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  1. Donut4000

    Macs & Half Life

    To be honest, using Apples Boot Camp allows you to dual-boot the mac into another OS - XP or Vista, and use the Mac as a full blown PC. This means no emutation slowdowns; your hardware is being used completely. You can use something like Parallels to run a virtual machine from Mac OS, and jump...
  2. Donut4000

    Macs & Half Life

    I have a Logitech Mx laser mouse, so I do the same as you guys - I stll hate Mac mice - they are very pretty to look at; but that doen't help when you are trying to blow somebodys head off...:laugh:
  3. Donut4000

    Macs & Half Life

    Actually, the speed is very good. My display is 1440x900 or thereabouts, and with everything maxed out - inc. 6x AA, full HRD etc, Half Life 2 runs very quickly. I don't know what the exact fps is, but I don't see any lag - I can whizz the mouse about like crazy, and it keeps up. For Episode 1...
  4. Donut4000

    Macs & Half Life

    I'll probably get flamed for mentioning the M word; but is anyone else using a mac to play Half Life? I'm on a MacBook Pro, and booting into Windows using Boot Camp - all seems to work very well. (I use a mac as my primary machine because of my work - I use Windows for games, as Apple has a...
  5. Donut4000

    Which platform are you gonna play episode 2 on?

    Mac under Boot Camp, so PC I guess.
  6. Donut4000

    Stuck - Core - Elevator!

    No need to dash about mate - just get the elevator to go up once you have shot your 3rd energy balls into the receptors down below - concentrate on getting to the lift, and forget the core engergy buffer thingy at the top of the lift. Once back up top - turn round, and through the broken window...
  7. Donut4000

    EP 1 screen freezes...

    This is a solution to a problem I had, that may well help others with the same problem. I kept getting a total lock-up at certain and repeatable parts of the game - the audio would start looping, and the screen would freeze. I could sometimes return to the desktop by <alt-tab> ing, or hitting...
  8. Donut4000

    New Health Packs

    <offtopic> I've just noticed I've gone from a member to a manhack....we're all bugs and aliens I see - been away for a bit; when did this happen....If I keep posting...what will I become?...eeeewww <\offtopic>
  9. Donut4000

    New Health Packs

    It's Doctors Without Borders.....they will help anyone anywhere...Nice folk..;)
  10. Donut4000

    Weather effects ?

    Isn't the stuff falling from the sky ash from all the fires etc. in the Citadel...It does a similar thing when you get a good sized volcanoe going off (Mount St. Helens for example). Goodness knows what nasties are burning in something big, alien and wierd like the Citadel. One point though...
  11. Donut4000

    Bird Flu....

    Sorry I didn't reply to your post...I'm off to bed now....but I really should read about it a bit too...1st wee job tomorrow. night-night...:)
  12. Donut4000

    Bird Flu....

    <ahem>...and if I hear 'Fife' and 'swan' again....I'll scream....:rolleyes:
  13. Donut4000

    Bird Flu....

    ....This is rather the point I have been badly putting - it <can> be bad; having spent most of my pre-uni life living next to a farm - I do remember the BSE crisis. But as we have seen from it's close tracking - this flu isn't The Plague either. I know how much the impression people get from...
  14. Donut4000

    Bird Flu....

    Fair 'nuff - it's not like any spreadable disease should be left ignored - I'm not suggesting's just there is little room for other news, and I think a fair balance has been lost at the moment - it is oversaturation, that I'm sure this scare will be forgotten in a few weeks, even...
  15. Donut4000

    Bird Flu....

    I usually listen to the radio and keep up to date with the news - but cannot bear to switch on either as most media sources cannot report anything other than a continuous stream of blow-by-blow accounts of the progress of bloody bird flu. 140-odd deaths <worldwide>, and folk are shitting...
  16. Donut4000

    What would keep you from joining the military?

    As were my Great Grandfather and Grandfather repectivley. They were both killed in action. My father is blood related...he didn't go to war. I agree with CptStern a few posts before - I don't feel at all comfortable fighting wars that other folk start...let them indeed do the fighting amongst...
  17. Donut4000

    The Episodes Start To Slip...

    Is that still comming out (D.N..)?
  18. Donut4000

    If Judi Dench pointed a gun at your head...

    Man - she certainly gets short thrift in this thread. Just as well I didn't suggest Jordan.
  19. Donut4000

    If Judi Dench pointed a gun at your head...

    Would you laugh, shit yourself, plead or <other>..?
  20. Donut4000

    Global Disaster, what would you do?

    I'd scootch off to the country - nobody films post-apocalyptic films in arsehole-nowhere. Anyway, I'd have my pen knife, so I'd pretent I was MacGyver....