1001 signs that you've played too much Half Life

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You get nervous and shoot all three of your own dogs because they looked like headcrabs and they snuck up on you.
Smack a number on that, galathon.

105) You throw bottles at strangers in the street just to see how many different versions of "no more" they can come up with.
bliink said:
its weird.. i guess its like thinking a tree has "nice textures" in real life :p

I have scared myself to no end doing just that, I'll be walking around and then remark to myself (or worse, to others) that the tree/building/grass up ahead look almost photorealistic.
106. You don't talk. Ever.

107. You run up to people and stare at them until they say something. If they don't, you hit them on the head with a briefcase.

108. You examine trash cans to see if there are any people hiding in them! (Sound familiar?)

109. You carry around binoculars vigorously looking down roads and in windows--everywhere you can--in hopes of seeing a strange man in a suit with a briefcase.

110. When you fall off a cliff or jump off a building (because that happens everyday, you know) you sustain a sprained ankle and land perfectly on your feet.

106) when i saw a canal with reflections in real life, i thought i was playing the game! (lol, happend to me)
Half-alife said:
106) when i saw a canal with reflections in real life, i thought i was playing the game, lol

I pass by a canal with a dam and power lines and wooden polls jutting out of the water every day on the way to school--it reminds me so much of HL2. I'm always like, "Man, they could've put that in there...wait a sec, they did!"
You know youve been playing too much when someone breaks into your house while your in your bathroom, and you wonder why this map wont let you pick up the toilet.
XtremesT said:
You know youve been playing too much when someone breaks into your house while your in your bathroom, and you wonder why this map wont let you pick up the toilet.

Hehe, building on that:

113) You stop your car in the middle of the road with all green lights to wait for the "map" to load.
111) You call your pet dog 'robot'
112) You wonder how this world can run with a constant and smooth framerate of 25fps with such a high polycount, dynamic softshadowing, bumpmaps, foliage simulation, reflections and refractions etc. ... :dozey: (sad, I know)
113) Everytime you see your hand or other body part you say 'whoa, didn't know I actually have those!!'
114) You wonder how is it possible to have two different TV channels on two TV sets ('cuz source can't do that)
115) You try to recharge your HEV at the cash point
116) every time you drink alcohol (a lot) you think 'weeee... this server is laggy... :burp: '
Youve been playin to much when a studderer comes up to you and starts to talk and you complain about the studdering sound problem.
117) ...?
118) ....?
119) .....?
120) ......?
We should have a poll or something to decide the top 10 of all these, and then someone make a video.
Ha, good idea. But maybe we should get some more first?

Then agan, I know we'll never make it to 1001 b/c the threads sink to fast, and nothing will be original after the next 20 posts, I predict.

Ownzed said:
117) ...?
118) ....?
119) .....?
120) ......?

What on earth?
121) and this really scares me...When I look at a tire, or something that might be bumpmapped ingame, my brain tells me that its really flat and that the depth I see is fake. I really notice it when im behind a jeep and its spare tire is sitting there and Im like WTF! ITS FLAT! NOOOOOOOOO!
123: you cant jump very high, and each time you jump, its the same height
yay 123!!!
edit: yayayayayay i got numbers 123 and 100
AntiAnto said:
51) Your wake-up alarm sounds just like that "Wake up, wake up and smell the ashes..."

Hate to interrupt...but I wish I could make my alarm clock do that
117) yell striiiiiddeerrr whenever you see fat kids
118) complain about how many things were left out from the original preview of life
119) You play HL2 DM so regularly, you have your own handicap.
127) You put little things into bright lights and hope they come out at the other light.
128) You keep threatening people not to stand in a doorway to long.
129) You name your snake "Hydra"
130) When your walking down a dark halfway you try and press "F" and pull out the manipulator, looking around for a sawblade.
131) You try and drag the test answers from the teachers desk with a manipulator.
132) You always have a crowbar in your pocket.
133) You tend to wonder what fps your life is.
134) You walk into people's apartments without saying a word, and rip their tv out of the wall, throw it through the window to get a better view of the combine patrol, then proceed to move their furniture to block doorways.
135) You paint people's walls or just random objects by throwing a paint bucket at it.
136. You go around in the real world looking at stuff and thinking about designing them for half-life 2.

