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  1. D

    Improving physics

    You mean all sides after my pwnage rebuttal...a continuous stream of selective quoting and not addressing anything I said...the final irony of mindless shit trolling nonsense people employ here whenever they can and can't. I guess people can get too involved with a certain forum/game to have any...
  2. D

    Improving physics

    Ah, I really don't know what the hell is wrong with you people, functional illiteracy, cognitive dissonance, being f**ing unbelievably dumb...? I say by HL2 I mean E1 and E2 which is of course, the latest of HL2...then you say I always mention a game 4 years old.. I say arbitrary classes...
  3. D

    Improving physics

    Such special scripting is obsolete with the new SW: Force Unleashed engines. Anyway do you have any other feasible ideas on improving/expanding physics or have I stated them all? btw has anyone seen the scope of destructibility in Bad Company? The weapons handling animations look fantastic.
  4. D

    Improving physics

    I can't possibly see how this can be mutually exclusive. A lie. Troll designation fallacy as to not address my very specific remarks will not work with me so don't bother with it. I made a very clear description of the purpose of this topic and have been very specific in providing the...
  5. D

    Improving physics

    This topic is about your ideas on physics improvement. I would like to see the following improved: -rag dolls, the only way to make them less floppy and more rigid is to simulate very basic skeleton, I think Quake 4 had very good rag doll physics, they always behaved very naturally. Also...
  6. D

    New engine?

    I'm comparing E1 and E2 whenever I say HL2, because that's the latest of HL2 obviously! And COD4 looks awful and very primitive, it is Quake 3 engine after all and COD4 is hugely graphically dumbed down because of consoles. Consoles continue to systematically halt all progress, just the fact...
  7. D

    Valve development policy becoming flimsy?

    Well, if FPS genre would be more open ended(hugely increased replayability factor) with RPG elements like STALKER such division between sp and mp wouldn't even be necessary(co-op).
  8. D

    New engine?

    Graphics are not a thing to be liked or not liked, certain standards are made by other products, and then you automatically compare from an objective viewpoint. And from that objective viewpoint HL2/source is falling behind. It's as simple as that and your infantile insulting comments are not...
  9. D

    Valve development policy becoming flimsy?

    You are obviously confused, TF2 and the zombie thing is just running around and randomly shooting, there is no story or anything. Furthermore, anything that is dedicated to be played only online displays such inferiority. It is flimsy. I'm just worrying if Valve is becoming too greedy and...
  10. D

    Valve development policy becoming flimsy?

    After cartoonish Team Fortress 2 and that mp zombie thing it seems that Valve can't wait to dump ingenious sp immersion of HL2 and go for arcading flimsyness that appeals to kids and casual gamers...even their support for this arcadic games shows this. Did you also got that impression? Will...
  11. D

    anyone know for sure that a half life movie

    Making a Half Life movie is an appalling idea, imagine all those wasted resources when they could have been spent on another HL2 episode which would be 100 better and more entertaining than even the best movie ever made...the entire movie concept is far beneath the PC game concept and is pretty...
  12. D

    why enjoy supercharged G-gun

    Not really, it's a refreshing break from usual gameplay especially considering you don't have any kind of other weapon.
  13. D

    Is there a way to disable HUD?

    The best thing would be to make the HUD optional like in Deus Ex, so you can have it or not have it by just pressing a key.
  14. D

    New engine?

    Is it because they are overstretched? I find it odd that Valve undertakes all kinds of side projects instead of concentrating on HL2 series. All I'm saying is that it is obvious we won't have that kind of streamlined immersive FPS for a very long time and it would be a shame if cutting edge...
  15. D

    Unknown creatures?

    If you remember from the last level in HL2 were you took a tour around citadel in a pod, in one instance you are able to see large brownish creatures that walked on all four legs. Is this a creature from HL and how come it was never introduced in E1 or E2?
  16. D

    anyone know if there is a way to keep friendly npc's from getting killed

    What a dumb topic, on my watch not one rebel got killed, I always command them to stay put in a safe location.
  17. D

    New engine?

    Can you elaborate please, I would very much like to have a dialog with all of you if you would just pause for a moment and address me argumentatively, politely and reasonably. All I saw so far was fanboy syndrome devoid of debatable content.
  18. D

    Is there a way to disable HUD?

    Nice tip, the font is much too big.
  19. D

    New engine?

    Wow, you people really have some serious cognitive dissonance issues, everything is shit except HL2, even universally acclaimed games. The dumbest forum ever.
  20. D

    New engine?

    WTF?! Isn't Havok the physics engine? And what does that have to do with it anyway since Crysis has far better physics, in HL2 you can't break a tree with rockets and grenades, you can't break a wooden door. There are very few classes of objects with embedded physics in HL2. Even the same...