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  1. A

    Firearms: Source Hands On Preview by

    The weapons menu, by default has all weapons groups selected. When you click on one of the weapon groups (ie, pistols) it removes them from the list. I usually just start off by clicking on all the weapons categories to clear out the list and then click the ones I want back on. M60 ftw...
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    Soldier Wins the War - TF2 Update Now Live

    The storm of unlocks has stopped, hasn't it?
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    CSS SCI FI 3: Hardwired Released

    Downloaded the mod about three days ago. Haven't been able to put it down since. Wish I could keep my gear between levels though. Loved the AK in Italy, but haven't seen it since. Currently on Militia. Really big fan of the adjustments made (ie the improved explosions, ragdoll physics...
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    Third and Final Novint Falcon Giveaway!

    745 seconds.
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    Novint Contest - Falcon vs Mouse Revisited

    I'm definately interested in L4D. Will we be able to choose our teams or will they be randomly assigned?
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    Novint Falcon Left 4 Dead Support and Giveaway

    *peers in this thread*
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    Weekend Deal: 66% Off The Orange Box

    Er, no. They're experimenting with sales (Gabe talked about this last time). Creating interest in a set or purchase drives up sales through the roof, even after the sale itself. Valve already more than made back their money on the development of OB, so every sale generates revenue. Gabe...
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    Left 4 Dead Bits n Pieces

    Odd question. What is the track during the Apartments 40 Seconds video?
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    All Steam Games cause hard crash

    Latest. Even made sure the drivers for the old ATi card were uninstalled.
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    All Steam Games cause hard crash

    Welp, I've been having trouble with my game for a while now (mostly driver issues because I was using an ATi 1650X), so I made the jump to an nVidia 8500 GT. Card installed fine, no problems. But when I try to join say, Empires Mod, or TF2, it'll open the game, I can join a server, and it'll...
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    My Fort

    What is this ECS?
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    Moving Steam from one hard drive to another

    Tell me how well that works, rionhaire, I'm wanting to do the exact same thing. Where's the .blob file?
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    Empires is out!

    It's a Beta 1.0. I greatly doubt many of you were around for the first release of Counter-Strike. Or even for the first few Beta releases when it was still pretty rough. And they didn't even have vehicles or anything really groundbreaking. Give it time. It's a first release.
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    WW2 mods?

    Or DoD:Source for HL2. Which is money, but the best WW2 mod out yet.
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    Little Tips..

    Deagles. My god does no one understand deagles? From what I watch in every Deagle5 map, no one knows how to use this poorly understood hand cannon. The Deagle is not your Glock. It's a high powered handgun, and thus you lose a LOT of ammo and accuracy if you fire the weapon as fast as you can...
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    Mouse Sensitivity

    14ish? Or 17ish?
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    Golden Eye: Source Alpha Comes out Tonight

    They released the update. Funny that. I JUST picked up the alpha, started playing around, then hopped off to look if I was the only one who hated the autoshottie on their forums, and lo and behold they released the update 10 minutes ago. Download, and be glad!
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    where should i buy "raising the bar" from?

    Also, I thought the book was out of print. Which would make it difficult for Barnes and Noble to carry it. Or rather, just any Barnes and Noble. You can look at the bigger bookstores, but it's still. Good luck. It's pretty much a sure fire bet you have to check the internet.
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    Gordon named #1 FPS Hero

    ...Uh yeah. Like everyone does. Don't you?
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    Garry's Mod Creation.( really cool!)

    The pistol is perfectly in place. It's falling. Wallpaper ftw!