_nan

    any hardcore metalheads?

    LMFAO :E
  20. Gordons_nan

    any hardcore metalheads?

    I see you have Sep and Slayer in your list there mate, but you know, you shouldn't just palm off the majority of popular metal bands just cos they've made it big. I like a variety of different bands from 'mainstream' metal (ie bands that hit the big time) to underground 'lesser known' bands...