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  1. X-FacToR

    Very Impressive Fan-Made Engineer Update

    I want the chicken cannon :)
  2. X-FacToR

    EA: Battlefield 3 'Looking Very Good'

    Trust me, I will lose sleep because I "Angered" you, and if you did a quick search you would come up with when its out retard.
  3. X-FacToR

    Battlefield 1943

    Epic server issues, EA FTL why havnt EA stepped up and launched something without epic failure, and im not talking about a few minor stuff im talking about not being fully prepared and we all know that they release a game asap and then patch it afterwards so people throw money at it, not a bad...
  4. X-FacToR

    EA: Battlefield 3 'Looking Very Good'

    So battlefield 1943, this man knows whats up, right now July 11th 3 days after release on a saturday they are having epic server issues. And their news ticker says everything is fabulous. the EA claws at work again.
  5. X-FacToR

    Battlefield 1943

    All I have to say is I love the aircraft mechanics ive yet to come agianst anyone that can out preform me, but head to head when I attempt to fire at someone they always ram into me which isvery frustrating as a serious air pilot.
  6. X-FacToR

    The Pacific HBO 2010

    If you loved band of brothers your going to love this, they (Steven Spielberg & Tom Hanks) announced "The Pacific" Check this trailer
  7. X-FacToR

    Metroid Prime Trilogy (Wii)

    Havnt played any of them but I will look at picking this one up. I know its good and I enjoy the metroid universe.
  8. X-FacToR

    EA: Battlefield 3 'Looking Very Good'

    I heard a rumour of 128 player cap :rolling: and HUGE maps but again that is a rumour
  9. X-FacToR

    Battlefield 1943

    Im pretty stoked to get to play this, after just finnally getting the xbox 360 controller down well enough in bad company to be competetive. Still worried about flying I need a joystick for the 360 :( For me BF2 was my favorite but I loved 1942
  10. X-FacToR

    Which MP3 Player to get?

    anything by scandisk
  11. X-FacToR

    2009 :o

    Starcraft 2 Diablo 3 highly unlikely in 09 imo Street Fighter 4 Resident Evil 5 Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor
  12. X-FacToR

    XPlay Starcraft II Exclusive...

    Pretty awesome, can't wait for the beta, playing through the first starcraft cause im hyped ^^
  13. X-FacToR

    My one true wish

    So I am a gamer of valve, the first half-life was my favorite game of all time and had such a huge impact on my life as a gamer. And soon after team fortress which with its army style team gameplay blew me away with a flame-thrower, engineer and a spy class that was revolutionary for online...
  14. X-FacToR

    Need for Speed: Canonball run

    I remember the first NFS game on the 3do that game was incredible back then, cannonball runs FTW
  15. X-FacToR

    New GTA IV live demo tonight!

    1 hour 18 minutes
  16. X-FacToR

    The is mine!

    Yah but I got a 46'' sharp aquos LCD tv & full surround sound, its gunna be SICK
  17. X-FacToR

    HD T.V for Gaming(Ignorance).

    Heres mine, Sharp Aquos 46'' I love it very much, has a vga PC input as well, and 3 hdmi inputs among other wonderful things :)
  18. X-FacToR

    Twisted Metal Head On PS2 Trailer!

    you know if they acctually had some awesome new titles like twisted metal for the ps3 it might acctually be a contender in the console scene.
  19. X-FacToR


    Can't stand them, but they are better then alot of the new crap out