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  1. P

    Guns (func_tank) on Vehicles?

    Damn, I was having visions of machine guns poking out between the stones of my castle's turrets... Oh well, guess i'll get back to work on the massive catapault that flings a shotgun like blast of explosive barrels :) More castle-ish anyway :P
  2. P

    Guns (func_tank) on Vehicles?

    I thought that mounted guns didn't work in DM? Or back when I tried to make my first map they didn't anyway, there was some big discussion going on about it on the boards, but the basic conclusion was that you couldn't get them to work cept in sp. If they DO work now, can you link me to a tut?
  3. P


    Hey, i've created a lot of stuff in my map, and i then go to start making some things destructable. Lo and behold, everything is env_bubbles. I'm ASSUMING i don't want the ground and walls to be bubbles. However, this was the default and i didn't notice it. Do i need to change this all...
  4. P

    Map Naming (de, dm, cs, etc.)

    Lol. No offense or anything, but CS isn't really any brain game to begin with. You COULD put a lot of thought into it, using good squad tactics, constantly developing new strategies to pwn on each level, etc, but hardly anyone other than a few of the clans do. Mostly it's either n00bs running...
  5. P

    Destructable Buildings

    Hey, shouldn't my terrain (buildings, ground, etc) be func_brushes. Not the destructable parts, but the rest. I just opened up the box to change something to destructable, and realized that everything is env_bubbles. However, when I change it to a func_brush it puts the little sphere in the...
  6. P

    Destructable Buildings

    Well, it's going to be one 'box' but what i meant by the fact that i'm going to be using a lot of cuts is that i'm going to use cut to slice that box into a bunch of fragments, so when it is damaged it won't just be poof! the box is gone. It'll break and leave a jagged edge. Course, god knows...
  7. P

    Destructable Buildings

    is there anywhere i can find out how much damage each weapon does? Like how many break points i would need to give one of the blocks of the battlement so that one direct rocket hit would destroy it (well, piece of battlement block, each block (by block i mean the little parts of the battlement...
  8. P

    Destructable Buildings

    thanks man. You rock. Now to go construct some battlements out of hundreds of little pieces :) I think the cut tool is about to get abused like never before :P Wonder what would happen if i let the towers be breakable? Hehe, that'd be sweet.
  9. P

    Destructable Buildings

    Hey, just wondering, how do i make destructable buildings? Meaning, how do i give a cube (or whatever i'm building my buildings out of, but they're mostly just a crapload of boxes as walls) a break value. I know how to do it for props, and i'm sure u can for buildings, I just don't know how...
  10. P


    Yeah, I know, carve is bad to use. But damnit, i'm lazy, and the map is gonna be fairly small. I'm not using prop textures or anything either. My prob is, It doesn't seem to be working. Is this something with the new version of hammer or something? Whenever i select my surface and hit...
  11. P

    My map 30% done, Whats your opnion of it as of now!!

    It is way too big. Other than that, good work. I mean, for it being thirty percent done of course, and you being a fairly new mapper (me too, i'm not criticising, i've only made like two complete maps :) ). I've been wanting to make a map of my school too, but I'm waiting until i can find...
  12. P

    Modelling program...?

    Well, i'll download that personal learning crap. I just wanna model some for fun. Right now what i'm trying to do is model and animate a double crossbow, one that could really work, to explain to someone what i'm talking about (not even for HL2, to be honest). By double i mean kinda like an...
  13. P

    Modelling program...?

    So why not include a modelling program in their sdk? I mean, they include a mapping one. Oh, and that price is ridiculous. Really. Gimme a f*cking break. And they wonder why ppl rip their software off of kazaa. PPL gouging like that deserve to get ripped.
  14. P

    Modelling program...?

    I should be using maya to model for hl2 right? Well where is it? Wouldn't it make sense to put it in the SDK? Is it a free download anywhere (obviously when you type maya into search engines it brings up endless information on the mayans, and i dunna wanna sort(a) thru all that.)
  15. P

    Drivable vehicles

    yeh, what's the fckin point of them adding vehicles? Cuz they weren't that good in sp (fanboat was okay, buggy sucked, and they were the ONLY TWO). I figured they were just place holders to get the code in for mp vehicles.
  16. P

    More triangles on terrain? how?

    I did that on another map and they wouldn't, and then when i tried to sew them, they stayed the same...? Is there any button or command to divide it up evenly?
  17. P

    More triangles on terrain? how?

    Well, my ground is 10000 inches by 10000 inches. So, naturally, the setting of 4 for the terrain triangles looks kinda bad on it. Is there any way i can go above this? It wont let me put in a higher value, and if i divide it up a. it will take a while to do it in equal partitions and b. it'll...
  18. P

    How do I make a...

    there's a matress model in there somewhere. I think in junk or c17
  19. P

    Drivable vehicles

    I havent'. But there's plenty of maps online with driveable vehicles. However, they are all crappy. The code for online vehicles must suck, cuz when using them it's horribly laggy, and you run into all kinds of bugs. Just wait for them to fix the code.
  20. P

    I have three questions...

    I did switch. I had all the blocks selected at once. They didn't move together. Oh, and i WAS selecting them before i tried sew. That's when i got the error. When i did the texture tool THEN selected my faces i wanted I didn't get any message at all, it just didn't work. No team...