137. Whenever you see water you say: Wow, that nearly looks as real as the water in half-life 2!

138. You modify Alyxs animations so she do strip tease.

139. When youre going to work you start shooting at all the police men, choppers and soldiers you see on the way.

140. On work you start killing everybody because you think they look like zombies.

141. Youre visiting your friend and he has a little bunny rabbit that you imediatly finish off with the crowbar.

142. Run around screaming: Great scott!

143. When the mailman comes with the bills you pick up stuff and throw at him untill he's dead.

144. If you have a speedboat you try to use it on land.
Hey guys, one time I accidently hurted someone in woodshop because I had been playing too much half life last year! I picked up this sharp tool and I said: Half life! And started swinging it around and someone was behind me and I hit him in the temple so he started bleeding, but he's allright :P If you think I'm sick, don't be, the guy was a jerk anyways!
hahaha, some of these are REALLY good.
Keep it up. I'll be back if I can think of anything. (2 other posters stole my FPS in real life idea :) )
155. u wake up in a train, not knowing whrere u've been before.
156. If you've actually been scared walking alone at night, thinking a fast zombie is going to jump out of nowhere and attack you. (yes, it has happened)
more on counterstrike:
157. You scream "headshot!" whenever we make a swish in bball, get a chicks phone number, etc.
Yes me and my freinds actually do this...
You plan to destroy the Liverpool RC Cathedral only because it reminds you of the citadel

dressing up like the Gman when goin to work, and scare the shit out of customers when talking to them
I haven't read everyone but....

158. Everytime you try to find a parked car you ge the urge to shoot it with the manipulator...

159. You wonder what version of DX the real world uses.

160) you try to insert a grenade up your ass to see how high you fly
161. I my way to work this morning I kept flicking the wiper delay switch hoping the turbo would kick in.
162. You stand in the middle of the square with a big big log, slamming it in the ground shouting; "I have to keep the antlions away!
163. You have no mirrors in your house, so the immersion ain't destroyed.
164. You beat the crap out of any security guard at the local bank shouting; "Where's that beer you bastard!"
11)- everytime your wife asks you why you rest after an orgasm, you tell her it's the loading screen and it takes a while...
167. When you walk around the mall you find yourself saying outloud "Welcome, to city 17"
166 everytime u open ur window its much like that place u know u know?!?! i the game ................beside that place when the box that u have to move, and u know the one with the strip , the one next to the bare one, but its not that bare, well u could say that, if its on a sunny day, becuz of the reflextions, but on the other hand the graphics cards are different nowadays, so it may differ on everybodies cards, even if its the same make, be cuz of the process manufactors dont get acuall perfect copies of the cards everytime, its a bit like ram u know when they go over the ram, and then they bin it as a lowered amount , ie if a 512 stick was made into a 511 stick it would have to be class as a 256, this is to save complaints or sumthing, but still man, thats why some people have like more ram than they paid for, i need more ram i think ill get sum, becuz i think, the game needs it, i mean uwe shouldnt go be the requirements, its all and act for the average user to buy the product u know??? jeesosoo talking of which i got a copy of doom 3, and i went to install it, and it says i needed XP i was like WT?F i only had windows 98, so i took it back to the shop, about a week later i got a copy of winxp, and installed the doom3 demo, then i completed it and blessed myself for taking the game back the prievious week, but never mind eh, i have winxp now, right now back to this box, yeh, ..oh yeh this isnt the right game, but yeh, soory
168.when you give answers to this thread and then realise you've done that
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