1001 signs that you've played too much Half Life

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hotsnot said:
more on counterstrike:
157. You scream "headshot!" whenever we make a swish in bball, get a chicks phone number, etc.
Yes me and my freinds actually do this...

Hmmm, I bet this cuts down on the problem of what to say after getting the chicks number, cause they probably take it right back when you say this!!
169. u don't leave the house because u can't find your HEV suit
173: You get nervous when you see ventilation shafts
174: You grin uncontrollably when you see a crowbar
175: Looking at the sea makes you want to go play HL2
176: You start throwing cans at people heads to see their reaction, irl.
177.) everytime your science experiment screws up at the science fair, you go "lemarr ..LAMARR!!"

178.)you watch the bill cosby show just because he looks like Eli.

179.)you name your daughter alyx when she looks like a baboon's ass and you are white.

180.)You make your own HEV suit.............out of paper.

181.)You watch the "barny the purple dinosaur" on the kiddie channel till you're 81 years old just beacause he has the same name as barny in hl2.

182.)You watch sean connery's movies juz bcuz he looks like dr.breen.

183.)You no longer enter rooms through the door and instead by the airlocks.

184.)You are determined to find your dream girl that looks like alyx and display your 1337 courting skills in front of her.

185.)you install wings on cameras...making them look like "scanners" and release them into your neighbour's bathroom.

186.)You wear cheesy looking hats that look like crabs and splash red paint on your body and go " ARRRR ARRRR ARRR" just like those burning zombies you see in the game
187) whenever the term half-life comes up in physics class you put a lamda in your notes and get this smirk on your face :E
mikren said:
Ok dudes.....what's the inside joke on "1337" ?
Is there an inside joke on 1337 here? Oh, you don't speak 1337?

188. When the teacher asks your class if you're ready for the big physics test you answer: "Conditions could hardly be more ideal..."
199. STFU
201. DIE
203. You make a thread like this newbie thingy
.Transmit said:
199. STFU
201. DIE
203. You make a thread like this newbie thingy

Read those again and apply them to yourself.

189. lol mikren, i could imagine it in biology class when im boiling leaves so i can test them for starch
"Ahh conditions couldnt be more perfect, lets put the anti massspectromoter, i mean gas burner, up too fifty percent, kris if you could just climb up there and apply the iodine"
(to myself) "Are you sure this is right, this has to be the purest sample of spider plant i have seen so far"
"What could go wrong, kris is a trained professional"
"Thats what you said last time!"

I manage to break evrything as usual
Why is that funny...I'm not a big forum goer....so what's the deal ?
190. you get binoculars just to see if far away things are badly textured.
1848487477784769994548854. When you play HL² after youve finished it for 1 million times like you nerds have
.Transmit said:
1848487477784769994548854. When you play HL² after youve finished it for 1 million times like you nerds have

Look into the mirror first. whos the real nerd, nerd?
192.When you are sitting in the toilet and you see that there is no paper, you try to f9.
193. You punch holes in your walls at home because you know they'll just disappear after a while.

194. You do stupid stuff because you know you can just left click and you'll be reincarnated all over again.

195. You mount a rifle to your go-cart and drive on the beach blasting swimmers out of the water.

196. You join the military and win every war single handedly by standing behind a door entrance and blasting every guy as they come in one by one, to the exact same location.
rustix said:
Look into the mirror first. whos the real nerd, nerd?

OMG you got me there with that smooth and so painfull but non-expected reply.

notice the sarcasme
samo said:
192.When you are sitting in the toilet and you see that there is no paper, you try to f9.

What are you doing sitting "IN" the toilet....french are we ? lol :thumbs:
this would go a lot faster if we all just counted in binary. Technically the list was finished at 9
193. You stop speaking, for ever. You don't even SAY ouch when you get hurt...
20.you change your name to gordon freeman
21.you get your girlfriend to change her name to alyx
23 you start wearing glasses
24 you start getting A in science class
25 you think your x-mas turkey looks like a headcrab and u beat it with a crowbar!!!!
rum said:
20.you change your name to gordon freeman
21.you get your girlfriend to change her name to alyx
23 you start wearing glasses
24 you start getting A in science class
25 you think your x-mas turkey looks like a headcrab and u beat it with a crowbar!!!!

someone needs to go back to school
200. You try to climb a ladder with no hands

I assume the last post counted 195, 196 ,197, 198, 199

and im 200 :):)
rum said:
20.you change your name to gordon freeman
21.you get your girlfriend to change her name to alyx
23 you start wearing glasses
24 you start getting A in science class
25 you think your x-mas turkey looks like a headcrab and u beat it with a crowbar!!!!

you should have looked at how far they were b4 you posted
201. you smile in your ancient greek class (damn greek!!!!) whenever you see the lambda symbol
202. After you finally get off the computer, you are 2 years older with a big beard and long hair. Your girlfriend has married another guy and your dog is dead.
203. When you go to the beach, you lay all sorts of objects on the sand, like wood and metal plates, because you are afraid you wake up the antlions in the sand

204. When you have at least 35 HL2 sites in favorites (this aplies to me :P )
206. You ask to see their collection of Headcrabs at the Pet Store.
(don't know if thats been mentioned yet)
207. You barge into people's homes and start throwing their stuff out of the window because you can.

208. You attempt to noclip when you want to see what people on the tv look like close up.

209. You go out and shoot people for no good reason..soz that one's for mortal kombat
210. yor are late for work and your are trying to get the bus by bunnyhopping

omg I saw myself bunnyhopping this morning... frightening!! :eek:
211. You are faking your friend as Barney and having a beer with him down the pub :cheers:
212. You always make it a first priority to find out who is providing the materials you're testing for chem class
213: You dress your chiwawa up as a headcrab and call him Lamaar.

214: You teach your chiwawa named Lamaar to couple with yourhead when you pat it.

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