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  1. E

    Internal driver error in IDirect3DDevice9::Present()

    dang i'm still getting this arrghg. games will work sometiems and other times they won't work at all. right now it's cs:s that gets the error while tf2 loads fine. dod:s was the first game to start giving me the error a lot. this is getting pretty damn frustrating since the issue just popped...
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    Caliber Updates - Click The Image

    These are some retarded geek shit if you ask me
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    ShadowGrounds to be available on Steam

    Looks good. Definately would like a demo first though.
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    Darwinia. Steam. Orgasm.

    This game is too effing hard. The full campaign is very unforgiving, and maybe i'm just a noob, but only a few levels in it seems an insane level of micromanagement is involved that just becomes too annoying to put up with. Great game, but best in small doses. Frustration will quickly mount in...
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    They Hunger: Lost Souls interview at Gamecloud

    Yeah this mod really isn't looking like something i'd pay for, unless it goes for under 10 dollars and i hear really rave things about it. I've played the originals, and yeah they were pretty good, but i can't say this looks like a substantial improvement as of yet. Even if they get fresher...
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    Is a 7800 gt on a 350w psu safe?

    So I read that the recommended psu wattage for a 7800 gt is 350w and i'm wondering if this is just the 'recommended', or absolute minimum. I'm considering getting the upgrade when the card starts going for around 200-250, but i really don't want to have to throw down for another power supply...
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    How I went from 15fps to 40

    Yeah, thanks homer, nice performance boost here. Though i still get strange drops in fps no matter what settings i'm at with source games. It's as if something is bottlenecked or choking my pc. I've got a p4 3.0 ghz with an x700 pro. I'm hoping it's my crappy onboard soundcard that's limiting my...
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    How I went from 15fps to 40

    How would this program affect stability?
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    Day of Defeat: Source Review

    The review should have at least poked fun at it's 6pm release which I think is the most idiotic thing ever..
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    New Day of Defeat: Source Movies and Screenshots

    Damnit. LAAAME. I have class 6-9..
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    New Day of Defeat: Source Movies and Screenshots

    Can someone clarify with me when dod:s will actually be released? (I'm on the east coast)
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    Rag Doll Kung Fu Screenshots

    People need to quit being such annoyances with their complaining about this game. If you like strictly fps, don't gripe about the new attempts of this game. It's nothing monumental, and it's price tag is rather generous for any new title. People, watch the videos, it shows that it's physics...
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    Dystopia Demo - Post Release

    Does everyone know that this success could likely end up in a deal with valve to release dystopia as a stand alone that we'll have to pay for?
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    Fps issue argh

    WELL, i reinstalled, which took ages with a 5 cd installation. And no changes. I cannot get a consistent framerate no matter what my resolution is. I guess i'm stuck with pretty graphics and nasty drops in fps.
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    Fps issue argh

    Reinstalling is my next step but i want to know what neptuneuk meant because i feel it could be part of the issue
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    Fps issue argh

    Hmm, what do you mean by this? I feel like the refresh rate could be a problem. How do i make sure it's not locked? Mine's at 75 but was 100 before i reinstalled my drivers yesterday, haven't noticed a difference in fps or tearing oddly enough.
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    Sound pack

    Feel free to give us an incentive to download your sound pack.
  18. E

    Fps issue argh

    Yeah, i've been through pretty much every driver. New catalysts, old catalysts, old omegas, new omegas. Today i used a the program Driver Cleaner Pro to wipe out any remnats of past drivers, then reinstalled new Catalyst 5.8s, still get severe drops. I went down to 17 fps today outside on...
  19. E

    Fps issue argh

    Yeah.. I went through some trials today to figure out anything. Even at 640x400 all settings at low, the frame rate dropped to 25fps on dust2 in a 5 person or so conflict (with that autoexec config, the lowest fps it will go is slightly higher). That's the exact same fps i would get 1024x768...