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  1. S


    All those 14-ish cylinders are whats making it high poly. Just make them 8-10 sides and use smoothing. It will look fine ingame with textures. Also, details make the modle look good, but try to be practical when thinking of what details a player will actually look at while playing.
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    My desk (kinda of akward to work at)

    Man, your desk is so clean. That's why I thought it was a model. My computer area is super trashy. *stares at the mustard stain on the LCD*. :hmph:
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    My desk (kinda of akward to work at)

    *squinches eyes* Is the desk and stuff modeled too?! If so, great job man. I really like the computer screen, looks very realistic =)
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    I need a Uber eazy model maker

    Gmax maybe? :bounce:
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    wrong Animation

    I think somewhere in the .qc file you have to type the fps. That determines if it goes slow or fast. Like somewhere there is something like. $sequence Fire1 "shooting"......30 fps...blah blah blah Something like that, you make the fps lower if you want it to slow down and higher if you...
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    Question about .smd files

    Ok I got it, so the reference smd is the model, skeletal animation smd is for the animations, and physics smd stores a phsybox, thanks alot guys. Is there a certain way I have to set the model up before exporting? What I do is import the rig I use for animating and take the idle animation...
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    So who knows C++?

    I'm more concerned with how the variables, functions, and datatypes all link up with programming a game. But I guess I'll learn that in time. I'm also trying to learn C++. I'm using tutorials from the net but I'm planning to find some books on it. Also, how would you know what is what when...
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    Question about .smd files

    Ok so for weapons I dont need a physics smd?
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    Question about .smd files

    Now I know there are supposed to be 3 .smd models, But do they have to differ or are they all exported the same. So basically I want to know what is the difference between the three types.
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    AK-47 Animations

    No, those are the rigged hands in Counter Strike that you need to use for animations.
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    Character: Vanguard (final)

    Oh yeah, what method did you use to make this? (ex: Poly by Poly, Spline modeling, Box Modelling) I'm looking into learning to model these type of characters and I want to know of a good method to start off with.
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    Character: Vanguard (final)

    Can I get a pic of him without any textures on him and maybe a wireframe?
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    [WIP] Scar L-1

    Nice. It's coming along very nicely.
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    AK-47 Animations

    Thanks guys! :cheese: I've never really animated with a goal but I have played around here and there with animations. I caught the hang of it pretty easily. Some0ne, you're right about the fire animation. I think it's the pin. I'll fix that up. I'm glad you guys like them.
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    AK-47 Animations

    Can I get some crits on these animations I made for the ak-47?
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    FN forty-nine

    It's ok just as a model but perfect for ingame use. With a beaufitul skin it will be just right for any mod or cs replacement.
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    First real skin. =\

    No I'm using max. And to put the textures on I just add it as a bitmap in the material editor. It automatically lines up with the uvw
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    First real skin. =\

    Someone else did the uvw's for me, I just made it in photoshop. I just needed something to practice with. :bounce:
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    First real skin. =\

    Most of the details I made in photoshop can't really be seen in the render, I'm not sure why. Also, I can't get that realistic shiny metal look and details if you know what I mean. Any experienced skinners have some tips for me? EDIT: You know I think it's because of the lack of color...
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    DPMS Classic

    I've been modeling for around a year. Yeah, poly by poly modeling can get kind of boring but it gives you FULL control of what the model turns out like. It also doesn't use as much polies as primitives because You only model the polys that people will see. After you model alot with this...