1001 signs that you've played too much Half Life

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41) Check website every 1 min for new info
This is what I have done:
42: Believe you are weilding a crowbar and you take a whack at a wooden post hoping it will break
43: Admire a lake for the realistic bump mapping
44: Carry any and all objects at the lower right corner of your line of sight
45: Believe that your church would make a pwnage HL2DM map.
46: Consider how the valley you live in would make an well balanced map
47: To talk to people, you walk up really close to them, stare, and try to hit "E"
Yes. I have done ALL of the above.

Yes, I need a life.
48 - You notice that at the company you work for, in one state the list of clients include Dr Freeman, followed by Dr Gordon, and you start obsessively wanting to reorganize the client files in reverse order, so it is Gordon, then Freeman (Seriously, I think about doing this at least 3x per day!! -- I am Ill!). :rolling:
49. you stop talking to other people, even if they make remarks on how quiet u are.
50. you ban all mirrors from your house.
51) Your wake-up alarm sounds just like that "Wake up, wake up and smell the ashes..."
52.You stop looking in the mirror and destroy all pictures of yourself
54. Complain that the combine need to leave.
55. Draw headcrabs in class. (I do that)
56. Your friends get annoyed by the constant speak of HL2 you say. Especially the countdown until HL2, before it came out. (True story)

Thadius Dean said:
29) you draw the lambda symbol when you are bored in class
(this one is real)

OMG i do this!
57. (Said before, but not quite like this:) You admire real life because it looks so much like HL2!

58. You don't see your reflection in a lake or pool.

59. You use dead flies as pherapods for spiders so you can control where they go.

60. You collect first aid kits just in case you're running low on life.

61. You throw bright yellow kick balls at children in hopes that they'll vaporize.

62. You hit a police officer with a paper cup, laugh at him, then run hoping he'll stop...stop...no, no I'm sorry! Ahhhhhh!!!

63. You admire the angles of real life water reflections, wondering if you should really be seeing everything that you are.

The list may continue... :)
one starts to see parts of the hl2 environment in reall buildings or terrain, and plays catch with their dog with trash cans
64. You masturbate to Alyx

65. You bitch about the bad physics in real-life

66. You beat cops thinking that they drop USP ammo and some HEV

67. You visit HL2.net and have over 2000 posts
71. you cant seem to stop saying: half-life 2 rocks!
72) you tell the teacher you have sv_cheats 1 on and your not afraid to spawn some striders.

73)You read war of the worlds and say "damn... those people needed some RPGs."
74) when you want something you imagine attracting it with a gravity gun (probably cuz im lazy :D)
75) when you see old fashioned radiators you want to rip it off the wall and fire it at the next person you see (i did :upstare: )
76)Admire how well real life sounds such as pop cans, barrels and echos sound like HL2.
77)Want to buy a gun and shoot birds down.
78)Want a pet headcrab which you will name Lamarr.
79)Want a very large robot which you will name D.O.G..
80. You always look around on the sand when you're at beach.
81. Whenever you see a wood box, you really want to break it.
82. You tell homeless people to watch out for headcrab.
83) You're competely covered in aluminum foil, or metalic paint.
84) Ants start following you around
85) Old people call you the "free man"
86. You work on HL2 mods for 26 hours straight at a stretch (in progress).
87. You've investigated the origins of the combine:
88) When you walk into a street without looking, not worrying because you think the car will just slide you out of the way and not damage you.
21) After doing something tricky, you hit F6
Ooh! Followup!

91) You've got five minutes to show up down the hall for a meeting, but you haven't even started your production assessment report! F9/F7!
92) You spot a cop down the street, and you instinctively jam "SHIFT" and dart around the corner.
93) When you hear someone talking on a walkie-talkie, you freak and think its the metrocops/soldiers. You take cover and try and whip out the MP7/Spas-12/Overwatch Pulse Rifle. Only to notice you don't have one...
94.) when you throw a grenade at a pile of boxes and expect it to lag a little

95.) when you see things fall down and say to yourself "source could do that"
96. Whenever you hear a cops radio, you think 'Oh no Combine!'

97. When you see a girraffe you shout 'STRRRRIIIIIIDDDDEEEEER!!!'
24Gamer said:
74) when you want something you imagine attracting it with a gravity gun (probably cuz im lazy :D)

amen, if i drop my pencil on the ground and it rolls a little ill kinda open my hand and go uh. and it wont slowly creepy over so i have to get up and get it :imu:
98.You make an avatar with a combine wearing a santa claus hat

semi-psychotic :)
99: You dont drink any water
100: You walk into other peoples apartments
w00t i got 100 :D
101) You draw crowbars from all different perspectives at school (Its so hard!! cant get it right)
102) You get a real crowbar from the shed, hold it so you can only see the top half, and then start swinging it madly. (Yes i did that.)

I was soooo close to getting 100!
major5013 said:
98.You make an avatar with a combine wearing a santa claus hat

semi-psychotic :)

Combine claus is coming to town.
Combine claus is coming to town.

He knows when you are sleeping, he knows when you'r awake, he doesnt care if your bad or good, so get out of dodge for F**K's Sake!!
Resonant said:
93) When you hear someone talking on a walkie-talkie, you freak and think its the metrocops/soldiers. You take cover and try and whip out the MP7/Spas-12/Overwatch Pulse Rifle. Only to notice you don't have one...

Holy crap I have a funny story (sort of) about that!

I think it was the Friday after HL2 came out, and I was playing it with my door closed, and headphones on. I had just killed a few Combine Soldiers, as well as Ant Lions. All of a sudden I hear this weird sound, which sounds exactly like the Combine radio. I decide to look around...but I don't see any Combine around anywhere. Just then I hear it again! Then I realized...ok..there's no way it's in game, it's too realistic. The sound is good, but not THAT good. I look around again, but nothing..So I decide to open my door and I see my dad with these new walkie-talkies, but smaller.

Similiar to these: http://www.habitek.co.uk/Habitek2001EC/cat1473.jpg

Only a newer model. It scared the hell out of me anyways, thought I'd share.

PS: I as well look around and admire reflections/shadows/light glare more than I ever did before in real life...so...sad...
Wow, this is good progress! Already 10.189 percent of the way there...
103) Your sexy 10th grade math teacher drops her pencil and as she bends over to get it, you think... phys_timescale 0...
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