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  1. Cpl_Facehugger

    The Combine Strikes Back?

    Think about it like this... it would make more sense to have woodland camo in E2, so it's more likely that the Combine would use it. Plus, we might even get a new rifle with more sane characteristics then the pulse rifle. That'd be really nice, and would make sense for reasons I've pointed...
  2. Cpl_Facehugger

    New info from the gameplay videos

    No, they would be too busy clawing their eyes out after gazing upon the pure divinity that is HL2E2/Portal... Oh, and some might be prostrating themselves on the ground begging for Gabe's forgiveness and renouncing their previous heresy.
  3. Cpl_Facehugger

    Episode 2 price higher than episode 1

    How's about your soul? :devil: Anyway, the price increase seems reasonable. We are getting Portal and TF2 (well... I hope we're getting TF2, but then it's been a running gag almost as long as DNF.)
  4. Cpl_Facehugger

    So it looks like Episode 2 has no new guns.

    Why not? They worked, and they'd fit into the story a lot better then 'AK-47 for everyone!!!'
  5. Cpl_Facehugger

    Is Dr. Breen alive?

    While I would love to believe Breen is alive, that particular bit of evidence is hardly conclusive. By "AI_Advisor_Breen" they can easily be referring to "Breen's advisor," ie the one he communicated with throughout HL2... (Though, I don't buy this theory, as that particular advisor's head was...
  6. Cpl_Facehugger

    New difficulty level possibly in ep2

    I disagree. In FEAR, the spooky bits were 'meh' for me. What really endeared me to FEAR was the combat, pure and simple. It was just so... visceral and cinematic. In FEAR, when you fire upon, say, a stone pillar, persistant dust is generated (just like one would expect.) This dust adds immensely...
  7. Cpl_Facehugger

    Episode 2 - what it does/doesn't need.

    You know, I've seen them actually do a lot of this. The problem is the level design, it doesn't really allow for many opportunities to flank the player, or indeed show off the good aspects of the Combine AI. I think that with E2 and it's much more wide open spaces, we'll finally see what Combine...
  8. Cpl_Facehugger

    So it looks like Episode 2 has no new guns.

    For me, the problems with the pulse rifle are thus: 1. It, like the MP7, has wonky firing physics. I would much prefer it if, like a real weapon, the Overwatch Standard started out accurate but quickly loses that when you switch to full auto. Ditto the MP7. In fact, the MP7 should be made...
  9. Cpl_Facehugger

    You Know Your Obsessed with Episode One when... (Spoilers... I guess)

    Gallum-galla-gallum-ga. ...Crap.
  10. Cpl_Facehugger


    There are other Cities out there. In HL2 in the beginning of the game, you hear citizens complaining about Breen and saying "Damn, I thought I saw the last of him in city thirteen!" -That seems to indicate that there are more more cities left in the world, so the human race isn't totally ****ed yet.
  11. Cpl_Facehugger

    G-Man and the Vorts

    And of course, if it was an alternate timeline, the Citadel's teleporter wouldn't have been destroyed, and thus they wouldn't have had to overload the reactor in order to simply send a transmission. It's an interesting theory, but totally invalidated by the game. :p
  12. Cpl_Facehugger

    Slightly dissapointed with it

    Episode 2 will definitely have new monsters to fight. Specifically, the 'ministrider' seen in the trailer, and when one comes to abduct and tentacle-rape Mossman. We don't know if there will be more enemies yet, but my guess is 'Yes.' Also, Alyx is not invincible. She is simply very tough...
  13. Cpl_Facehugger

    what can we expect for Ep2 ?

    What can we expect for Episode 2? Pure, unmitigated 0wnage, with a capital 0.
  14. Cpl_Facehugger

    You Know Your Obsessed with Episode One when... (Spoilers... I guess)

    4. You look upon Alyx with coveting eyes.
  15. Cpl_Facehugger

    Comeback for Shephard

    Well, I can't really imagine Gman just letting Freeman be, and I can't imagine him simply popping up randomly and imprisoning Freeman again, given what we've seen of Gman's methods thus far. It seems as though Gman working through some agent to get Freeman back is a likely plotline. And who...
  16. Cpl_Facehugger

    Comeback for Shephard

    *Shrug* I feel there's potential in Shep's character. Not necessarily on his own, but rather as a foil for Gordon. Sort of where Gordon would be if the Vortigaunts didn't rescue him from the Citadel. -Performing a mission for a being he knows nothing about, in a totally alien situation, with no...
  17. Cpl_Facehugger

    STFU Bitch

    Yeah, Kleiner is just asking you to procreate with her. :P
  18. Cpl_Facehugger

    If Gordon were ever to talk what would his first words be?

    "Yes, Alyx. Kleiner is telling us to 'get busy.' So gimme some sugar, baby."
  19. Cpl_Facehugger

    Things you want in Episode 2

    Wasn't the point of Decay to stop the portal storms? Or is that wrong/noncanon? Anyway, what I'd like in E2: 1. Either a fixed pulse rifle, or a new assault rifle. By that I mean 'a rifle with larger ammunition capacity and accuracy that is sufficient to fight at non point-blank range.'...
  20. Cpl_Facehugger

    Episode 2 costumes

    Alyx should most definitely change her clothes. I'm thinking a nice leather bikini would be perfect, myself. More seriously: If Barney changes his clothes, he should at least keep the metrocop vest, unless he can get a combine trooper's vest. Some armor is better then no armor, and even if...