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  1. M

    Return To Mana Updates

    It looks amazing! I don't know what some of you are complaining about. But yeah, I hope thes guys are able to sidestep the copyright issue. I've seen many a free-mod (Star Wars mods come to mind) get shut down before, despite being free.
  2. M

    Really disturbing problem with game!

    You really should avoid playing till you fix this problem. Unfortunately, I don't know of any fixes for such a serious problem. =/
  3. M

    Vortigon Transcript

    My interpretation is that their hive consciousness stands outside the boundary of time, so simultaneously they are experiencing Gordon's killing them while at the same time they are experiencing his liberating them. Also, "We are there still in observance of your final strou." should be ""We...
  4. M

    PLEASE help graphic/texture error (pics inside)

    I have that error thing too. It was okay before I installed the latest ATI drivers.
  5. M

    gordon wearing HEV helmet?

    I think the more important question is, what does Gordon do when he gets itchy? The HEV looks like it's made of metal or something. Can't scratch through that!
  6. M


    That would make an awesome plot twist-- the combine are actually grabbing as many races so they can fight off an even greater power. Trippy!
  7. M

    Almost Ready for an Alpha Release

    Don't listen to the cynics man, keep up the good work!
  8. M

    Why do we all have to wear these ridiculous ties?

    I think that's only in HL:Source. The original game didn't have that. But yeah, I heard it too and I must say, I laughed quite heartily. :laugh:
  9. M

    Infamous picture of Hl2

    I think what you two are saying is the most accepted interpretation. Some people think it's g-man but that doesn't make any sense.
  10. M

    gordon wearing HEV helmet?

    I think it works automagically without a helmet. Otherwise... all the NPCs would be laughing at you.
  11. M

    Steam client update

    Who cares? Do you HAVE to know the very instant a steam update is availabe?
  12. M


    Not to mention completely nonsensical. How can Gordon NOT know who his own father is? As far as we know he's just an ordinary guy (so we have no reason to assume that he was mysteriously orphaned or anything) stuck in some extraordinary circumstances. Just my take though. No offense...
  13. M

    Never been so scared in my life (spoilers)

    If you want scary, play Clive Barker's Undying. For the record, I thought Ravenholm was scary too. :)
  14. M

    hl3 plot hints in hl2

    I actually don't think time travel would be that bad, if done correctly. I'm thinking along the lines of say jumping between like 3 distinct points in time consistently. Say, past, present, and future, and Gordon has missions to accomplish in all three. I think it might affect immersiont...
  15. M

    Ending sucked?

    I agree, I thought that the last chapter was another level too!
  16. M


    I live in the U.S. My box was cardboard. :(
  17. M

    Sad ending

    From what I saw, it didn't look like she was being flung back yet. She was covering her face so I'm not sure if I'd say she was being flung back. And I think it might be overanalyzing a little to be talking about conservation of momentum across a teleport because ... well, who's to say how...
  18. M

    I wonder...

    I hope you are right! It will be sorta disappointing if it turns out that the designers simply forgot small parts of the original when designing the sequel. I mean, I can easily see in a meeting someone saying "You know what would be cool? If Barney gives you the crowbar you used in the...
  19. M

    Freeman a Vampire!

    This is hilarious!
  20. M

    **Spoilers** Strange Vibes

    Right now, I'm really digging the whole "resistance hired Gordon" theory. I never even considered it! But yes, it has been discussed in various posts too. I also thought that Alyx seemed a little too sad at the end ...