2006 FIFA World Cup Football Tournament

The Monkey

The Freeman
Jun 5, 2004
Reaction score
I know it's months to go, but I'm starting to get really exited! Me and my friends tried to get tickets, but they were far too expensive. :( Anyway, who do you think will win? This is gonna be the greatest tournament of all time!
You are from Ireland, Solaris? I thought you were from GB...
The Monkey said:
You are from Ireland, Solaris? I thought you were from GB...
I currently reside in the UK, as I have done for about 16 years, but my hearts in Irealand.
I don't and never will understand what is so exciting about watching football.

I'd honestly rather count peas than watch a football match
short recoil said:
I don't and never will understand what is so exciting about watching football.

I'd honestly rather count peas than watch a football match

I'm not overly keen on Football, but this is the World Cup!!
Sorry guys, that's soccer, not football.
OvA said:
Sorry guys, that's soccer, not football.
None of your posts are useful are they?

Anyway, i'm really looking forward to this tournament, i like my football, England have a good chance as usual (but we all know its a dream that'll crash and burn at some point). The strength of it is directly due to the amount of Tottenham players in the england squad heh. Rooney is going to be amazing to watch, so we'll see how it goes.
football it is! not soccer LOL :D

association football was around before american football was invented.
Solaris said:
I currently reside in the UK, as I have done for about 16 years, but my hearts in Irealand.

Erm, you're 16 years old.

Also, I'm dead excited about the World Cup. I'm hoping that Downing gets a nice minute call up because he's the only Middlesbrough with a realistic chance of going.

OvA said:
Sorry guys, that's soccer, not football.

Soccer is an abbreviation of Association Football.
as a welsh person. i would like england too win.

as they are our next door neighbours. :)
South Korea.

We're going to flood some foreign country's streets with our flag and burn down buildings if we lose. So be careful that you guys lose. :p
I thought the welsh hated the english. Or was that the scottish?
JellyWorld said:
I thought the welsh hated the english. Or was that the scottish?
Bingo! :p

Brazil for the cup. Anyone see them play the qualifiers or any friendlies over the past few months?

Sure, they got beat by Argentina - no matter. Not that I'll be supporting anybody anyway. Looking forward to it. Got all of the matches scheduled in my Outlook calender. :D
Hectic Glenn said:
The strength of it is directly due to the amount of Tottenham players in the england squad heh

Hectic Glenn said:
Rooney is going to be amazing to watch, so we'll see how it goes.

QFT, Englands media will hype the team up to point of nausea but i cant wait to see Rooney...

Brazil too...
rooney v ronaldinhio in final!!!!

can you imagine! lol

(theyre both friends too)
I can just see it now Stardog, Ronaldinho beats one, beats two! OMG beats THREE!


Holy crap big Marv's killed him. :p
KoreBolteR- said:
rooney v ronaldinhio in final!!!!

can you imagine! lol

(theyre both friends too)
indeed, john terry should have a good tournament too i say :p

ok ill stop :stare:
It funny how the english always think they will win, while in reality they are a mediocre team. I would be suprised if they make it out of the group.
The Monkey said:
It funny how the english always think they will win, while in reality they are a mediocre team. I would be suprised if they make it out of the group.
I have to disagree.

England has a world class team. Steven Gerrard, Frank Lampard, John Terry, Joe Cole, Michael Owen, David Beckham for starters.

The problem is they've got a pish manager.
Cormeh said:
I have to disagree.

England has a world class team. Steven Gerrard, Frank Lampard, John Terry, Joe Cole, Michael Owen, David Beckham for starters.

The problem is they've got a pish manager.
I thought good old Sven was quitting?

But don't blame the managers. England's team is at the same level as Sweden, and no one expects us to win, even though we did better than you last time.
Cormeh said:
I have to disagree.

England has a world class team. Steven Gerrard, Frank Lampard, John Terry, Joe Cole, Michael Owen, David Beckham for starters.

The problem is they've got a pish manager.
hmm dunno about all of them as world class, rooney is the only one english player who really is in another league, gerrard, lamps etc are all very good but rooney is way out ahead of them in class imo, he does it in the big big games(Euro 2004 etc, the other England players except te back 4 paled in comparison to him in performance), David Beckham is one of the most overrated footballers ever imho and i'm a man utd fan too. Ashley Cole is excellent too.
"You"? :O

I'm not English, just love the game. Aye, Sven is on the way out. Don't fret though Monkey, big ol' Henrik will surely provide. ;)
the only time i watch football (soccer :p ) is during the elimination rounds of the World Cup.
other than those times, i can't stand it...to me its mostly a boring sport and i mean that in the most respectful way because i know there are alot of hockey haters here and i do watch more hockey than any other sport.
i'm definitely cheering on the US, but they have a cold chance in hell of winning. i think brazil's going to win it, but i think England has a good chance this year - i think they will go deep.
Cormeh said:
I have to disagree.

England has a world class team. Steven Gerrard, Frank Lampard, John Terry, Joe Cole, Michael Owen*, David Beckham...
Paul Robinson, Ledley King and perhaps Jermain Jenas, Michael Carrick and Jermain Defoe if they get in. Yes ok i support spurs, this is shamless plugging, but least we have english players in our team *cough arsenal *cough*.

I'm pretty sure England will get past group stage, we always do monkey, so i don't know where you got that idea from. Sven's gonna be quitting after this tournament (good riddance), but gotta keep it together till then. I'd have expected the Welsh to be slating England, but i guess you gotta support someone hehe.

Oh 15357, i'm looking forward to the korea song, i hope the fans sing it. oooooh oohh korea, ooooh ohhhh korea, ooh ooh ooh oh oh! :LOL: (i seriously like it).

*Michael Owen? Well...then maybe, but he's been out ages for newcastle and he's not what he was, so the jury is out on him.
Wouldn't mind seeing Wright-Phillips get a game, that lad is like greased lightning.
which country does that guy (forgive my spelling on his name :eek: ) Ruude Van Nistoleroy play for? hes an exciting player to watch. :D
Dr. Freeman said:
which country does that guy (forgive my spelling on his name :eek: ) Ruude Van Nistoleroy play for? hes an exciting player to watch. :D
Ruud van Nistelrooy